We provide expanded learning opportunities through various field trips, workshops,
and intersession camps.
What We Offer:
Community Based Learning offers S.T.E.A.M. based courses that focus on experiential
learning, incorporate hands-on lessons, and are taught by our trained S.T.E.A.M. Team
tutors. We aim to provide students from various communities with equitable learning
opportunities because we know the importance of supporting our future generation
of leaders. We can collaborate with your school to create a customized program that
fits your needs and class sizes.
While we are able to travel to your school site, our most popular programs tend to
be hosted on Fresno State's campus where we provide the tutors, classrooms, and materials.
Course Categories:
All of our classes are California Common Core and Next Generation Science standard
aligned (where applicable).
Our courses are divided into the three categories below:
Your future scientists will dive right into the scientific method through one of our
many science themed classes. Our Science Discoveries courses cover a range of topics from geology to engineering and they each incorporate hands-on, student-centered experiments.
Geology4Kids (2nd - 8th grade):
Young and curious geologists will embark into the fascinating world of rocks, minerals,
fossils, and natural wonders around them, all while learning STEAM fundamentals through
immersive and interactive lessons.
Science4Kids (2nd - 8th grade):
Bridging the gap between curiosity and science, students will explore topics in biology
and chemistry through interactive experiments as they navigate the world around them
with newfound knowledge.
NASA Engineering(2nd - 8th grade):
Exploring space with NASA themed challenges, students will transform into young engineers
by creating projects modeled after real life astronaut missions.
This course can also be adapted to include robotics.
Our Junior Programmers courses feature coding activities and challenges that highlight one of our various
robots. From the DASH Bot to LEGO Spike Robotics, students learn the value of programming and implementing technology in the classroom.
Makerzoid (2nd - 8th grade):
Makerzoid is perfect for young learners eager to explore the world of programming
through experiential, project-based lessons. Students will have the opportunity to
explore engineering concepts and build personalized projects.
Codey Rocky (K - 3rd grade):
Codey Rocky takes children by the hand and leads them into the world of cutting edge
technology with its built-in AI and IoT functionalities, giving them a competitive
edge in the AI era by programming and using their own robots.
Dash and Cue (3rd - 8th grade):
Dash and Cue are similar robots that build upon the basics of coding and can meet
students at varying degrees of experience. Both are adaptable and have user friendly
interfaces, and come with their own activities and attachments to get students excited
about programming!
LEGO Spike (4th - 8th grade):
Unleash creativity by building unique LEGO creations and bringing them to life using
python script! Students will explore basic programming concepts such as loops, conditional
statements, and variables, all in a playful and engaging environment.
Young artists and creatives will have the opportunity to explore the elements of art
and design through one of our art themed classes. Incorporating Cricut Design and pottery, the Art Makers Lab offers creative and collaborative courses that allow art to come to life.
Clay Creations (6th - 8th grade):
Combining the arts and physical sciences, students will create different sculptures
and art pieces, all while learning the elements of design behind their masterpieces.
Clay Creations engages the creative, curious, and kinesthetic learners who appreciate
a tangible outcome.
Cricut Creators (6th - 8th grade):
Cricut Creators gives young artists the unique opportunity to use art and technology
through hands-on lessons to create personalized and imaginative projects. This class
implements the Cricut Design Space app to enhance creativity and teach students principles
and elements of art and design.
Cricut courses incorporate heat transfer products.
While our courses come with a recommended age range and general theme, most are flexible
and can be altered to incorporate other aspects within the S.T.E.A.M. framework.