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CCTC Accreditation 2022

Standard 1

Institutional Infrastructure to Support Educator Preparation

Each Commission-approved institution has the infrastructure in place to operate effective educator preparation programs. Within this overall infrastructure:

The institution and education unit create and articulate a research-based vision of teaching and learning that fosters coherence among, and is clearly represented in all educator preparation programs. This vision is consistent with preparing educators for California public schools and the effective implementation of California’s adopted standards and curricular frameworks.

Fresno State's Educator Preparation Programs, housed within the Kremen School of Education and Human Development, utilize research-based approaches to prepare Preliminary and Advanced Candidates who facilitate the education of students throughout our region. Fresno State is situated in the heart of the Central Valley, a region which includes both rural and urban contexts in which over 100 different languages are spoken. In order to meet the needs of PreK-12 students in our region, we have adopted the theme "Leadership for Diverse Communities," which emphasizes developing educators capable of supporting students from all backgrounds in just and equitable ways. In order to accomplish this goal, our model of educator preparation relies on the following frameworks to inform our work.

First and foremost, our programs seek to model an asset-based approach (Moll, Amanti, Neff, & Gonzalez, 1992) to prepare our future educators, recognizing the wealth of resources all students bring with them to the classroom. We utilize culturally sustaining pedagogy (Hammond, 2015; Ladson-Billings, 2009; Paris & Alim, 2014) in order to build on the cultural resources of our candidates. Our goal is to model using asset-based approaches while educating our candidates about how to use these pedagogies within their own contexts.

In order to guarantee that all of our candidates have access to and can participate in meaningful and challenging learning opportunities, we also utilize Universal Design for Learning (CAST, 2021). We recognize that our students need opportunities to demonstrate their developing knowledge and understanding in ways that are appropriate and meaningful to them—and that their students need opportunities to do the same.

Our program also recognizes that education does not happen in a vacuum and that, to truly understand the link between the theories they are learning in their coursework and the application of those theories in practice, candidates benefit from opportunities to apply their new learning in authentic contexts. For this reason, our programs rely heavily on field-based experiences, where candidates are supported by both mentors in the field and university-based coaches. This emphasis on field experience has also led us to develop residency programs in our Basic Credential programs. Our Teacher Residency programs include 1) field-based experiences that emphasize competency-based assessments aligned to district and/or state measures, 2) include theory-to-practice connections in coursework with opportunities for simulations and rehearsals of skills, and 3) authentic and substantive collaborations built on mutual trust with local schools and school districts (National Center for Teacher Residencies, 2015). Our Advanced Credential programs also emphasize field experience and hands-on work developed and carried out through collaborative partnerships with educators in P12 settings

At the heart of everything we do is a culture of inquiry (Darling-Hammond, Hammerness, Grossman, Rust, & Shulman, 2005), in which we encourage candidates to collect data on their practice, analyze that data in meaningful ways, and use the findings to inform the work they do. Ultimately, our goal is to prepare educators who are reflective practitioners, committed to improving their practice in order to improve the educational opportunities for all students in our region.

  • CAST. (February, 2021). The UDL Guidelines.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., Hammerness, K., Grossman, P., Rust, F., & Shulman, L. (2005). The design of teacher education programs. In Darling-Hammond, L., & Bransford, J. (Eds.). Preparing teachers for a changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do (pp. 390-441). Jossey-Bass.
  • Hammond, Z. (2015). Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. Corwin.
  • Ladson-Billings, G. (2009). The dreamkeepers: Successful teachers of African American children. Jossey-Bass.
  • Moll, L.C., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Funds of knowledge for teaching: Using a qualitative approach to connect home and classrooms. Theory into Practice, 31(2), 132-141.
  • National Center for Teacher Residencies (NCTR). (2015). Clinically oriented teacher preparation. Washington DC: NCTR. Retrieved from
  • Paris, D, & Alim, H. S. (2014). What are we seeking to sustain through culturally sustaining pedagogy? A Loving Critique Forward. Harvard Educational Review, 84(1), 85-100.

The institution actively involves faculty, instructional personnel, and relevant stakeholders in the organization, coordination, and decision making for all educator preparation programs.

Fresno State educator preparation programs have a variety of stakeholder boards/committees to advise us on our work that involve faculty, staff, alumni, community members, and campus leaders.

Kremen School of Education and Human Development
Board and Committee Affiliations

Yerrick, Randy Dean Kremen School
Godfrey, Kathleen Associate Dean  Kremen School
Bacon, Armen Author and Columnist Fresno County Office of Education
Baker, Marvin  Retired Director  Fresno County Office of Education
Beauregard, Don Retired Director Internship Program
Benham, Lisa  Director  Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Clark, Laura  Development Kremen School
Clark, William G.  Retired State Center Community College District
Dille, Scott  AA Vice President/Assistant Superintendent Clovis Unified School District
Dooley, Elizabeth President and CEO Educational Employees Credit Union
Gonzalez, Laura Program Director Fresno Pacific University
Hannigan, Jessica AA President/Faculty Educational Leadership
Hannigan, John Executive Leadership Coach  Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
McVay, Jessica AA Secretary/Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services 
Monke, Robert  Retired Associate Dean Kremen School
Murphy, Anne AA Campus Liaison/Retired Community Based Learning
Petrosino, Antonio Retired Professor CSU, Fresno
Quisenberry, Janine Retired Field Placement 
Rhodes, Kathleen Instructor Fresno City College
Schlievert, Susan  Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction
Smith, Tracy  AA Treasurer/Part Time Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Sparks, Dick Retired Educator Curriculum and Instruction
Torgerson, Colleen Retired Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Valadez, Jerry  CEO Community Science Workshop
Wilder, Larry  Board of Directors The Fresno Center
Yovino, Jim  Superintendent  Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Walsh, Nichole KBC Chair and Faculty Educational Leadership
Behrend, Jeanie Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction
De Walt, Patrick Faculty Liberal Studies
Basurto, Imelda Chair, Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
Horsley, Heather Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
Lopez, Ana Soltero Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
McDonald, Cheryl Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 

