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Community Based Learning

Community Based Learning x District Partners

We provide expanded learning opportunities through various field trips, workshops, and intersession camps.

What We Offer:

Community Based Learning offers S.T.E.A.M. based courses that focus on experiential learning, incorporate hands-on lessons, and are taught by our trained S.T.E.A.M. Team tutors. We aim to provide students from various communities with equitable learning opportunities because ​w​e know the importance of supporting our future generation of leaders. We can collaborate with your school to create a customized program that fits your needs and class sizes.

While we are able to travel to your school site, our most popular programs tend to be hosted on Fresno State's campus where we provide the tutors, classrooms, and materials.

Course Categories:

All of our classes are California Common Core and Next Generation Science standard aligned (where applicable). 

Our courses are divided into the three categories below:

While our courses come with a recommended age range and general theme, most are flexible and can be altered to incorporate other aspects within the S.T.E.A.M. framework.