Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
Freshmen Resources
For additional resources, visit our Student Resources page.
Advising Services
Joyal Administration, Room 224 278-1787, M/S JA 62
Assistance with undeclared major advising, General Education advising, and academic petition procedures. Can provide help in deciding major, assistance with general academic problem-solving, and will give appropriate referrals. See also Bulldog B.A.R.K. (Building Academic Resources and Know-How)—Information for freshmen and transfer students, parents, and advisers—including academic planning, general education, placement tests, degree requirements, career services, advising, health and psychological services, and other available services.
Student Affairs (Division of)
Office and program links include Scholarship Office, Financial Aid, Educational Opportunity Program, College Assistance Migrant Program, International Student Services and Programs, Learning Resource Center, Reentry Services, Services for Students with Disabilities, Student Support Services, Testing Services, and more.
University Outreach Services
Coordinator: Frances Pena-Olgin
Joyal Administration, Room 121
278-2048, M/S JA 59.
Our goal is to provide comprehensive information about the university, the general CSU’s admission requirements, special events and activities, and services available to make your transition here a smooth one.
Athletic Academic Services
Susan Gutkind, Assistant Athletic Director/Student-Athlete Services
Ricchiuti Center
Phone: 278-7227, M/S OF87
Fresno State athletics' academic services department offers assistance to student athletes successfully managing their academic responsibilities so they may eventually complete their degrees. This process is done while maintaining athletics eligibility through several specialized services.
Health Career Opportunities Program
Coordinator: Juan Carlos Gutierrez
Science 1 Building, Room 101
Phone: 278-4748, M/S SB 68 email
Intensive Learning Experience (ILE)
Academic Coordinator: Tosha Giuffrida
Peters Building Annex (PBAT)
Phone: 278-3052, M/S LS44.
The Intensive Learning Experience Program is a retention program designed to assist first-time freshmen who score in the lowest quartile of the English and math placement exams. The ILE program works with faculty to monitor the progress of these students in their remediation course(s). The ILE provides intensive outreach to students who need assistance to promote tutoring, student support services and academic advising.
Learning Center
Director: Dr. Linda Gannaway
LibraryPhone: 278-3052
M/S ML44
The Learning Center provides free tutoring to currently enrolled students at Fresno State. The program also offers assistance with math and English as well as a multitude of other courses. The LC strives to help students maximize their academic potential through tutoring and workshops in topics such as time management, relieving testing anxiety and improving note taking skills.
Math Engineering and Science Achievement Program
Director: Louie Lopez
Engineering West, Room 108
278-2976, M/S EE 94
California’s Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) is one of the country’s oldest and best–known programs that assists educationally disadvantaged students and, to the extent possible by law, emphasizes participation by students from groups with low eligibility rates at four year colleges.
(Ronald E.) McNair Program
Director: Millie Byers
Lab School 181
Phone: 278-2946, M/S LS 140.
The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is an exciting effort designed to encourage low-income individuals who are first-generation college students and/or traditionally underrepresented in graduate education to pursue doctoral study. The McNair Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, proposes to motivate and prepare promising undergraduate and graduate students for graduate study. Named for the Challenger space shuttle crew member, the Ronald E. McNair Program serves as a living memorial to a man who overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to be awarded his Ph.D. in physics and later, to realize his dream of becoming an astronaut for NASA.
Smittcamp Honors College
Director: Honora Chapman
McLane Building, Room 200
Phone: 278-8160, M/S MH 128
It is a program of educational opportunity for outstanding students. Working to provide the advantages of a small liberal arts college within the resources of a major university, the Honors College offers three types of degrees with honors: University Honors College/School Honors, and Department Honors.
Richter Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning
Director: Chris Fiorentino
Science 1, Room 136 278-7079, M/S SB120
The Richter Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning seeks to provide students with quality volunteer experiences that cultivate a lifelong service-ethic which will stimulate and enhance the educational experience at all levels.
University Courtyard
Interim Director: Erin Boele
Atrium Customer Service Desk 278-2345,
M/S RH 82
University Courtyard is much more than just a new facelift on the residence halls. This unique community combines affordable on-campus housing with a shared living and learning environment designed to improve your life academically, socially, physically…even financially!
University Migrant Services (UMS)
Coordinator: Raul Moreno
Joyal Administration, Room 224
278-1787, M/S JA 62.
University Migrant Services (UMS) serves students from migrant seasonal farm worker backgrounds. Services and activities are designed to help migrant students maximize their academic skills and abilities as well as support their personal development throughout their university experience.
Educational Talent Search/GEARUP
Director: Jenny Robledo
Engineering East, Room 218
Phone: 278-2276 and 278-2271, M/S EE 94
The Educational Talent Search program is an outreach program designed to encourage and assist participants to graduate from secondary school and enroll in postsecondary educational programs.
Project Connect
Coordinator: Rafael Flores
Tranquillity High School
6052 Juanche St, PO Box 457
Tranquillity, CA 93668
559-698-7205 Fax: 559-698-7632
Project Connect works with school districts, students, institutions of higher education, businesses, parents, and community.
Ambassador Program
Coordinator: Mellissa Jessen
Thomas Administration, Room 107
278-7079, M/S TA 120
Outreach services to schools in the greater San Joaquin Valley region.