Yerrick, Randy Dean Kremen School
Godfrey, Kathleen Associate Dean Kremen School
Aguilar, Bob Retired Superintendent Delano School District
Basurto, Imelda Chair, Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
Clark, Laura Director Development
Garcia, Andy Executive Director Lozano Smith Foundation
Giovannetti, Michael Retired Professor CSU, Fresno
Griffin, Dominiqua Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Gromis, David Attorney Law Offices of Gromis and Aguirre
Hammerstrom, Karri KCC Co-chair Fresno K16 Collaborative
Hannigan, Jessica Faculty  Educational Leadership
Henderson, Ramar Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Herrera, Luz Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
Hutton, Patty Community Relations Office Educational Employees Credit Union
Lee, Song Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Lucey, Christopher Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Macias, Christina Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
McDowell, Heather Coordinator Development
Mercado, Felipe Coordinator Clinical Practice
Monke, Robert Retired Associate Dean Kremen School
Neufeld, Debra Instructional Support Technician Division of Research and Graduate Studies
Neufeld, Phil Executive Director, Information Technology Fresno Unified School District
Perez, Eddie Broker MVP Insurance
Petrosino, Antonio Retired Professor CSU, Fresno
Robinson, Mike Member Fresno County Board of Education
Schlievert, Susan Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Sharma, Gitima Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Snell, Mike Chief Executive Office California Teaching Fellows Foundation
Vuicich, Valerie KCC Chair Lozano Smith Law Firm
Yukhymenko, Mariya Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 


Yerrick, Randy  Dean Kremen School
Godfrey, Kathleen Associate Dean Kremen School
Barks, Brenna Program Assistant Curriculum and Instruction
Basurto, Imelda Chair, Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Espinosa, Ana Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services 
Fitzpatrick, Ivy Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services 
Flores, Renee Credential Program Admissions Center for Advising and Student Services 
Horsley, Heather Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
McDonald, Cheryl TEAM Coordinator Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
McVay, Jessica Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services 
Mercado, Felipe Coordinator Curriculum and Instruction 
Rabago, Laura Administrative Services Manager Kremen School
Vargas, Maria Administrative Assistant Teacher Internship Program

Yerrick, Randy Kremen School  Kremen School 
Godfrey, Kathleen Associate Dean  Kremen School
Amarasinghe, Rajee Faculty  Mathematics Department
Arambula, Diego Founder and Executive Director GO Public Schools Fresno
Boris, Virginia Associate John D. Welty Center
Campbell, Joey Professor Reedley College
Clark, Laura Director Development
Goldsmith, Carole President Fresno City College
Gromis, David Lawyer Law Offices of Gromis and Aguirre
Hannigan, Jessica Faculty Educational Leadership
Hannigan, John Executive Leadership Coach Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Her, Misty Instructional Superintendent Fresno Unified School District
Jones, Adela Associate Superintendent Sanger Unified School District
Kinnunen, David Faculty Kinesiology Department
Lile, Todd Superintendent Madera  Unified School District
Lopez, Patricia D. Faculty Curriculum and Instruction
Marshall, Jim Dean  Research and Graduate Studies
McDonald, Cheryl Coordinator Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Mecum, Kim Associate Superintendent Fresno Unified School District
Morales-Young, Teresa Teacher Development Department Fresno Unified School District
Nankivell, Deb CEO Fresno Business Council
Nelson, Fred Chair, Faculty  Liberal Studies
O'Farrell, Eimear Superintendent Clovis Unified School District
Olson-Buchanan, Julie Dean  Craig School of Business
Price, Steve Retired Faculty Community Based Learning 
Spano, Darlene Philanthropist Retired
Walsh, Nichole Faculty  Educational Leadership
Yovino, Jim Superintendent of Schools Fresno County Office of Education

Yerrick, Randy Dean  Kremen School
Godfrey, Kathleen Associate Dean Kremen School
Basurto, Imelda Chair, Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
Bohlin, Carol Fry Chair, Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Clark, Laura Director  Development
Hernandez, Susana Chair, Faculty  Educational Leadership 
Horsley, Heather Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
McDonald, Cheryl Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
Nelson, Fred Chair, Faculty  Liberal Studies 
Phan, Trang Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Pitt, Jenelle Chair, Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Schlievert, Susan Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction
Tracz, Susan Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction

Yerrick, Randy Dean Kremen School
Godfrey, Kathleen Associate Dean Kremen School
Aguilera, Earl Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Akhavan, Nancy Faculty  Educational Leadership
Barker, Nan Director CalStateTEACH
Basurto, Imelda  Chair, Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Becton, Alicia  Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Behrend, Jean Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Bennett, Lisa Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Benninga, Jacques Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Biacindo, Kathryn Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Billen, Monica Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Bohlin, Carol Fry  Chair, Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Bohlin, Roy  Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Castillo, Yuleinys A. Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Chen, Feiyan Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Clark, Laura Director Development
Cole, Kim Faculty  Liberal Studies
Coy, Kimberly Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Crane, Jeff Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
De Walt, Patrick Faculty Assembly Vice President/Faculty Liberal Studies
Garnett, William  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Goff, Maria  Faculty Assembly Treasurer/Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Faculty  Educational Leadership
Greaves, Mandy  Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Griffin, Dominiqua  Faculty Assembly Secretary/Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Guzman, Lynette  Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Hannigan, Jessica Faculty Assembly President/Faculty Educational Leadership
Hart, Steven M. Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Hauser, Linda  Faculty  Educational Leadership
Henderson, Ramar Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Hernandez, Jr., Ignacio  Faculty Educational Leadership
Hernandez, Susana  Chair, Faculty Educational Leadership
Herrera, Luz  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Horsley, Heather Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Huerta, Teresa Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Lee, Song Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Lomeli, Jose Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Lopez, Ana Soltero  Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Lopez, Patricia D.  Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Low, David  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Lucey, Christopher Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Luna, Christina  Faculty  Educational Leadership
Mahoney, Michael Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Mathis, Catherine Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
McDonald, Cheryl S. Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Mehta, Rohit  Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Mejia, Jose Faculty  Mini-Corps
Mendoza, Cecilia Faculty Educational Leadership
Mercado, Felipe  Coordinator Curriculum and Instruction 
Nelson, Fred Chair, Faculty Liberal Studies 
Parks, Joe Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Pereyra, Sergio  Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Phan, Trang Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Pitt, Jenelle  Chair, Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Powell, Dan Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Pryor, Jonathan Faculty Educational Leadership
Ray, Samantha  FA Staff Rep. Social Media Kremen School
Schlievert, Susan Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Sharma, Gitima Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Shin, Myunghwan Faculty  Liberal Studies
Smith, Becky  Faculty Liberal Studies
Smith, H. Dan  Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Tracz, Susan  Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Valencia, Albert  Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Van Horn, Selena  Faculty Liberal Studies
Vang, Tony  Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Wahleithner, Juliet  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Walsh, Nichole R. Faculty Educational Leadership
Wandeler, Christian Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 
Watson, Jennifer Moradian  Faculty Educational Leadership
Weir, Kyle Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Wu, Pei-Ying Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Xiong, Soua  Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Yi Borromeo, Varaxy Faculty Educational Leadership
Yukhymenko, Mariya Faculty Curriculum and Instruction 

Becton, Alicia GC Chair, Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Akhavan, Nancy Faculty Educational Leadership
Basurto, Imelda Chair, Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Bohlin, Carol Fry Chair, Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction
Castillo, Yuleinys Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Garnett, William Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Goff, Maria Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Greaves, Mandy Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Griffin, Dominiqua Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Hernandez, Ignacio Faculty Educational Leadership
Hernandez, Susana Chair, Faculty  Educational Leadership
Horsley, Heather Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Huerta, Teresa Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Nelson, Fred Chair, Faculty  Liberal Studies
Petch, Renee Graduate Program Admissions Center for Advising and Student Services
Pitt, Jenelle Chair, Faculty  Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Tracz, Susan Faculty Curriculum and Instruction
Watson, Jennifer Faculty Educational Leadership
Xiong, Soua Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Yi Borromeo, Varaxy Faculty Educational Leadership

Yerrick, Randy  Dean  Kremen School
Godfrey, Kathleen Associate Dean Kremen School
Avila, Benjamin Adjunct Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction
Basurto, Imelda  Chair, Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Behrend, Jean  Faculty Curriculum and Instruction
Benninga, Jacques Faculty Curriculum and Instruction
Billen, Monica  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Bock, Stephen Adjunct Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction
Bohlin, Carol Fry  Chair, Faculty Curriculum and Instruction
Brandl, Suzanne M. Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Castillo, Yuleinys Faculty Counselor Education and Rehabilitation 
Chen, Feiyan  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Coy, Kimberly Faculty Liberal Studies
Espinosa, Ana  Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services
Fabian, Thea Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Fitzpatrick, Ivy Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services
Flores, Renee Credential Program Admissions Center for Advising and Student Services
Galvan, Jessica Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Guzman, Lynette Faculty Curriculum and Instruction
Hart, Steven M. Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Henderson, Ashley Marie Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Herrera, Luz  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Horsley, Heather Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Huerta, Teresa Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Lomeli, Jose  Faculty Liberal Studies
Lopez, Ana Soltero Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Macias, Christina  Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Mahoney, Michael Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
McConnell, Michelle Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
McVay, Jessica  Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services
Mercado, Felipe  Coordinator Clinical Practice
Shin, Myunghwan Faculty Liberal Studies
Nakashima, Sherri  State Credential Applications Center for Advising and Student Services
Nelson, Frederick Peinado  Chair, Faculty  Liberal Studies
Smith, Becky L. Noël  Faculty Liberal Studies
Smith, Tracy  Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Van Horn, Selena  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Villanueva, Gladys M. Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Wahleithner, Juliet  Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Wenrick, Melanie  Full-time Lecturer Curriculum and Instruction
Youssef, Ellen  Adjunct Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education

