Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative
CMC-N 2008 MSTI Presentation
Session 713: MSTI Speaker Information
MSTI Overview (Bissell)
Teach Math and Science Flyer (Bohlin)
ChemTeach Information (Bohlin)
MSTI Toolkit (Ellis)
Promoting Teaching (Fisher)
Strategies to Support Cohorts of Future Math & Science Teachers (Hsu)
CSU East Bay-Bachelor's Plus and ELM Programs (Reed)
MSTI Scholarships (Sundar)
HiMAP (Sundar)
Speakers at MSTI session at CMC-N conference held at Asilomar (Pacific Grove, CA) on Dec. 6, 2008
Left to right: Carol Fry Bohlin (Fresno State), Kate Reed (CSU, East Bay), Joan Bissell (CSU Chancellor's Office), Eric Hsu (San Francisco State), Bill Fisher (Chico State), and Mark Ellis (CSU, Fullerton)
Speakers at MSTI session at CMC-S conference in Palm Springs, CA on Nov. 8, 2008
Left to right: Mark Ellis (Fullerton), Joan Bissell (Chancellor's Office),
Rafaela Santa Cruz (San Diego), Kate Reed (East Bay), and Carol Fry Bohlin (Fresno)