SECREd Gardens
Thank you to our Garden Founders
- Mrs. Carole and Dr. Robert Monke
- Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Darlene Spano
- Mr. George and Mrs. Nancy Whitmore
- Aaron Hughes and Sandy Burke Hughes, class of 1983
- Mr. Steven and Mrs. Audrey Monke
- Lumina Foundation for Education
- Dr. Carol Fry Bohlin and Dr. Roy M. Bohlin
- Bonner Family Foundation
If you are interested in making a gift to support the SECREd Garden, please contact:
Caty Perez
Associate Vice President for Development
Thank You to Our Current Partners
- Duncan Polytech High School
- Fresno State Horticulture Nursery
- Fresno State Joyce M. Huggins Early Education Center
- Fresno State Kremen School of Education and Human Development
- Home Depot
- Local art community
- Master Gardeners
- Ms. Pat Barr, Education Consultant