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AAQEP Accreditation 2022

Appendix B: Completer Support and Follow-Up Practices

Single Subject Credential Program

Current Practices:  Single Subject Teacher Credential Program

Event/Activity Meeting/ Event Date 
(if applicable)
Purpose Person 
Next Steps
CSU Exit Survey: Program completers are asked to complete this survey (LINK   To assess the quality of the program through the perception of the credential candidate  State of California (CSU Survey Link)  
Cesar Chavez in Education Conference May Annually  Grounded in the core values of this great leader, the goal of the conference is to engage a community of parents, counselors, educators, students, and other stakeholders in critical discussion and reflection to promote educational efforts that work towards collective dignity and social transformation.
The César Chávez Education Conference welcomes scholar-practitioners at all career stages seeking a supportive venue to share their work. One of our goals is to provide space for researchers and practitioners to come together across generations to share and learn from one another and, in so doing, to become part of a broader community interested in education, gender rights, and social justice.
Conference Chairs (changes annually) Conference Program; Conference registration; Photo artifacts; 
Conference Evaluation
Has been on-hold during COVID-19; Reinitiate for Spring 2022; Invite program completers to present. 
Conference on Character and Civic Education February 24, 2021 Exemplary School Award for Character and Civics; a conference focused on ethical implications of the profession. Dr. Jessca Hannigan Award Applications; Showcase Conference evaluation Determine how many of our graduates are employed at schools awarded the Exemplary School Award

Future Practices:  Single Subject Teacher Credential Program

Event/Activity Meeting/ Event Date 
(if applicable)
Purpose Person 
Next Steps
SS Facebook   To make a closer connection with students and to establish a greater community at-large Single Subject Coordinator   Contact KSOEHD Communications Officer 
Course Instructor Blogs or Facebook Pages   Increase Professor accessibility and build rapport outside of class Course Instructors   Contact faculty
Annual Teacher Conference Annually, each Spring Bring together program completers to provide additional professional development and build connections between current candidates and completers Assistant Director of Teacher Education working with program coordinators and program faculty   Begin planning

Appendix B: