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AAQEP Accreditation 2022

Standard 1 Aspect F

Standard 1f: Evidence shows that, by the time of program completion, candidates exhibit knowledge, skills, and abilities of professional educators appropriate to their target credential or degree, including: Dispositions and behaviors required for successful professional practice

Data Sources & Analysis

Data Source 1

AGRI 280 Portfolio

Description of Data Source:
During final student teaching all agriculture specialist candidates are also enrolled in a seminar class, AGRI 280: Seminar in Agricultural Education. An assignment for this class is the creation of a professional portfolio. The portfolio is presented to selection committees to document a candidate’s education philosophy, lesson planning ability, technology skills, and ability to become a contributing member of a school's faculty. Portfolios are scored using a 4.0 scale rubric. The portfolio must include a resume, generic application letter, philosophy statement, references (including reference letters), a lesson plan, and a PowerPoint handout. Candidates may include additional information of their choosing. 

Perspective Captured from Data Source: Candidate and University Coach

Rationale for using Data Source: 
The portfolio serves a culmination of candidates’ preparation to become an Agricultural Specialist. As such, we believe it serves as a tool to evaluate whether or not they have developed the professional dispositions necessary for success.

Specific Elements of Data Source:
Candidates’ overall portfolio scores are used to evaluate their development of professional dispositions 

Definition of Success for Each Element: 
Candidates are directed to strive to score a four on the scoring rubric. A score of four gives the candidate an A grade on this assignment. Candidates must score at least a three for the portfolio to be accepted. Scores of less than three require the candidate to revise the portfolio and resubmit it. 

Displays of Analyzed Data: 
Table 1: AGRI 280 Portfolio Mean Scores by Semester

Semester N Mean Score
Fall 2019 13 3.9
Spring 2020 15 4.0
Fall 2020 17 3.8
Spring 2021 24 3.8

Link to Full Dataset:  Portfolio and AGRI 281 Project Student Data

Interpretation of Data: 
All candidates scored a three or better on the portfolio assignment, Most candidates attained a score of four. Overall, these scores demonstrate that, by the end of the program, candidates have the necessary dispositions to be successful Ag educators.

Data Source 2

Pre and Post Dispositions Survey

Description of Data Source:
The Pre-Post Disposition Survey is administered to all candidates at the beginning of initial student teaching and at the end of final student teaching in order for the candidates to self-assess their professional dispositions from two viewpoints – BEFORE and AFTER participating in the program.

Perspective Captured from Data Source: Candidate

Rationale for using Data Source: 
The dispositions on which candidates rate themselves include: reflection, critical thinking, professional ethics, valuing diversity, collaboration, and lifelong learning. The survey allows the program to examine how candidates rate themselves and any changes in candidates’ dispositions from the beginning to the end of the program.

Specific Elements of Data Source:
We examine changes in candidates’ self-assessment on all six dimensions: reflection, critical thinking, professional ethics, valuing diversity, collaboration, and lifelong learning.

Definition of Success for Each Element: 
As a program, our goal is to see that all candidates exhibit growth in all areas from the time they begin the program to the time they complete the program.

Displays of Analyzed Data:
Table 2: Fall 2020-Spring 2021 Credential Students' Pre & Post Disposition Survey Summary

Fall 2020-Spring 2021 Ag Disposition Surveys Summary & Data

Link to Full Dataset: EHD 155B Mid and Final Evaluations

Interpretation of Data:
Fall 20/Spr 21 Ag Specialist students clearly indicated positive gains across all six Disposition categories. The most notable increases were in Collaboration (.72), Critical Thinking (.61) and Valuing Diversity (.60). 

Data Source 3

Exit Evaluation of Professional Objectives -- Management

Description of Data Source: 
The observing and teaching agriculture classes competency requires candidates to obtain copies of course of study and teaching plans used by their mentor teacher during their first semester in their field placement (EHD 155A). They are to observe agriculture science and agricultural mechanics classes, observe class management methods including discipline, and take notes during observations and discuss with the mentor teacher. Candidates are also required to develop lesson plans for assigned classes and teach units of instruction as agreed upon with the mentor teacher. At the end of their student teaching experience when they are enrolled in EHD 155B: Student Teaching in Secondary School, the program checks to ensure that the candidate has completed each of the program competencies.

The management objectives were developed by a panel of cooperating teachers. Meeting these objectives indicates candidates are prepared to successfully manage their responsibilities as an agriculture teacher.

Perspective Captured from Data Source:  Candidate and Mentor Teacher

Rationale for using Data Source:  
Agriculture teachers must have the ability to secure, budget, track, and manage incentive grant funds, manage school farms, greenhouse and agricultural mechanics laboratories, process Future Farmers of America (FFA) electronic membership rosters, obtain transportation for FFA events and activities and supervise students on FFA trips. The management objectives call for candidates to project resource needs, prepare budgets, procure supplies and transportation, maintain records, provide for student safety in the shop/laboratory, maintain appropriate student behavior, and maintain the agriculture facilities.

Specific Elements of Data Source:
Candidates list the date they completed each of these six objectives and their mentor teacher initials each objective to verify that it has been completed. The data includes six guidance objectives.

Definition of Success for Each Element:
Candidates are asked to complete as many of the objectives as they can. The expectation is that candidates will complete all of the management objectives. Some candidates may not complete all six items due to various circumstances. Mentor teachers provide university coaches with feedback on each candidate’s performance in regard to meeting expectations for exit objectives. 

Displays of Analyzed Data:  

Table 3: Cohort Mean Scores for EHD 155B Exit Evaluation of Professional Objectives -- for Six Management Objectives

Semester N Curriculum/
Guidance Public Relations FFA Coordination
Fall 2019 13 14 5 5.85 4.92 2.85 4.77
Spring 2020 15 13.64 5.86 5.86 4.64 2.86 4.64
Fall 2020 17 13.94 5.82 6 5 2.88 4.59
Spring 2021 24 13.96 5.96 6 5 2.96 5

Link to Full Dataset: EHD 155B Exit Evaluation of Professional Objectives

Interpretation of Data: 
During the last four semesters, all but three candidates completed all six of the management objectives. One of these students only completed three of the objectives. This candidate did not successfully complete final student teaching. One of the other candidates only completed four of the objectives and the third candidate only completed five of the objectives due to complications created by the cooperating schools restrictions related to COVID 19.

Next Steps:
In order to address what we found, we will strive to ensure we have dispositions survey information for all candidates by holding all candidates accountable for submitting the surveys before they receive credit for student teaching. Apparently some candidates did not complete all the disposition questionnaires. 

We will submit periodic reminders to mentor teachers about completing all items on the checklist and check on the status regarding completion of the items during onsite observation visits. For our EHD 155B Exit Evaluation of Competencies, we will continue to review all the objectives and make changes as needed. 

To evaluate our efforts in this area, we will continue to analyze the data we collect each year and discuss as program faculty how we might improve the performance of our candidates.

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