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AAQEP Accreditation 2022

Standard 3: Aspect B

Preparation programs ensure that candidates, upon completion, are ready to engage in professional practice, to adapt to a variety of professional settings, and to grow throughout their careers. Effective program practices include: consistent offering of coherent curricula; high-quality quality, diverse clinical experiences; dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with stakeholders; and comprehensive and transparent quality assurance processes informed by trustworthy evidence. Each aspect of the program is appropriate to its context and to the credential or degree sought.

Rationale for Partnerships:
Education Specialist candidates have three options for completing their clinical experiences in our partner schools: student teaching, internship, and teacher residency. 

  • The traditional pathway involves student teaching with placements facilitated by the Office of Clinical Practice.  
  • The second option is a university internship for eligible candidates who meet the intern eligibility requirements and who have been offered employment as teachers of record in special education teaching positions within the university’s service area. 
  • The third option is a specialized Teacher Residency model, established to support the need for Education Specialists in the local area. It is similar to student teaching but residencies usually provide stipends and additional supports for teacher candidates. The university also provides a Professor in Residence who works closely with the school site and district administrators to ensure a high quality experience for our teacher candidates. 

Education Specialist candidates are placed in public, nonpublic and/or charter schools in our partner districts’ schools within the university’s service area, which encompasses four counties: Fresno County, Kings County, Madera County, Tulare County. All four counties have both urban and rural areas with ethnically diverse populations, as highlighted in the placement table below. Clinical practice placements in schools in these counties reflect the socioeconomic and cultural diversity of the Central Valley, include support for English learners/emergent bilinguals, and provide opportunities for teacher candidates to work with students with disabilities in schools with qualified site administrators. Education Specialist candidates may be placed in a variety of clinical practice settings within each county including classrooms, inclusive settings, co-teaching opportunities, self-contained classrooms, adult transition programs or separate schools for the most severely disabled and medically fragile students.  

The Office of Clinical Practice (OCP) works with district contacts to ensure that appropriate placements are made for all student teacher candidates. In addition, the Coordinator of Clinical Practice works with the Program Coordinators to make appropriate matches of candidates to their clinical supervisors, the University Clinical Coaches. 

Teacher Residencies:
As is the case statewide, our region currently has a high rate of Education Specialists serving students with specific learning and behavioral needs under provisional (i.e., temporary) credentials. In order to support both teachers and student teachers in the community, the Special Education residencies help to address this need by offering stipends for tuition in return for a commitment to teaching service. 

Currently there are two special education teacher residences through the university funded by state teacher service grants. Both teacher residencies are accelerated, fast-track programs which condense the coursework into fewer semesters. Courses are blended and taught through faculty co-teaching in face-face and online formats with traditional student teaching infused throughout the week. Coursework in the residency program provides opportunities for candidates to identify issues and problems within the context of their current placements/job sites and seek solutions to those issues/problems within their placement/job sites to improve student learning and outcomes in local schools. Other features include district professional development and preferential employment upon successful completion of the program. One special education residency is with Clovis Unified School District for Education Specialist Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe candidates. There are 18 residents in this cohort currently. The other special education residency is with Fresno Unified School District for Dual Mild/Moderate candidates pursuing both the Multiple Subject and Education Specialist Credential Mild/Moderate Credentials. There are 17 candidates in the residency currently. We have begun planning for our next teacher residency as an integrated, undergraduate program with the Education Specialist Credential included. Courses will be held in Visalia on the College of Sequoias campus.  

The Education Specialist Residency at Clovis Unified and the Dual (Multiple Subject/ES) Residency at Fresno Unified are designed to support families with students who may be struggling, through a service commitment by the resident candidates to teach in special education within local communities for a minimum of three years. In doing so, Fresno State, Clovis Unified, Fresno Unified, and resident candidates make an active commitment to train and teach in local communities. The Education Specialist residencies offer a close partnership with the Education Specialist and the Multiple Subject credential and curriculum content, faculty, teachers, and students so that teachers in training or residents are able to connect with their students more closely, offer more one on one instruction and connect with the students’ families to offer them support and information.

