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AAQEP Accreditation 2022

Appendix B: Completer Support and Follow-Up Practices

Multiple Subject Credential Program

Current Practices:

Event/Activity Meeting/ Event Date (if applicable) Purpose Person Responsible Evidence Collected Next Steps
Ensenamos PL Series  Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021  Engage in critical, antiracist dialogues through the lenses of art, culture, identity, and community healing. Development of community-based, socio-culturally based curriculum.  Dr. Patricia Lopez Planning and participation of program completers as facilitators of sessions; Post session evaluations; attendance tracking Develop a plan for increased outreach for program completers to participate
Co-teaching Virtually Professional Learning 9/28/20
Walk away with practical ideas for how to support your student teacher during virtual, online learning experiences
Experienced Teacher Panel from Washington Virtual Academies
Time to share successes and challenges with other local mentor teachers; time to collectively celebrate & problem solve
Dr. Heather Horsley,
Dr. Kimberly Coy
Dr. Earl Aguilar,
Dr. Imelda Basurto, 
Cheryl McDonald
Program Completer Ambassadors from Fresno Unified
RSVP form; post-PL evaluation Use the feedback from the evaluation to plan another PL session
Cesar Chavez in Education Conference May Annually  Grounded in the core values of this great leader, the goal of the conference is to engage a community of parents, counselors, educators, students, and other stakeholders in critical discussion and reflection to promote educational efforts that work towards collective dignity and social transformation.
The César Chávez Education Conference welcomes scholar-practitioners at all career stages seeking a supportive venue to share their work. One of our goals is to provide space for researchers and practitioners to come together across generations to share and learn from one another and, in so doing, to become part of a broader community interested in education, gender rights, and social justice.
Conference Chairs (changes annually) Conference Program; Conference registration; Photo artifacts; Conference Evaluation Has been on-hold during COVID-19; Reinitiate for Spring 2022; Invite program completers to present. 
Conference on Character and Civic Education February 24, 2021 Exemplary School Award for Character and Civics; a conference focused on ethical implications of the profession. Dr. Jessca Hannigan Award Applications; Showcase Conference evaluation Determine how many of our graduates are employed at schools awarded the Exemplary School Award
Exemplary Practices in Educational Leadership Conference February 24, 2021

Central Valley leaders from schools, districts, businesses and community organizations to share best practices and challenges. Past conferences have focused on the following topics: 

  • -social emotional learning
  • -mental health
  • -distance learning
  • -human trafficking
  • -equity in STEAM
  • -multi-district collaboration
Dr. Nancy Akhavan Conference Evaluation Determine how many program completers present at the conference 

Future Practices: 

Event/Activity Meeting/ Event Date 
(if applicable)
Purpose Person 
Next Steps
Unconference for program completers February 2022 Create space for program completers across school districts to bring problems of practice around content that they want to reflect on more deeply. Dr. Heather Horsley
Plus additional MS program faculty
Registration; Session Evaluation Work with district partners and OCP to clean up our program completer email addresses
Recognition for program completers who become mentor teachers; develop a space on the website to share good news.  Spring 2022 Honor program completers for their commitment to strengthening the field Dr. Heather Horsley;
Dr. Felipe Mercado; 
Sam Ray, Communications
Recognition letters;
Nomination forms
Work with Dr. Mercado to prepare the recognition letters in Fall 2021; Work with Sam to set up the form on the website by January 2022
NCTR Mentor Teacher Recognition Each Semester Honor our program completers who are now serving as mentor teachers in our residency programs Residency District Leadership; Dr. Horsley; Professors-in-Residence; Sam Ray, Communications Nomination forms;
NCTR newsletter 
Work with district partners and PIRs to nominate 1 mentor teacher from each residency during Fall 2021; work with Sam Ray on social media announcements 

Appendix B: