AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 2: Aspect F
Standard 2f: Program completers engage in professional practice in educational settings and show that they have the skills and abilities to do so in a variety of additional settings and community/cultural contexts. For example, candidates must have broad and general knowledge of the impact of culture and language on learning, yet they cannot, within the context of any given program, experience working with the entire diversity of student identities, or in all types of school environments.
Candidate preparation includes first-hand professional experience accompanied by reflection that prepares candidates to engage effectively in different contexts they may encounter throughout their careers.
Data Sources & Analysis
Data Source 1
CSU Educator Quality Center Completer Survey
Description of Data Source:
The California State University’s Education Quality Center (EdQ) oversees the administration
of a completer-survey to exiting candidates of all CSU teacher-preparation programs.
The survey is available year-round and campuses are encouraged to make completion
of the survey a component of graduates’ final paperwork. The survey contains items
asking about candidates’ perceptions of various aspects of the preparation program
and the field placement experience. Campuses have access to annual results from the
survey by utilizing the EdQ Dashboard. Results can be disaggregated by various measures
including campus, year of completion, respondent race/ethnicity, and type of credential.
Note: the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) also distributes a
Credential Program Completer Survey which gives an overall view of CA Educator Preparation
Perspective Captured from Data Source: Completer
Rationale for Using Data Source:
Every year the CSU Educator Quality Center administers this survey to CSU teacher
preparation program completers. The routine, annual collection of these data offer
the program to look at Multiple Subject Program Completer perceptions of preparedness
longitudinally. Moreover, the survey items are also aligned to the Teaching Performance
Expectations for which our program curriculum and clinical experiences are also aligned.
This makes the survey a good tool for the face validity of the survey as it measures
what our program intends to understand about the quality of our teacher credential
program. Overall this survey tool aims to capture their perceptions of preparation
after having been a teacher of record for one year.
We selected one (1) item from the survey that focused on the Multiple Subject Program Completers’ (MSPC) perspectives of how the program prepared them to collaborate with colleagues to support professional learning.
Specific Elements of Data Source:
The item we selected to analyze include candidate responses for how well prepared
were you to begin each aspect of a teacher’s job listed below:
To work with colleagues to improve instruction.
Definition of Success for Each Element:
It is our program's goal to have 85% or more of candidates indicate positive preparedness
perceptions within the 3 - 5 range or from “Adequately Prepared” to “Well Prepared”
to “Very Well Prepared.”
Displays of Analyzed Data:
Figure 1: 2017-2018 Multiple Subject Program Completers One Year Out (N 44)
Figure 2: 2018-2019 Multiple Subject Program Completers One Year Out (N 61)
Figure 3: 2019-2020 Multiple Subject Program Completers One Year Out (N 59)
Link to Full Dataset: The link to the full dataset is unavailable. However, if reviewers would like to view the CSU Educator Quality Center Data Dashboards, we are happy to set up a time to provide them access by sharing screens in a Zoom session.
Interpretation of Data:
The data collected over the last three years show a consistent trend that most of
our candidates feel well prepared to work with colleagues to improve their instruction.
The item never fell below 85% in positive perception thereby meeting the program’s
goal over the past three years.
Data Source 2
New Teacher Professional Learning Participation
Description of Data Source:
Fresno Unified is the third largest school district in California, educating just
over 73,000 K-12 students in the 2019-2020 academic year (CDE, n.d.). Of those students, 68% identified as Latinx, 10% identified as Asian, 9% identified
as White, 8% identified as Black, and 2% identified with two or more races, and 60%
of those children are dual-language learners (CDE Dataquest, n.d.). Additionally, 85.9% of the students in the local school district receive free
or reduced meals (CDE, n.d.). Fresno Unified also consistently places the largest number of Multiple Subject
Credential Candidates with experienced mentor teachers in their district for their
clinical experience (N 73; 26%). Moreover, Fresno Unified hires the majority of our MS program completers; 60-70
new hires each year. For these reasons, we launched a plan in March 2020 where Fresno
Unified agreed to strengthen their data collection systems so we could receive their
teacher induction program data. During these sessions new teachers are working collaboratively
with their colleagues to examine their practice as well as discuss how to apply new
practices in their classrooms. New teacher attendance to the professional learning
sessions is an indicator of their ability to collaborate with various colleagues,
learn from each other, and share knowledge and resources with each other.