Description of Clinical Experiences:
Clinical experiences are the cornerstone of effective teacher preparation. Participation in clinical experiences allows teacher candidates to apply the learning from coursework into practice and to receive coaching and feedback to improve implementation. Clinical experiences include candidate observations of the classroom environment, observations of the students for the purpose of gathering information, observations of the Master/Mentor Teacher’s instructional and classroom management approaches, developing lesson plans, preparing materials, teaching lessons, co-teaching, assessing students’ progress, self-reflection, attending meetings and professional development workshops with the Master/Mentor Teacher, and participation in all other teacher activities at the school. Teacher Candidates are also responsible for uploading their clinical practice agreements, lesson plans, reflections, videos, related documents and time logs of their clinical hours into Tk20, the clinical practice data system. 

All phases of the Education Specialist Credential Program include a clinical experience. In each clinical experience, teacher candidates have two support persons: a district assigned, fully credentialed and experienced teacher who may be referred to as the Master, Cooperating or Mentor Teacher, and a university  assigned Clinical Practice Coach. Clinical experiences include observations, gathering information about the students, developing lesson plans, preparing materials, teaching lessons, co-teaching, assessing student progress, self-reflection, attending meetings with the Mentor Teacher at his/her direction, professional development workshops, etc. Teacher Candidates are responsible for uploading their clinical practice agreements, lesson plans, reflections, videos, related documents and time logs of their clinical hours into Tk20, the clinical practice data system. 

Candidates are required to increase the amount of time spent in clinical placements over the arc of the program. Phase 1 Education Specialist candidates enroll in EHD 178, a supervised field experience in an elementary general education classroom three full school days per week across the semester. Phase 2 Education Specialist candidates enroll in either SPED 171 [mild/moderate] or SPED 172 [moderate/severe], the initial supervised clinical experience in a special education classroom and/or inclusive setting three full school days per week across the semester. The placement may be in any grade level or levels from Kindergarten to age 22 adult transition program. In Phase 3, Education Specialist candidates enroll in either SPED 175 [mild/moderate] or SPED 176 [moderate/severe], the final supervised clinical experience in a special education classroom and/or inclusive setting for five full days per week across the semester. All placements in final student teaching include a four week solo takeover of the classroom. 

Clinical supervision of teacher candidates is conducted by both district-provided Veteran Practitioners and University Clinical Practice Coaches. Veteran Practitioners [mentor teachers] must hold a Clear Credential in the content area for which they are providing supervision and have a minimum of three years of content area K-12 teaching experience. The Veteran Practitioner must have demonstrated exemplary teaching practices as determined by the employing district and the university teacher preparation program. The matching of Teacher Candidate and the Veteran Practitioner is a collaborative process between the school district and the program. The University Clinical Practice Coach must hold a Clear Special Education Credential or have been an administrator at a school site with special education programs. All have many years of teaching experience and hold Master’s degrees or higher. The role of the University Coach is to support and guide teacher candidates to develop their instructional, management and professional skills. 

University Clinical Practice Coaches conduct eleven on-site visits with each candidate: three triad meetings with master teacher and candidate [initial, mid-term and final triad meetings]; two informal visits, and six formal observations. During the six formal observations of the lessons that were developed and taught by the candidate, the University Coach makes anecdotal and scripted notes that are discussed with the candidate at each debriefing meeting following the formal lesson to improve their next lesson. In addition, coaches verify time logs, review each candidate’s six formal lesson plans in advance of the lesson implementation, read and comment on post-lesson reflections and weekly reflections on learning and provide additional contacts and resources as needed. At the mid and final points of the semester, triad meetings are conducted with the Mentor Teacher, University Coach and candidate to discuss the candidate’s overall performance, provide feedback on strengths and growth areas and to guide the candidate in setting professional goals. The University Coach is the primary means of support in clinical practice. Through classroom visits, informal and formal observations  and feedback sessions, the candidate receives ongoing information and support. 