Castro, Joseph President CSU, Fresno 
Jimenez-Sandoval, Saul Provost  CSU, Fresno 
Fu, Xuanning Vice Provost CSU, Fresno 
Yerrick, Randy Dean  Kremen School 
Godfrey, Kathleen Interim Associate Dean Kremen School 
Akhavan, Nancy Faculty  Educational Leadership 
Alvarado, Andrew Superintendent Central Unified School District
Andrews, David Director Science and Math Education Center
Banuelos, Francisco Executive Vice President West Hills College Coalinga 
Barker, Nan Director  CalStateTEACH
Basurto, Imelda Chair, Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Bennett, Lori President Clovis Community College
Bohlin, Carol Fry Chair, Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Brown, Cindy Director Porterville Unified School District
Buckley, Jerry  President Reedley College
Calvin, Brent Superintendent/President College of the Sequoias
Campbell, John Superintendent Kings Canyon Unified SD
Cardoza, Doug Assistant Superintendent Visalia Unified School District
Casarez, Joe Administrator, Human Resources Madera County Superintendent of Schools
Clark, Kristin President West Hills College Lemoore
Clark, Laura Director Development
Cogan, Frederick Executive Director Madera County Superintendent of Schools
Conner, Neil Faculty  Geography and City and Regional Planning
Costa-Smith, Karen  BTSA Coordinator Sanger Unified
Countee, Jerome Vice Chancellor State Center Community College District 
Coy, Kimberly Faculty, Coordinator Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Cummins, Jeffrey Interim Dean College of Social Sciences
Fisher, Tanya Superintendent Selma Unified School District
Franks, Mable Interim Director John D. Welty Center
Freitas, Russell Superintendent Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified
Gabler, Joy C. Superintendent Hanford Elementary
Gist, Clare Superintendent Tulare City Schools
Goldsmith, Carole President Fresno City College
Gonzalez, Laura Superintendent Woodlake Unified School District
Gonzalez, Luz Dean Fresno State Visalia Campus
Gutierrez, Hank Assistant Superintendent Fresno County Office of Education
Habib, Claudia President Porterville College
Hauser, Linda Faculty  Educational Leadership 
Hernandez, Ignacio Director, Faculty Educational Leadership 
Hernandez, Joe Superintendent Dinuba Unified SD
Hernandez, Susana Chair/Faculty Educational Leadership 
Hickman, Jeffie Superintendent/Principal University High School 
Hire, Tim Superintendent Tulare County Office of Education
Hollingshead, Brian  Superintendent Tulare City School District
Horsley, Heather Faculty Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Hovsepian, Ginny Board of Trustees Clovis Unified School District
Huerta, Teresa Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Johnson (Goodson), Cheryl Educator Fresno City College
Jones, Adela Superintendent Sanger Unified
Kelejian, Jack  Assistant Superintendent Central Unified School District
Lara, Cheryl Associate Superintendent Madera County Office of Education
Lile, Todd Superintendent Madera Unified School District
Lopez, Ana Soltero Coordinator Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Lopez, Patricia Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Lopez, Paul Superintendent Mendota Unified School District
Macias, Martin Superintendent Golden Plains Unified School District
Maldonado, Maria Associate Superintendent Fresno Unified 
Marietti, Paul Superintendent Fowler Unified
Marshall, Jim Dean Research and Graduate Studies 
Martinez, Valerie Principal  Fresno Unified School District
Massetti, Cecilia Superintendent Madera County Superintendent of Schools
McDonald, Cheryl Coordinator Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Mecum, Kim Associate Superintendent Fresno Unified School District
Merlo, Rich Superintendent Corcoran Joint Unified School District
Meyer, Christopher Dean College of Science and Mathematics
Moore, Scott Dean Continuing and Global Education
Moradian-Watson, Jennifer Faculty Educational Leadership
Morales-Young, Teresa Administrator, Teacher Development Fresno Unified School District
Morris, Randy Superintendent Washington Unified School District
Nankivell, Deb CEO Fresno Business Council
Nelson, Bob Superintendent  Fresno Unified School District
Nelson, Fred Chair, Faculty  Liberal Studies
Nelson, Nate Superintendent Porterville Unified School District
Nieves, Lupe Superintendent Laton Unified School District
Nunna, Ram Dean Lyles College of Engineering
O'Farrell, Eimear Superintendent Clovis Unified School District
Olson-Buchanan, Julie Dean Craig School of Business
Parra, Debbie Assistant Superintendent Clovis Unified School District
Percell, Jeff Superintendent  Riverdale Joint Unified School District 
Piedra, Erica Principal  Leavenworth Elementary
Pierschbacher, Philip Assistant Superintendent of HR Tulare City Schools
Preston, James Vice President Educational Services West Hills College Lemoore
Protzman, Tricia Director, Human Resources Madera County Office of Education 
Ravalin, Tamara Interim Superintendent Visalia Unified School District
Reyna, Angel President Madera and Oakhurst Community College Centers
Rivera, Rosalinda Superintendent Delano Union SD
Rizzo, Sophia Director, Human Resources Washington Unified School District
Rodriguez, Tony Superintendent Tulare Joint Union High School
Rosa, Victor Superintendent Hanford Joint Union High School District
Schlievert, Susan Faculty  Curriculum and Instruction 
Seabert, Denise Dean Health and Human Services
Sever, Wes Superintendent Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District
Snell, Mike Chief Executive Officer California Teaching Fellows Foundation
Stuemky, Martha Assistant Superintendent Porterville Unified School District
Sylvia, Darren Superintendent Chawanakee Unified School District
Thames, Brenda President West Hills College Coalinga 
Toscano, Sandra Principal  Ewing Elementary
Turmon, Shannon Instructor West Hills College Lemoore
Ulrich, Don Deputy Superintendent Clovis Unified School District
Valdez, Yolanda Superintendent Cutler-Orosi
Vega LaSerna, Jennifer Vice President, Academic Services College of the Sequoias
Villanueva, Lori Superintendent Coaling-Huron Unified School District
Wahleithner, Juliet Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Wheaton, Craig Deputy Superintendent Tulare County Office of Education
Wilcoxson, Jesse Dean of Business, Social Science and Consumer Family Studies College of the Sequoias
Yovino, Jim Superintendent of Schools Fresno County Office of Education

Yerrick, Randy Dean Kremen School
Godfrey, Kathleen Associate Dean Kremen School
Fausto, Robert Superintendent Kerman Unified School District
Freitas, Russell Superintendent Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School District 
Gutierrez, Hank Deputy Superintendent Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
Horsley, Heather Faculty  Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education 
Lopez, Paul Superintendent Mendota Unified School District
Macias, Martin Superintendent Golden Plains Unified School District 
Snell, Mike Chief Executive Officer California Teaching Fellows Foundation

Basurto, Imelda SS Chair, Dept. Chair Literacy, Early, Bilingual, and Special Education
Arvisu, Jaime Advisor, Director Advising and Resource Center, College of Science and Mathematics
Parham, Art Advisor, Faculty Animal Sciences and Agricultural Education
Roccoa, Steve Advisor, Faculty Animal Sciences and Agricultural Education
Vaughn, Rosco Advisor, Faculty Animal Sciences and Agricultural Education
Koo, Ahran Advisor, Faculty Art and Design Department
Andrews, David Coordinator, Faculty Biology Department
Hansen, Ali Advisor, Faculty Biology Department
Espinosa, Ana Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services
Fitzpatrick, Ivy Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services
McVay, Jessica Academic Advisor Center for Advising and Student Services
Mandaville, Alison Advisor, Faculty English Department 
Conner, Neil Coordinator, Faculty Geography and City and Regional Planning
Sischo, Robin Advisor, Faculty History Department
Austin, Darnell Advisor, Faculty Industrial Technology Department
Lewis, Dawn Advisor, Faculty Kinesiology Department
Amarasinghe, Rajee Advisor, Chair, Faculty  Mathematics Department
Burger, Lance Advisor, Faculty  Mathematics Department
Tuska, Agnes Advisor, Faculty Mathematics Department
Morillo, Maria Dolores Advisor, Faculty Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures Department
Munoz, Natalie Advisor, Faculty Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures Department
Mason, Emily Advisor, Faculty Music Department
Mowrer, Tony Advisor, Faculty Music Department