Perspective Captured from Data Source: New Teacher Development Administrator
Rationale for Using Data Source:
New teachers are invited to participate in four-hour professional learning sessions
twice a month on Saturdays. During these sessions new teachers are working collaboratively
with their colleagues to examine their practice as well as discuss how to apply new
practices in their classrooms. New teacher attendance to the professional learning
sessions is an indicator of their ability to collaborate with various colleagues,
learn from each other, and share knowledge and resources with each other.
Specific Elements of Data Source:
We decided to gather information related to the frequency of new teachers’ attendance
at professional learning sessions offered by the school district.
Definition of Success for Each Element:
It is our program's goal to have more than 90% of new teachers attend the professional
learning sessions.
Interpretation of Data:
As highlighted in the linked spreadsheet, we found that 99% of new teachers attended the Saturday professional learning sessions
offered by the district. This is a positive outcome that surpassed the program’s goal
for new teachers’ commitment to collaborate with colleagues to support professional
Data Source 3
CCTC Employer Survey
Description of Data Source:
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) administers the Employer
Survey annually from October 1 to December 31. Employers who have hired at least 2
completers from the same institution over the past 3-5 years are asked to complete
the survey to provide information about their perception of how well new teachers
were prepared by their preparation programs. The survey items align with the California
Teaching Performance Expectations (TPE) and the California Standards for the Teaching
Profession (CSTP). Since both sets of standards inform the knowledge and skills embedded
in the Multiple Subject Credential Program, this survey gathers valuable information
for our program to reflect on regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the preparation
program from Employers’ perspectives. Moreover, the intention is that the individual
who has seen the new teachers teach is the person who completes this survey, which
also provides our program with insight into how the completers of our program are
doing 3-5 years out.
Perspective Captured from Data Source: Employer
Rationale for using Data Source:
The CSU Educator Quality Center administered a survey to employers of 2014-2015 and
2015-2016 graduates of CSU educator preparation programs. Results were able to be
disaggregated by both preparatory institution and program. The survey was discontinued
after evaluating the 2015-2016 completers, meaning that all available data are at
least five years old. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) began
its own employer survey that it first administered in Fall 2019. However, while it
is possible to disaggregate results by institution, it is not possible to do so by
preparation program. Although the data from the CCTC Employer Survey are not disaggregated,
we chose to use the results as one of our three data sources because they do provide
an employer perspective on our candidates. In the future, we plan to advocate to the
CCTC for the addition of items to the survey that would allow data to be disaggregated
in this way.
Specific Elements of Data Source:
The items we selected to analyze align to TPE/CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional
Educator include employer responses to how well-prepared are program completers to
do each of the following as a teacher compared to other beginning teachers with whom
the employer has worked:
Evaluate the effects of actions on student learning and modify plans accordingly,
which happens during grade level collaborative planning meetings where our graduates
are hired by our local district partners.
Work with colleagues to improve instruction
Definition of Success for Each Element:
The CCTC Employer Survey responses range from 1 - “Not At All” to 5 - “Very Well prepared.”
It is our program's goal to have 80% or more of employers indicate positive preparedness
perceptions within the 3 - 5 range or from “Adequately” to “Well” to “Very Well” prepared.
Displays of Analyzed Data:
Figure 4: 2018-2019 CCTC Employer Survey (N 32)
Figure 5: 2019-2020 CCTC Employer Survey (N 33)
Link to Full Dataset: MS Employer Master Teacher Survey Results
Interpretation of Data:
The data collected over the last two years show a consistent positive trend that the
employers of our program completers feel that those that they hired from our program
are well prepared to use data collaboratively to improve instruction. No items fell
below 80% in positive perception thereby meeting the program’s goal over the past
two years. Moreover, an increase in positive perception is noticed from 2018-2019
to 2019-2020.
Next Steps:
Area of Focus:
- Need to sustain program’s emphasis on collaborative efforts with colleagues.
In order to address what we found, we will . . .
- Invite program faculty and district partners into conversations about how we prepare program completers to be day one ready to collaborate with colleagues to support professional learning. Work together to reflect on… What does this look like in practice? How can we build in more clinical experiences that build new teacher confidence in these areas? What change ideas can we test out and study? Review data together and discuss what additional data is needed to help us develop interpretations that increase our confidence and decision-making.
To evaluate our efforts in this area, we will . . .
- Strengthen the datasets that we currently have to assess this area:
- Invite two more district partners to support data sharing of induction data including discussing their induction practices and data collection procedures.
- Ask Fresno Unified about receiving induction data broken out by credential.
- Work with our district partners to develop a strategy to increase CCTC employer survey response rates.