Mild/Moderate Clinical Practice Hours

Course title Brief Description Number of Hours
EHD 178: Field Study B Multiple Subject fieldwork Supervised field experience in an elementary general education classroom 288 hours per semester
SPED 171: Initial Practicum in Special Education Mild/Moderate Disabilities Supervised field experience in mild/moderate special education and inclusive settings  288 hours per semester
SPED 175: Final Practicum in Special Education Mild/Moderate Disabilities Supervised field experience in mild/moderate special education and inclusive settings  550 hours per semester

Moderate/Severe Clinical Practice Hours

Course title Brief Description Number of Hours
EHD 178: Field Study B Multiple Subject fieldwork Supervised field experience in an elementary general education classroom 288 hours per semester
SPED 172: Initial Practicum in Special Education Moderate/Severe Disabilities Supervised field experience in moderate/severe special education and inclusive settings  288 hours per semester
SPED 176: Initial Practicum in Special Education Moderate/Severe Disabilities Supervised field experience in moderate/severe special education and inclusive settings  550 hours per semester

Internship Clinical Practice Hours [taken when above courses are either completed or prior to final student teaching if CSETs are not passed]

Course title Brief Description Number of Hours
SPED 160F: Education Specialist Intern Clinical Practice Supervised field experience for Education Specialist interns. This course is taken when the intern has completed all clinical practice coursework in their program and needs additional clinical practice support for the internship, or when the intern has not met the clearance requirements to enroll in final practicum.  550 hours per semester

Partnerships Table:
Our Education Specialist candidates are placed and employed all over the Central Valley. They are often the only special educator at their school site. Because so many of them are offered special education teaching positions early in their credential program and accept that employment, our candidates can potentially span a one hundred mile range around the valley. Consequently, they are not clustered at school sites, but instead they are placed across thirty districts or county offices of education in over 120 school sites in the four counties surrounding Fresno State: Fresno, Kings, Madera and Tulare Counties. 

Heading Content

Central Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 8
Number of Candidates in 2020 8
Number of Candidates in 2021 7
District Demographics
African-American 1,318
Native American 67
Asian 2,363
Filipino 141
Hispanic/Latino 9,561
Pacific Islander 30
White 1,993
2+ races 263
Not Reported 6
Total 15,742
% English Learner 13.9%
% Free/Reduced Meals 58.9%

Clovis Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 47
Number of Candidates in 2020 36
Number of Candidates in 2021 24
District Demographics
African-American 1,382
Native American 277
Asian 6,316
Filipino 950
Hispanic/Latino 16,755
Pacific Islander 128
White 15,500
2+ races 1,482
Not Reported 0
Total 42,790
% English Learner 4.4%
% Free/Reduced Meals 54.9%

Coalinga-Huron Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 2
Number of Candidates in 2020 2
Number of Candidates in 2021 2
District Demographics
African-American 46
Native American 14
Asian 67
Filipino 18
Hispanic/Latino 3,603
Pacific Islander 1
White 408
2+ races 36
Not Reported 212
Total 4,405
% English Learner 41.1%
% Free/Reduced Meals 90.8%

Cutler-Orosi Unified (Orosi HS)

Number of Candidates in 2019 0
Number of Candidates in 2020 0
Number of Candidates in 2021 1
District Demographics
African-American 1
Native American 5
Asian 6
Filipino 110
Hispanic/Latino 3,841
Pacific Islander 2
White 39
2+ races 1
Not Reported 2
Total 4,007
% English Learner 37.5%
% Free/Reduced Meals 94.7%

Fowler (Fowler HS)

Number of Candidates in 2019 2
Number of Candidates in 2020 1
Number of Candidates in 2021 0
District Demographics
African-American 19
Native American 7
Asian 232
Filipino 0
Hispanic/Latino 2,092
Pacific Islander 1
White 210
2+ races 20
Not Reported 1
Total 2,582
% English Learner 18.7%
% Free/Reduced Meals 71.0%

