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AAQEP Accreditation 2022

Appendix A: Candidate Recruitment, Selection, and Monitoring

Multiple Subject Credential Program

Benchmark Program Minimum
Average Score
Average Score
Average Score
Phase 1: 
Successful completion of Phase One coursework 3.0 3.87 3.96 3.99
Phase 2:
End of Phase Two coursework 3.0 3.90 3.92 3.93
FAST - SVP 2.0 2.6 2.7 2.7
Phase 3:
End of Phase Three coursework  3.0 3.91 3.91 3.92
FAST- TSP 2.0 2.6 2.7 2.6

Recruitment Activity Links to any supporting documentation Number of 
Demographics of Participants (if available) Number of Participants Who Applied* Number of Participants Who Enrolled*
CASS one-on-one advising appointments   Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Residency Recruitment Sessions 120 Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Kremen Information Panel (KIP) in the Department of Child and Family Sciences 25 Fresno State students earning a BS in Child Development; Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Recruitment Materials used during  informational meetings and sent to local school districts Basic credentials recruitment flyer Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
CASS Information Sessions Kremen Link   Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Residency Recruitment Sessions  Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Kremen Information Panel (KIP) in the Department of Child and Family Sciences  29 Students earning a BS in Child Development; Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Aspiring Teachers Expo Basic credentials recruitment flyer 328 Reflective of the Central Valley; including high school students Unknown Unknown
Recruitment Materials used during  informational meetings and sent to local school districts Basic credentials recruitment flyer Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
CASS Information Sessions Kremen Link 200 Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Aspiring Teachers Expo Aspiring Teachers Virtual Expo Slidedeck 280 Reflective of the Central Valley; including high school students Unknown Unknown
Residency Recruitment Sessions  Approximately 500 Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Recruitment Materials used during  informational meetings and sent to local school districts Basic credentials recruitment flyer Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
*The Multiple Subject Credential Program has not been in the routine of formally collecting details of who has attended recruitment events, so there is no way to connect who attends a given event with who applies to the program, who is admitted, and who ultimately enrolls. Moving forward, we will collect contact information from all attendees as a way to better evaluate our recruitment efforts. 

Bilingual Authorization Program

Benchmark Program Minimum
Average Score
Average Score
Average Score
Language and literacy course:
Spanish pathway
LEE 137
B grade Course did not exist  Course created (to be implemented starting Fall 2021) Average anticipated grade for this course is a B.
Hmong pathway
LEE 129
B grade N/A Course being revised during the 2021-2022 academic year. Average anticipated grade for this course is a B.
Culture of emphasis course:
Spanish pathway
CI 135
B grade     Average anticipated grade for this course is a B.
Hmong pathway (course to be developed during 2021-2022 academic year)  B grade N/A N/A N/A
Language and methods course:
Spanish pathway
LEE 136
B grade N/A N/A A
Hmong pathway
LEE 135
B grade N/A N/A A
Clinical practice placements:
Spanish pathway bilingual/dual immersion classroom N/A N/A 20/24
Hmong pathway bilingual/dual immersion classroom N/A N/A 3/3
Clinical practice evaluations (planned data source)
Spanish pathway   N/A N/A  
Hmong pathway   N/A N/A  

Recruitment Activity Links to any supporting documentation Number of 
Demographics of Participants (if available) Number of Participants Who Applied* Number of Participants Who Enrolled*
Aspiring Teachers Virtual Expo 10/28/20 ~30 N/A N/A N/A
Mini Corps presentation 12/8/20 BAP recruitment presentation  ~15 N/A N/A N/A
In Fall 2020, Dr. Ana Soltero-Lopez took over as the BAP Coordinator. Prior to that time, no recruitment efforts specific to the BAP program were made.
Starting during the 2021-2022 academic year, all recruitment efforts will collect attendance that will include demographics. Moreover, these records will be checked to see how many interested candidates applied for the BAP/credential and how many enrolled. In addition, alongside the advisory committee members, a formal BAP application process will be created. 

Single Subject Credential Program

Benchmark Program Minimum
Average Score
Average Score
Average Score
Phase 1: 
End of Phase One Evaluation (an evaluation that determines whether the candidate can move into phase two) Minimum Score (2) 2.00 3.16 2.00
Successful completion of EHD 155A % of Credit Completers 100% 100% 100%
FAST - SVP Minimum Score (2) 2.00 2.00 2.00
End of Phase One GPA (candidates must have a 3.00 GPA in order to enroll in phase two coursework)   3.75 3.70 3.76
Phase 2:
End of PhaseTwo  Evaluation (an evaluation that indicates the candidates ability to become an effective SS Teacher Minimum Score (2) 2.00 2.83 2.00
Successful completion of EHD 155B % of Credit Completers 100% 95% 95%
End of Phase Two GPA (candidates must have a 3.0 GPA in order to apply for their preliminary teaching credential) 3.0 3.73 3.83 3.80
FAST- TSP Minimum Score (2) 2.00 2.00 2.00