Program-Specific Stakeholder Involvement

Advisory Committee

  • David Caetano, Chairman
  • Laura Hensen, Ag Teacher
  • Shay Williams-Hopper, Regional Supervisor
  • Charles Parker, State Supervisor
  • Matt Patton, CATA Executive Director
  • Sam Merideth, Ag Teacher
  • Nick Deftereos, Community College Instructor
  • Chris Williams, Ag Teacher
  • Liz Hudson, Communications 

Program Committee Meetings

  • Ana K. Soltero Lopez, BAP coordinator & faculty, CSU Fresno
  • Luz Herrera, BAP faculty, CSU Fresno
  • Tony Vang, BAP faculty, CSU Fresno
  • Teresa Huerta, BAP faculty, CSU Fresno
  • Patricia D. Lopez, BAP faculty & Ensenamos en el Valle Central Director, CSU Fresno
  • Fred Nelson, Liberal Studies chair, CSU Fresno
  • Heather Horsley, Multiple subject credential coordinator, CSU Fresno
  • Bernadette Vazquez, BAP clinical practice coach, CSU Fresno
  • Juan Silva, clinical practice coach, CSU Fresno
  • Belen Hoyt, clinical practice coach, CSU Fresno
  • Nora Guillen, Madera Unified Coordinator of Dual Language Immersion (DLI) & Teacher Residency Programs
  • Maria Valdez, Central California Dual Language Consortium (CCDLC), co-chair
  • Vicky Xiong-Lor, Central California Dual Language Consortium (CCDLC), co-chair 

Deaf Education Personnel Program (DEPP) Grant Advisory Board

  • Janice Smith-Warshaw, Program Coordinator of Deaf Education, California State University Fresno
  • Adele Eberwein, Elementary Principal, CSD Fremont;
  • Natasha Kordus, Assessment Supervisor, CSD Riverside;
  • Janelle Green, Elementary Principal, CSD Riverside
  • Antwan Miller, Ass’t Principal, Kern County Supt. of Schools Office
  • Leslie Cox, Program Director, Fresno County Supt. of Schools Office
  • Sean Virnig, Executive Director of Special Education-SELPA, Fresno Unified School District

Early Childhood Education Advisory Board

  • Jennifer Airheart, Steinbeck (Central)
  • Jack Benninga, ECE Faculty
  • Monica Billen, ECE Faculty
  • Feiyan Chen, ECE Faculty
  • Diana Decker, FCC & CPIN
  • Charmaine Fitzgerald, FCC
  • Karen Garlick, Central
  • Susan Glover, Steinbeck (Central)
  • Wilma Hashimoto, FPU
  • Heather Horsley, ECE Faculty
  • Catherine Mathis, ECE Faculty
  • Susan McCloskey, Viking (FUSD)
  • MaryBeth Miller, Fresno City
  • Mor Thor, MA Alum
  • Rebecca Wilson, MA Alum
  • Pei-Ying Wu, ECE Faculty
  • Yer Xiong, MA Student 

Annual Check-In with Superintendent or Designee

  • Debbie Para, Clovis USD
  • Tamara Ravlin, Visalia USD
  • Adela Jones, Sanger USD
  • Dennis Weichman, Sanger USD
  • Jack Kelejian, Central USD
  • John Campbell, Kings Canyon USD
  • Luis Gonzalez, Kings Canyon USD

Residency Planning and Coordination Meetings with Clovis Unified School District Administration

  • Dr. Kathleen Godfrey, Interim Associate Dean, Kremen School of Education & Human Development, CSU Fresno
  • Dr. Kimberly Coy, Associate Professor, Special Education, CSU Fresno
  • Dr. Heather Horsley, Assistant Professor and Residency Coordinator, CSU Fresno
  • Laura Hart, Principal, Miramonte Elementary School, Clovis Unified

Meeting with CSU Trustee for Information Gathering and Program Input

  • CSU Trustee Romey-Sabalius

Special Education Clinical Practice Placements

  • Janine Quisenberry, Coordinator, Clinical Practice Placements [to 2018]
  • Dr. Tracy Smith, Special Education Clinical Practice Placements Lead [2018-2020]

Clovis Unified Placement Meeting

  • Dr. Imelda Basurto, Dept. Chair, LEBSE

Fresno Unified Placement Meeting

  • Dr. Tracy Smith, Special Education Placements Lead  

Fresno State Special Education Coaches: Monthly Meetings with Special Education Clinical Practice Coaches

  • Cheryl McDonald, Coordinator and Faculty, Education Specialist and Dual Credential Programs

CSU Fresno Special Education Coaches:

  • Barbara Williford 

Regional Coordinating Council Standing Meeting

  • Cheryl McDonald, Coordinator and Faculty, Education Specialist and Dual Credential Programs

Special Education Advisory Board

  • Dr. Colleen Torgerson. Professor

Fresno State “Carolyn Dobbs Special Education Teacher of the Year” Annual Event

  • Dr. Paul Beare, Dean, Kremen School of Education & Human Development, CSU Fresno

Superintendents, Board Members, Program Specialists,  Principals, Event Nominees and Guests: Central Unified School District

  • Chawanakee Unified School District 
  • Tulare County Office of Education

Central Unified School District Personnel: Discussion of  Central Unified Expansion Grant

  • Dr. Cathy Yun, Chair, Dept. of Literacy, Early, Bilingual and Special Education

Fresno Unified School District Residency Partnership for Dual Mild/Moderate, Multiple Subject/BAP and STEM Residencies

