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AAQEP Accreditation 2022

Standard 4 Aspect D

The program is committed to and invests in strengthening and improving the education profession and the P-20 education system. Each program’s context (or multiple contexts) provides particular opportunities to engage the field’s shared challenges and to foster and support innovation. Engagement with critical issues is essential and must be contextualized. Sharing results of contextualized engagement and innovation supports the field’s collective effort to address education’s most pressing challenges through improvement and innovation.

Currently, the program relies on internal data collection tools to inform program practices. These include the following:

Data Source 1: Employer Survey

Internal program survey: Quantitative data collected using an online survey instrument.

Approximately every five years the Agriculture Specialist Program administers a survey to the School Site Administrator of each of our program completers to determine their perceptions of how well the program prepared their teacher for their duties as an agriculture teacher. The Agriculture Specialist Employer Survey provides us with administrators’ perceptions of how well the program prepared their teacher with content and pedagogy necessary to carry out their role as agriculture teachers.  The purpose of the Employer Survey is to measure administrators’ perceptions of the level of preparation possessed by "New Teachers" from the Agriculture Teacher Preparation Program at California State University, Fresno. Based on the administrators' experience and evaluation of their recently hired (1-5 years) teacher they were asked to indicate the level of preparation they possess in the following categories by selecting the appropriate number using a 1 to 5 Likert-type scale ranging from 1 = Not Prepared to 5 = Well Prepared.

Data Source 2: Program Completer Follow Up Survey

Internal program survey: Quantitative data collected using an online survey instrument

Approximately every five years the Agriculture Specialist Program administers a survey to program completers to determine their perceptions of how well the program prepared them for teaching agriculture. The Agriculture Specialist Graduate Survey provides us with candidates’ perceptions of how well the program prepared them with content and pedagogy necessary to carry out their role as agriculture teachers.

The Completer Survey seeks to measure the effectiveness of the agricultural coursework in preparing graduates to teach the core areas of agriculture.  Based on the courses completed at Fresno State, participants indicate their perceived level of preparation by selecting the appropriate number using a 1 to 5 Likert-type scale: 1 = Not Prepared, 2 = Less than Adequately Prepared, 3 = Adequately Prepared, 4 = More than Adequately Prepared, and 5 = Well Prepared.  Respondents were also asked to indicate N/A if they completed coursework at another institution.

Data Source 3: California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program (CATIP) Induction Program Self-Assessment

California Ag. Teachers Association new induction teacher self-assessment survey instrument: Quantitative data collected using an online survey instrument.

The California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program (CATIP) sprang out of the need to induct new agriculture teachers into the dynamic field of agriculture education as identified by the Vision 2030 process of the California Agricultural Teachers’ Association (CATA) that began in 2013. CATIP is a consortium built for the purpose of providing accredited induction services meant to support early career California Agriculture Teachers in their first two years. CATIP provides contextualized mentoring and support for early career agriculture teachers with Single Subject—Agriculture and Agricultural Specialist credentials. The California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program is meant to be a two-year program for those electing to begin and complete induction services in CATIP. The general program structure follows this approximate timeline for new teachers, further referred to as Credential Candidates (CC). As our Ag Specialist completers enter the CATIP program they complete a self-assessment where they indicate their level of preparedness across various skills and responsibilities required of a secondary agricultural educator. Their results are analyzed and used to assist each new teacher and their mentor to formulate their Individual Induction Plan.

The CATIP self-assessment measures the level of preparedness of our completers who are entering their induction program. Participants indicated their perceived level of preparation for the 16 skills/responsibilities by selecting the appropriate number on a 5 point Likert-type scale: 1 = Not Prepared, 2 = Less than Adequately Prepared, 3 = Adequately Prepared, 4 = More than Adequately Prepared, and 5 = Well Prepared. 

Aspect E →