Recruitment Activity Links to any supporting documentation Number of 
Demographics of Participants (if available) Number of Participants Who Applied* Number of Participants Who Enrolled*
Recruitment Materials used during informational meetings and sent to local school districts Successful completion of EHD 155B Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Kremen Admission Informational Sessions Kremen Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Single Subject Future Teacher Webpage SS Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Single Subject Admissions Page Kremen Admission Page Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Recruitment Materials used during informational meetings and sent to local school districts Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Kremen Admission Informational Sessions Kremen Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Single Subject Future Teacher Webpage SS Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Single Subject Admissions Page Kremen Admission Page Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Recruitment Materials used during informational meetings and sent to local school districts Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Kremen Admission Informational Sessions Kremen Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Single Subject Future Teacher Webpage SS Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
Single Subject Admissions Page Kremen Admission Page Link Unknown Reflective of the Central Valley Unknown Unknown
In the past, the program has not collected details of who has attended recruitment events, so there is no way to connect who attends a given event with who applies to the program, who is admitted, and who ultimately enrolls. Moving forward, we will collect contact information from all attendees as a way to better evaluate our recruitment efforts.

Agricultural Specialist Credential Program

Benchmark Program Minimum
Average Score
Average Score
Average Score
Phase 1: Admission to program
Coursework GPA 2.67 3.31 3.23 3.30
CBEST Scores 123 143 142 140
Phase 2: Completion of Site Visitation Project
SVP Scores 2.0 or better on SVP  2.05 2.20 2.23
Phase 3: Completion of  Occupational Experience Requirement
Hours of Occupational Experience 3,000 or more hours 5,340 7,758 5,859

Recruitment Activity Links to any supporting documentation Number of 
Demographics of Participants (if available) Number of Participants Who Applied* Number of Participants Who Enrolled*
Ag Education Undergraduate Degree Program and Classes Catalog 151

Male      43
Female    108

  • Asian        1
  • Black        0
  • Hispanic    55
  • Two more  10
  • White         79
  • Unknown     5
26 26
Ag Education Undergraduate Degree Program and Classes Catalog 177

Male      49
Female    128

  • Asian        2
  • Black        0
  • Hispanic    78
  • Two more    8
  • White         83
  • Unknown     5
30 28
Ag Education Undergraduate Degree Program and Classes Catalog 199

Male     54
Female   145

  • Asian       1
  • Black       1
  • Hispanic   81
  • Two more   6
  • White      104
  • Unknown    5
37 34
Ag Education Undergraduate Degree Program and Classes Catalog 205

Male     50
Female   155

  • Asian       1
  • Black       1
  • Hispanic   91
  • Two more   8
  • White      100
  • Unknown    3
43 41

Education Specialist Credential Program

Benchmark Program Minimum
Average Score
Average Score
Average Score
Phase 1: 
Site Visitation Project
Pass Rate = 100%
2 2.5 2.6 2.6
Phase 2:
SPED 125 Classroom Management Project
Pass Rate = 100%
45 49.5 47.4 46.7
Phase 3:
SPED 219 Collaboration Project 
Pass Rate =100%
45 45.2 46.7 48.2

Recruitment Activity Links to any supporting documentation Number of 
Demographics of Participants (if available) Number of Participants Who Applied* Number of Participants Who Enrolled*
Materials distribution request email sent to 3 local school districts.  unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
12 recruiting sessions in Liberal Studies, SPED 120 classes, and Child Development classrooms  Recruitment Presentation unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
Recruited at 4 district job fairs  unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
Distributed flyers on campus during lunch Recruitment Pamphlet unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
Materials distribution sent to 2 local school districts unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
10 recruiting sessions in Liberal Studies, SPED 120 classes, and Child Development classrooms classes in Liberal Studies and Child Development classes Recruitment presentation unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
Recruited at 4 district job fairs  unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
14 informal recruiting orientations Recruitment flyer unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
Email recruiting Recruitment flyer unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
Materials distribution request email sent to 4 local school districts Recruitment flyer unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
16 informal recruiting sessions Recruitment flyer unknown** reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
6 recruiting sessions in Liberal Studies courses, SPED 120 classes, and Child Development classes  Recruitment presentation about 200 reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
9 recruiting sessions for the Clovis Education Special Teacher Residency Recruitment presentation about 115 reflective of Central Valley unknown** unknown**
**In the past, the program has not collected details of who has attended recruitment events, so there is no way to connect who attends a given event with who applies to the program, who is admitted, and who ultimately enrolls. Moving forward, we will collect contact information from all attendees as a way to better evaluate our recruitment efforts.

Appendix B →