Fresno County Office of Education

Number of Candidates in 2019 1
Number of Candidates in 2020 3
Number of Candidates in 2021 2
District Demographics
African-American 440
Native American 33
Asian 144
Filipino 11
Hispanic/Latino 2,931
Pacific Islander 6
White 553
2+ races 107
Not Reported 108
Total 4,333
% English Learner 11.1
% Free/Reduced Meals 78.8

Fresno Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 49
Number of Candidates in 2020 39
Number of Candidates in 2021 37
District Demographics
African-American 5,773
Native American 413
Asian 7,722
Filipino 286
Hispanic/Latino 49,749
Pacific Islander 270
White 6,359
2+ races 1,831
Not Reported 16
Total 72,419
% English Learner 18.0%
% Free/Reduced Meals 86.4%

Golden Plains Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 4
Number of Candidates in 2020 2
Number of Candidates in 2021 1
District Demographics
African-American 11
Native American 2
Asian 7
Filipino 0
Hispanic/Latino 1,479
Pacific Islander 0
White 1
2+ races 0
Not Reported 20
Total 1,520
% English Learner 53.2%
% Free/Reduced Meals 84.2%

Hanford Elementary School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 1
Number of Candidates in 2020 0
Number of Candidates in 2021 0
District Demographics
African-American 267
Native American 27
Asian 48
Filipino 41
Hispanic/Latino 4,350
Pacific Islander 5
White 773
2+ races 171
Not Reported 8
Total 5,690
% English Learner 24.4%
% Free/Reduced Meals 78.5%

Kings Canyon Joint Unified

Number of Candidates in 2019 2
Number of Candidates in 2020 1
Number of Candidates in 2021 2
District Demographics
African-American 18
Native American 33
Asian 59
Filipino 44
Hispanic/Latino 8,584
Pacific Islander 4
White 791
2+ races 100
Not Reported 1
Total 9,634
% English Learner 28.3%
% Free/Reduced Meals 87.2%

Kings County Office of Education

Number of Candidates in 2019 2
Number of Candidates in 2020 2
Number of Candidates in 2021 2
District Demographics
African-American 18
Native American 9
Asian 1
Filipino 8
Hispanic/Latino 222
Pacific Islander 0
White 59
2+ races 9
Not Reported 0
Total 326
% English Learner 6.4%
% Free/Reduced Meals 74.8%

Madera County Office of Education

Number of Candidates in 2019 3
Number of Candidates in 2020 3
Number of Candidates in 2021 4
District Demographics
African-American 14
Native American 4
Asian 6
Filipino 0
Hispanic/Latino 511
Pacific Islander 0
White 132
2+ races 13
Not Reported 54
Total 734
% English Learner 27.1%
% Free/Reduced Meals 79.8%

Madera Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 9
Number of Candidates in 2020 3
Number of Candidates in 2021 3
District Demographics
African-American 270
Native American 103
Asian 241
Filipino 34
Hispanic/Latino 18,937
Pacific Islander 8
White 1,062
2+ races 140
Not Reported 113
Total 20,908
% English Learner 25.8%
% Free/Reduced Meals 89.8%

Non-Public School

Number of Candidates in 2019 2
Number of Candidates in 2020 2
Number of Candidates in 2021 0
District Demographics
African-American N/A
Native American N/A
Asian N/A
Filipino N/A
Hispanic/Latino N/A
Pacific Islander N/A
White N/A
2+ races N/A
Not Reported N/A
Total N/A
% English Learner N/A
% Free/Reduced Meals N/A

Orange Center

Number of Candidates in 2019 0
Number of Candidates in 2020 1
Number of Candidates in 2021 1
District Demographics
African-American 106
Native American 21
Asian 81
Filipino 8
Hispanic/Latino 881
Pacific Islander 2
White 352
2+ races 26
Not Reported 4
Total 14,581
% English Learner 11%
% Free/Reduced Meals 80.1%

Porterville Unified

Number of Candidates in 2019 2
Number of Candidates in 2020 0
Number of Candidates in 2021 0
District Demographics
African-American 45
Native American 297
Asian 205
Filipino 118
Hispanic/Latino 11,852
Pacific Islander 52
White 1,538
2+ races 148
Not Reported 117
Total 14,372
% English Learner 23.4%
% Free/Reduced Meals 85.8%

