AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 4: Aspect C
The program is committed to and invests in strengthening and improving the education profession and the P-20 education system. Each program’s context (or multiple contexts) provides particular opportunities to engage the field’s shared challenges and to foster and support innovation. Engagement with critical issues is essential and must be contextualized. Sharing results of contextualized engagement and innovation supports the field’s collective effort to address education’s most pressing challenges through improvement and innovation.
The Multiple Subject Credential Program follows up with program completers through the CSU one-year-out survey that asks about their perceptions of how well our program prepared them now that they have been teaching for a year. This feedback helps us see that once our program completers have a year of experience as a teacher of record that their perceptions of the quality of our program are not as positive giving us more to consider and reflect on compared to data collected as they finish the program. Through our Teacher Residency Programs we follow up with our program completers by receiving data from our district partners. For example, how many of our residency program completers have now become teacher leaders or mentor teachers of residents currently enrolled in the program. In the future, the Multiple Subject Credential Program plans to conduct focus groups with program completers at one year out, three years out, and five years out as a way to better understand their journey earning their clear credential and to explore what additional support they need as they advance in their tenure in the profession.
In partnership with university centers, initiatives, and departments, the Multiple Subject Credential Program supports program completers in their on-going professional learning as described in Appendix B. The five professional learning opportunities consist of program completers sometimes facilitating the learning and other times participating as the learners. In the future, we plan to host an unconference format to create more space for collaboration and community support networks among our program completers. We also aim to recognize our program completers for their ongoing commitment to strengthening the field.