AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 4 Aspect D
The program is committed to and invests in strengthening and improving the education profession and the P-20 education system. Each program’s context (or multiple contexts) provides particular opportunities to engage the field’s shared challenges and to foster and support innovation. Engagement with critical issues is essential and must be contextualized. Sharing results of contextualized engagement and innovation supports the field’s collective effort to address education’s most pressing challenges through improvement and innovation.
Use of Existing Data Sources to Inform Program Practices:
Even though the Single Subject Teacher Credential Program meets on a regular basis,
the discussion of data has only recently come into play at program meetings. There
are several reasons for this lack of focused discussion of data. A major challenge
is that there has not been a central data system in place. Additionally, there has
not been any training on data analytics as a way to ensure that all stakeholders are
able to quickly discern any emerging patterns that require an immediate change in
the program. Finally, finding the time within program meetings to engage in data analysis
has been a challenge.
However, plans are being put in place for the creation of a centralized data management system where data can be housed to allow for easier access. There are also plans to increase the number of data discussions from annually to every semester. This is in addition to conducting regular data summit meetings with all stakeholders, not just program faculty.
Data Source 1
CCTC Program Completer Survey
Data Source:
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) Completer Survey is aligned
to the California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE’s), and has a 70% response
rate. It measures program completer perceptions of program quality and preparedness
to teach, as well as multiple unique items (e.g., the length of time it took to complete
the program; perceptions of preparedness to teach diverse learners, and the use of
technology for instruction). Single Subject Credential Program Completers are routed
directly to the CCTC Completer Survey when they are completing the online application
process prior to paying for their credential. The survey is optional and a completer
may elect to not respond to the survey once it is opened, as the survey does direct
them back to pay for their credential.
Type of Data: Self-reporting Questionnaire
Of the 31 Self-reporting survey questions, items 1-19 focus on California Teacher
Performance Expectations, items 20-22 focus on content, and items 23-31 focus on field
work and clinical practice
How use data to inform program practices:
The survey responses are used as a tool to provide an annual snapshot of progression
in each of the areas as well as to highlight completers’ perceptions of program areas
of strength and weakness.
Data Source 2
CSU EdQ Program Completer Survey/ First-Year / Employer
Data Source:
Single Subject Credential Program Completers are routed directly to the CSU Educator
Quality Center (EdQ) Survey when they are applying for their preliminary credential.
The survey is optional and a completer may elect not respond to the survey.
Type of Data:
The EdQ Program Completer survey measures program performance across eight themes:
Mathematics, English, Social Studies, Science, Clinical Experience, English Language
Learners, Special Education, and Technology.
How use data to inform program practices:
The data are used as a tool to provide an annual snapshot of progression in each of
the areas as well as to highlight areas of strength and weakness.
Data Source 3
FAST Site Visitation Project (SVP) & Teaching Sample Project (TSP)
Data Source:
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing approved the Fresno Assessment
of Student Teachers (FAST) as a locally designed alternative teacher performance assessment.
The CCTC-approved FAST is in compliance with SB2042 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness
for Professional Teacher Preparation Programs
Type of Data:
It is used to evaluate the six Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs). Each FAST
task is embedded into a specific field experience within a sequential credential program.
This helps assure that TPE-related knowledge and skills have been taught and formatively
assessed in coursework, and applied with feedback in fieldwork situations prior to
being summatively assessed through FAST. Each of the tasks has a four-point scoring
rubric used to evaluate the project. The rubric levels are: 1 = Does not meet expectations;
2 = Meets expectations; 3 = Meets expectations at a high level; and, 4 = Exceeds expectations.
Each portfolio (SVP & TSP) is rated by a university supervisor, and randomly selected
portfolios are double scored to ensure reliability.
How use data to inform program practices:
The data is used as a tool to provide a semester snapshot of progression in each of
the Teacher Performance Expectation areas.