  • Dr. Laura Alamillo, Interim Dean, Kremen School of Education & Human Development, CSU Fresno
  • Cyndy Quintana, Administrator, Human Resources, Fresno Unified School District

FUSD-University Partnership Meeting (Quarterly)

Fresno Unified

  • Kim Mecum
  • Teresa Morales-Young
  • Julie Severns
  • Paul Idsvoog
  • Kim Collins
  • Felicia Quarles-Treadwell
  • Carlos Castillo

Fresno Pacific University

  • Linda Hoff
  • Robin Perry

CSU Fresno

  • Kathleen Godfrey
  • Heather Horsley

National University

  • Jyothi Bathina
  • Lee Ann Wylie

Kremen Basic Credential and Curriculum Committee (Monthly)

  1. One faculty member from each of the departments offering courses for the undergraduate degree and preliminary or clear credentials.
  2. Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Special Education Coordinators.
  3. One Department Chair, from a department offering courses for the undergraduate and preliminary or clear credential -ex officio (appointed by the Dean in consultation with chairs).
  4. Two at large faculty members (elected by the KSOEHD Assembly).
  5. One student enrolled in a basic credential program (appointed by the committee at the beginning of each academic year).
  6. The chair of the committee is elected annually by the committee.
Multiple Subject Credential Committee (Monthly Program Meetings)
  • Heather Horsley, Program Coordinator, Chair;
  • Randy Yerrick, Dean;
  • Kathleen Godfrey, Interim Associate Dean;
  • Renee Flores Admissions analyst;
  • Sherri Nakashima, Credential Analyst;
  • Ivy Fitzpatrick, Credential Admissions Advisor;
  • Felipe Mercado, Office of Clinical Practice Coordinator;
  • Brenna Barks, Office of Clinical Practice Program Assistant;
  • Jeanie Behrend, FAST Coordinator
Course-alike and Phase-alike Workshops (Once per semester)

Heather Horsley, Program Coordinator; Chair

2020-2021 MS Program Faculty

  • Ana Soltero-Lopez
  • Anthony Vang
  • Ashley Henderson
  • Belen Hoyt
  • Benjamin Avila
  • Bernadette Vazquez
  • Carlos Castillo
  • Christina Macias
  • David Low
  • Debra [Sue] Fuentes
  • Debra Antrim
  • Debra Walker
  • Donna Vincenti
  • Ellen Youssef
  • Feiyan Chen
  • Frederick Nelson
  • Gladys Villanueva
  • Heather Horsley
  • Helen Scheidt
  • Imelda Basurto
  • Jacques Benniga
  • Jean Behrend
  • Jessica Galvan
  • Juan Castillo
  • John Jarvis
  • Susana Jimenez
  • John Maurer
  • Jose Lomeli
  • Juan Lopez
  • Juan Silva
  • Judith Kenney
  • Juliet Wahleithner
  • Teresa Calderon
  • Kay Davies
  • Kimberly Coy
  • Luz Hererra
  • Melanie Wenrick
  • Michael Darling
  • Michael Mahoney
  • Michelle McConnell
  • Monica Billen
  • Myunghwan Shin
  • Pamela Sells
  • Patiane Shimizu
  • Rebecca Noel-Smith
  • Sandra Seals
  • Selena Van Horn
  • Sina Shamp
  • Sommer Moss
  • Stephen Bock
  • Steven Hart
  • Susan Smits
  • Susan Van Doren
  • Suzanne Brandl
  • Teresa Calderon
  • Teresa Huerta
  • Thea Fabian
  • Tracy Smith

Credential Coordinator Meeting (Monthly)

  • Kathleen Godfrey, Interim Associate Dean, Chair;
  • Felipe Mercado, Office of Clinical Practice Coordinator;
  • Brenna Barks, Office of Clinical Practice Program Assistant;
  • Heather Horsley; MSCP Coordinator;
  • Cheryl McDonald; SPED Coordinator;
  • Imelda Basurto; SS Coordinator

Coach Learning Community Meetings (monthly)

  • Belen Hoyt
  • Bernadette Vazquez
  • Catherine Mathis
  • Deb Antrim
  • Debra Walker
  • Donna Vincenti
  • Geoffrey Tiftick
  • Helen Scheidt
  • Jack Jarvis
  • John Maurer
  • Juan Lopez
  • Juan Silva
  • Judy Kenney
  • Judy Roberts
  • Kay Davies
  • Kristie Wiens
  • Luz Herrera
  • Melanie Wenrick
  • Mike Darling
  • Pamela Sells
  • Patiane Shimizu
  • Sandy Seals
  • Sommer Moss
  • Sue Fuentes
  • Sue Smits
  • Sue Van Doren
  • Teresa Calderon
  • Tracy Smith
  • Yolanda Lucero

Reading/Language Arts Program Faculty Monthly Meetings

  • Dr. Maria Hernandez Goff, Assistant Professor – Program Coordinator
  • Dr. Imelda Basurto, Professor
  • Dr. Lisa Bennett, Associate Professor
  • Dr. Steve Hart, Professor
  • Dr. David Low, Associate
  • Dr. Juliet Wahleithner, Assistant Professor

Program Faculty Meetings

  • Dominiqua Griffin- Program Coordinator
  • Gitima Sharma- COUN 249 Field Placement Co-Coordinator
  • Song Lee- COUN 249 Field Placement Co-Coordinator
  • Geni Bird (Part Time Faculty)
  • Shimeka Conway (Part Time Faculty)
  • Susan Ann Meadows (Part Time Faculty)
  • Kimberly Lewis (Part Time Faculty)

Fresno Unified Collaboration & Research Meetings

  • Dominiqua Griffin- Program Coordinator
  • Gitima Sharma
  • Song Lee
  • Yolanda Juarez, Fresno Unified School District
  • Kristi Imberi-Olivares, Director, Equity and Access in Fresno Unified School District

CER Advisory Board

  • Dominiqua Griffin- Program Coordinator
  • Yolanda Juarez, Fresno Unified School District
  • Billy Ware, Clovis Unified School District
  • Tracey Fowlkes, Clovis Unified School District 

