AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 4: Aspect C
The program is committed to and invests in strengthening and improving the education profession and the P-20 education system. Each program’s context (or multiple contexts) provides particular opportunities to engage the field’s shared challenges and to foster and support innovation. Engagement with critical issues is essential and must be contextualized. Sharing results of contextualized engagement and innovation supports the field’s collective effort to address education’s most pressing challenges through improvement and innovation.
Our Education Specialist/Special Education program currently follows up with completers in several ways, and we have plans to further improve this effort through several innovative new programs, as well as strengthening our current efforts. Appendix B gives specifics.
Completer Follow-Up (see Appendix B):
Currently, the Education Specialist program follows up with completers through a completer/alumni
survey sent to Year 1 and earlier completers. The survey was sent to over 90 program
completers from years 2010-2020 at the end of the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters.
The goal of this survey is to learn more about completers’ perceptions of the program’s
strengths and weaknesses once they are in the field and to use that information to
improve program practices. We will continue to send the survey to collect information
about our program completers’ professional practices and needs. This survey complements
the CSU Educator Quality Center Completer Survey which also provides insight into
how to best support our completers as they move into the profession.
Future Plans to Support Completers:
We will continue to collect the email addresses of our program completers for future
surveys, to determine their needs. The data we collect will inform our future efforts
to support our program completers. One way we plan to support them is to gather focus
groups for interviews and discussion. We will also create a social media page for
our alumni to use for sharing information about events and resources they find useful.
Program faculty will also use this platform to communicate information, resources
and events to our completers. See Appendix B.