Raisin City School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 2
Number of Candidates in 2020 0
Number of Candidates in 2021 0
District Demographics
African-American 39
Native American 2
Asian 13
Filipino 0
Hispanic/Latino 435
Pacific Islander 0
White 20
2+ races 5
Not Reported 15
Total 529
% English Learner 41.8%
% Free/Reduced Meals 98.5%

Sanger Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 4
Number of Candidates in 2020 3
Number of Candidates in 2021 3
District Demographics
African-American 141
Native American 19
Asian 1,515
Filipino 50
Hispanic/Latino 8,775
Pacific Islander 19
White 1,554
2+ races 340
Not Reported 212
Total 12,625
% English Learner 14.4%
% Free/Reduced Meals 64.2%

Selma Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 2
Number of Candidates in 2020 3
Number of Candidates in 2021 1
District Demographics
African-American 13
Native American 12
Asian 201
Filipino 3
Hispanic/Latino 5,515
Pacific Islander 8
White 283
2+ races 15
Not Reported 0
Total 6,050
% English Learner 28.1%
% Free/Reduced Meals 86.2%

University Virtual Option

Number of Candidates in 2019 0
Number of Candidates in 2020 6
Number of Candidates in 2021 6
District Demographics
African-American N/A
Native American N/A
Asian N/A
Filipino N/A
Hispanic/Latino N/A
Pacific Islander N/A
White N/A
2+ races N/A
Not Reported N/A
Total N/A
% English Learner N/A
% Free/Reduced Meals N/A

Visalia Unified

Number of Candidates in 2019 5
Number of Candidates in 2020 4
Number of Candidates in 2021 5
District Demographics
African-American 397
Native American 140
Asian 1,185
Filipino 229
Hispanic/Latino 20,124
Pacific Islander 48
White 5,221
2+ races 738
Not Reported 802
Total 28,884
% English Learner 14.4%
% Free/Reduced Meals 65.9%

Washington Unified School District

Number of Candidates in 2019 1
Number of Candidates in 2020 1
Number of Candidates in 2021 0
District Demographics
African-American 224
Native American 11
Asian 204
Filipino 2
Hispanic/Latino 2,258
Pacific Islander 2
White 162
2+ races 17
Not Reported 14
Total 2,894
% English Learner 35.6%
% Free/Reduced Meals 89.3%