School Nurse Services Credential Program Advisory

  • Janene Armas, RN, FUSD
  • Nan Arnold, RN, Tulare COE
  • Cheryl Brown, RN, Atwater Elementary
  • Jane Banks, RN, Fresno USD
  • Carmen Cordoba, RN, Kerman USD
  • Marylouise Castano, RN, Fresno Co. Supt. Of Schools
  • Denise McEowen, RN, CHCC Diabetes Program
  • Christine Christensen, RN, Sanger USD
  • Denette Davis, RN, Fresno County Supt. Of schools
  • Maria Duran-Barajas, RN, Program/Coordinator, SELPA, Merced COE
  • Kelly Earls, RN, Bakersfield City SD
  • Trudy Fassler RN, Stanislaus COE
  • Patricia Gomes, RN, Fresno State
  • Donald Gumm RN, Merced COE
  • Linda Hinojosa, RN, Delano UESD
  • Joseph Irwin, RN, Fresno Unified
  • Laura Kanawyer, RN, Kings Canyon
  • Sharon Kaprelian, RN, Kings Canyon Unified
  • Aurora Licudine, RN, Modesto City Schools
  • Terri Lindsay, RN
  • Tricia Leslie, RN, Tulare City Schools
  • Amy Martinez, RN, Burton School District
  • Cecilia Massetti, RN, Superintendent, Madera COE
  • Alma McKenry, RN, FCOE
  • Barbara Miller, RN, PNP, Fresno State Faculty
  • Cheryl Mohr, RN, Madera COE
  • Lisa Monteleone, RN, CDE for FUSD
  • Caitlin Pendley, RN, Madera USD
  • Jeanne Prandini, RN, Clovis USD
  • Leslie Schleth, RN, Merced City SD
  • Suzie Skadan, RN, Visalia USD
  • Pat Soper, RN, M.Ed, Hanford Elementary
  • Dolores West, RN, Madera COE
  • Wadean Van Ruler, RN
  • Allison Aguilar, RN
  • Karen Higginbotham, RN
  • Robyn Torres, RN
  • LaVonne English, RN, Central Unified SD

School of Nursing (SON) and Faculty Council

  • Dr. Sylvia Miller, Department Chair
  • Dr. Janine Spencer, Assistant Director
  • Dr. Kathleen Rindahl, DNP (Independent Program) Director
  • Dr. Kammi Sayaseng, Graduate Program Coordinator
  • Dr. Janine Spencer, RN-BSN Coordinator
  • Dr. Peter Garcia, NP Clinical Coordinator
  • Dr. Janine Spencer, Baccalaureate Program Coordinator
  • Barbara Miller & Patricia Gomes, School Nurse Program Coordinators 
  • Juan Bedolla, Psychiatrics Mental Health Coordinator 

 Fresno State School Psychology Advisory Board

  • Ada Wolff, Program Specialist, Sanger Unified
  • Anthony Evaristo, Special Education Lead Program Specialist, Kings Canyon Unified
  • Ben Dhillon, Lead Psychologist, Visalia Unified
  • David Paliughi, Special Education Administrator, Central Unified
  • Farah McGovern, Superintendent of Schools, Fresno County
  • Gina Fabrizio, District Psychologist, Visalia Unified
  • Jason Stricker, Lead Psychologist, Sanger Unified
  • Jon Logan, Mental Health Lead Psychologist, Clovis Unified
  • Julia Pitcher, Lead Psychologist, Fresno Unified
  • Kaitlin Hendricks, District Psychologist, Part-Time Faculty, Fresno Unified
  • Karin Kawagoe, Parent of child with a disability
  • Kimberly Parkinson, Lead Psychologist, Fresno Unified
  • Kris Lachs, Lead Psychologist, Clovis Unified
  • Mary Oates, Program Specialist, Central Unified
  • Megan Otto, Program Specialist, Sanger Unified
  • Patty Mendoza, Lead Psychologist, Kings Canyon Unified
  • Shant Avakian, Lead Psychologist/Program Specialist, Central Unified
  • Trish Small, Senior Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
  • Anthony Evaristo, Special Education Lead Program Specialist, Kings Canyon Unified

 PPS Credential Committee

  1. CSUF Faculty: Andrea Carlin, PPS Coordinator & Chair; Nancy Delich, Associate Professor and Chair of Practice; Benita Washington, Assistant Field Coordinator; Monica Strambi, Faculty Field Liaison.
  2. Field Instructors:  Buffy Bowers-Woods, FUSD; Courtney Collishaw, HJUHSD; Misty Maldonado, FUSD
  3. Administrators:  Abby Arii, DPI Program Manager, FUSD; Tumani Heights, Project Access Program Manager, FUSD; Kevin Torosian, CWA Supervisor, CUSD
  4. CSUF PPS Candidates: Patricio Galindo; Jesica Uriostegui-Pavon

SS Advisory Committee Meeting

  • Imelda Basurto, SS Program Coordinator
  • Janine Quisenberry, EHD 154A Instructor
  • Tony Mower, Music Advisor,
  • Marty Zinn, FTRP Coach
  • University Coaches: Deborah Brown, Sam Taylor

SS Program Faculty Meeting

  • Imelda Basurto, SS Program Coordinator
  • Kat Biacindo
  • Maria Goff
  • William Garnett
  • David Low
  • Patricia Lopez
  • Rohit Mehta
  • Joe Parks
  • Tony Vang

EHD 155A SS University Coaches Meeting
(2-3 times/semester)

  • Imelda Basurto, SS Program Coordinator
  • Tony Mowrer
  • Sam Taylor
  • Yvonne Zysling
  • Art Parham
  • Marty Zinn
  • Steve Rocca
  • Ricci Ulrich
  • Cindy Torrance
  • Sylvia Freeman
  • Roger Bergman
  • Tina Nakashian
  • Gene Shimazu

EHD 155B SS University Coaches/Supervisors Meeting
(2-3 times/semester)

  • Imelda Basurto, SS Program Coordinator
  • Lynn Linnman
  • Tina Nakashian
  • Stella Bohn
  • Lance Burger
  • Michelle Pacheco
  • Maria Hernandez
  • Cynthia Thorburn
  • Sandy Person
  • Jim Lloyd
  • Anne Kaufer
  • Kathy Toroisian
  • Deb Brown

EHD 155B SS Academic Subject Matter Coordinators Meeting
Meeting (2-3 times/semester)

  • Imelda Basurto, SS Program Coordinator
  • Steve Rocca, AG
  • Ah Ran Koo, Art
  • Alison Mandaville, English
  • Ragee Amarasinghe, Math
  • Maria Morrillo, Foreign Language
  • Dawn Lewis, PE
  • Neil Connor, Social Science
  • Jaime Arvizu, Science
  • Tony Mower, Music
  • Emily Mason, Music
  • Darnell Austin, Industrial Technology

SS Admission Advisors and Program Coordinator(s)

  • Imelda Basurto, SS Program Coordinator
  • Renee Flores, Admissions Analyst
  • Ivy Fitzpatrick, Advisor
  • Ana Espinoza, Advisor
  • Jessica McVay, Advisor

SOAP Plan Advisory Committee

Participants vary by review cycle; however, local school districts are often included. Representatives are recruited from:

  • Central Unified: Preschool Collaboration and Student Teaching Clinical Site
  • Clovis Unified: Student Teaching Clinical Site
  • Fresno Unified: Student Teaching Clinical Site
  • Horizon: Potential Externship Clinical Site
  • KC Kids: Potential Student Teaching Clinical Site
  • Kings Canyon: Student Teaching Clinical Site
  • Kings Co Office Of Ed: Student Teaching Clinical Site
  • Madera Unified: Student Teaching Clinical Site
  • Pacific Gardens: Externship Clinical Site
  • SJVRH: Externship Clinical Site
  • Saint Agnes: Externship Clinical Site
  • Selma Unified: Student Teaching Clinical Site
  • Talk Team: Preschool Collaboration and Externship Clinical Site

The education unit ensures that faculty and instructional personnel regularly and systematically collaborate with colleagues in P-12 settings, college and university units and members of the broader educational community to improve educator preparation.

Kremen collaborates with faculty and staff, both within the School and across the university. Moreover, we maintain rich relationships with colleagues in P-12 settings and the broader educational community. Documents such as the Academic Policy Manual, the Collective Bargaining Agreement and our MOUs illustrate that these relationships are inherent to our structure. Moreover, the University has established Retention, Tenure and Promotion Policies, an Academic Senate, and a School Constitution. These documents lay out the expectations to achieve tenure; faculty associated with educator preparation programs are expected to be involved in outreach to the educational community.


Kremen houses the basic credential programs and some of the Advanced Credentials. We also work with colleagues in other colleges who offer Advanced Credentials. The School Constitution and Committees list indicate our internal organization. The organization chart illustrates our connections with Advanced Credentials housed in other colleges.

Kremen School

Fresno State has rich collaborations with school districts and P-12 schools. We regularly collaborate with the educational community through our residency partnerships and stakeholder meetings. In addition, the Bonner Center recognizes exemplary schools in the areas of civic and character education. 

P-12 District Collaborations

Program-Specific Documentation of P-12 Collaborations

Through different grants and projects, Fresno State provides leadership to the broader educational community. 

Subject Matter Projects


The institution provides the unit with sufficient resources for the effective operation of each educator preparation program, including, but not limited to, coordination, admission, advisement, curriculum, professional development/instruction, field based supervision and clinical experiences. 

Information is available through Program Review submission at

The Unit Leadership has the authority and institutional support required to address the needs of all educator preparation programs and considers the interests of each program within the institution.

Information is available through Program Review submission at

Recruitment and faculty development efforts support hiring and retention of faculty who represent and support diversity and excellence.

Over the last five years, Fresno State has placed a particular emphasis on hiring faculty who represent our diverse student body. Within Kremen, we’ve also included language about diversity, equity, inclusion, culturally and linguistically sustaining pedagogy, and the like within our job ads. This has enriched our faculty with diverse perspectives, research agendas, and mentoring of our students.


In addition, Fresno State has created centers related to equity issues and focused on diversity initiatives across campus.

Diversity and Retention Initiatives

The institution employs, assigns and retains only qualified persons to teach courses, provide professional development, and supervise field-based and clinical experiences.  Qualifications of faculty> and other instructional personnel must include, but are not limited to:  a) current knowledge of the content; b) knowledge of the current context of public schooling including the California adopted P-12 content standards, frameworks, and accountability systems; c) knowledge of diversity in society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, and gender orientation; and d) demonstration of effective professional practices in teaching and learning, scholarship, and service.

Fresno State’s programs utilize clinical practice coaches with deep understanding of the profession. Coaches are evaluated regularly both by students and personnel committees, according to Fresno State’s expectations for faculty.

Evaluation Forms: 

Job Descriptions & Job Advertisements:

The education unit monitors a credential recommendation process that ensures that candidates recommended for a credential have met all requirements.

The Credential Analyst has separate applications for the different types of credentials that are recommended to the CTC by our institution. Each credential application includes a checklist page listing all specific requirements needed for the credential. The Credential Analyst works with representatives from each program to do a thorough review and checks off each requirement. Requirements reviewed for the entire range of credentials offered by our institution include:

  • Listing of courses required for the credential
  • U.S. Constitution requirement 
  • GPA calculation
  • Examinations (if required)
  • CPR training
  • TPA completion
  • Appropriate degree verification 
  • Employment contract (interns)
  • Employment experience verification (School Administrators, School Nurses)
  • Additional licensure (School Nurse RN license)
  • Program clearances from Kremen School and non-Kremen School coordinators (if required)

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