Specific School Sites Where Candidates Have Been Placed

Heading Content
Central Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Central High East School 0 1 1
Central High West School 2 0 0
Herndon-Barstow Elementary School 0 1 1
Houghton Kearney Elementary School 2 0 1
Madison Elementary School 0 1 0
McKinley Elementary School 0 1 1
Rio Vista Middle School 2 1 1
Roosevelt Elementary School 0 1 1
Saroyan Elementary School 2 1  
Neutra Elementary School 0 1 1
Clovis Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Boris Elementary 6 2 0
Buchanan High 2 0 0
Bud Rank Elementary 0 1 1
Cedarwood Elementary 2 0 0
Century Elementary 0 1 1
Clovis Elementary 0 0 1
Clovis North High School 1 0 1
Clovis West High School 2 2 0
Copper Hills Elementary 1 1 0
Dry Creek Elementary 0 1 0
Fancher Creek Elementary 0 1 1
Freedom Elementary 0 2 1
Fugman Elementary 2 0 1
Gettysburg Elementary 5 2 1
Granite Ridge Intermediate 2 1 1
Janet L. Young Elementary 0 1 0
Jefferson Elementary 1 1 0
Kastner Intermediate 2 1 3
Lincoln Elementary 2 1 0
Maple Creek Elementary 1 1 1
Miramonte Elementary 1 1 0
Mountain View Elementary 0 1 1
Nelson Elementary 1 1 1
Oraze Elementary 1 1 0
Reagan Elementary 6 0 0
Red Bank Elementary 0 1 1
Reyburn Intermediate 0 1 0
Riverview Elementary 0 2 1
Sierra Vista Elementary 0 2 1
Tarpey Elementary 0 1 1
Temperance Kutner Elementary 1 2 0
Therapeutic Intervention Program @ Gateway 0 1 2
Valley Oak Elementary 2 0 0
Weldon Elementary 0 0 1
Woods Elementary 4 2 2
Alta Sierra Middle 2 1 0
Coalinga-Huron Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Coalinga Middle School 0 1 2
Huron Elementary 2 1 0
Cutler-Orosi Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Golden Valley Elementary  0 0 1
Fowler Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Fowler High School 2 1 0
Fresno County Office of Education
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Beth S. Ramacher Center-Based School 0 1 1
Sutherland Center 1 2 1
Fresno Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Addams Elementary 2 0 0
Ayer Elementary 0 1 1
David L. Greenberg Elementary 0 2 7
Deborah A. Williams Elementary 1 1 0
Easterby Elementary 2 2 2
Eaton Elementary 0 1 0
Elizabeth Terronez Middle School 2 0 2
Ericson Elementary 8 1 1
Ewing Elementary 0 1 2
Fairmont Adult Transition Program 2 3 1
Figarden Elementary 2 0 0
Forkner Elementary 0 0 1
Hamilton Elementary 2 1 1
Holland Elementary 0 0 1
Homan Elementary 0 1 1
Jackson Elementary 0 1 1
King Elementary 2 0 0
Kirk Elementary 0 0 1
Lane Elementary 0 1 1
Mario G. Olmos Elementary 0 1 1
McCardle Elementary 2 0 0
McLane High 3 1 0
Miguel Hidalgo Elementary 0 1 1
Molly S. Bakman Elementary 0 1 1
Norseman Elementary 0 2 2
Phoenix Secondary 2 1 0
Pyle Elementary 4 0 0
Robinson Elementary 2 1 0
Roosevelt High 2 0 0
Susan B. Anthony Elementary 0 3 0
Tioga Middle School 2 2 0
Turner Elementary 2 1 1
Vang Pao Elementary 0 1 0
Webster Elementary 2   0
Wilson Elementary 1 1 2
Wishon Elementary 2 4 5
Yosemite Middle School 2 3 3
Golden Plains Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Tranquility High  2 2 1
Golden Valley Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Liberty High 2 0 0
Hanford Elementary School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Lincoln Elementary 1 0 0
Kings Canyon Joint Unified
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
General Grant Middle School 1 0 0
Reedley High 0 0 1
Washington Elementary 1 1 1
Kings County Office of Education
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Lakeside Union Elementary 2 1 1
Lemoore Elementary 0 0 1
Madera County Office of Education
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Lincoln Elementary 0 1 1
Millview Elementary 2 0 1
Sherman Thomas Charter High 0 1 1
Valley Teen Ranch 1 1 1
Madera Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Cesar Chavez Elementary 2 0 0
James Madison Elementary 2 0 0
Madera High School 1 1  
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle 1 1 1
Matilda Torres High 0 0 1
Riperdan Community Day School 3 0 0
Sierra Vista Elementary 0 1 1
Non-public School
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Creative Alternatives 2 2 0
Orange Center
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Orange Center Elementary 0 1 1
Porterville Unified
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Los Robles Elementary 2 0 0
Raisin City School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Ambassador Phillip V. Sanchez II Public Charter 2 0 0
Sanger Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Del Rey Elementary 0 1 1
Ronald W. Reagan Elementary 2 0 0
Sanger High School 2 2 2
Selma Unified
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Abraham Lincoln Middle School 2 2 1
Selma High School 0 1 0
University Virtual Option 
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
simSchool 0 6 6
Visalia Unified
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
El Diamante High School 1 2 1
Pinkham Elementary 1 2 1
Washington Unified School District
Site Number of Candidates in 2019 Number of Candidates in 2020 Number of Candidates in 2021
Washington High School 1 1 0

Aspect C →