AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 4 Aspect C
Standard 4: Evidence for this standard will address identified issues in light of local and institutional context. The program provides evidence that it: Supports completers’ entry into and/or continuation in their professional role, as appropriate to the credential or degree being earned
Description of Current Practices
Currently, as shown in Appendix B, the program leadership has worked with Fresno County Superintendent of Schools CASC
program leadership on establishing a collaborative system for identifying completers
who are in an administrator position and are in the CASC clear program. For example,
the Fall 2021 CASC Clear Credential cohort has 65 completers enrolled, 20 (30.8 %)
of which are completers from FS PASC. Identifying who the completers are, gathering
their current contact information, and collaborating with the Fresno County Superintendent
of Schools CASC program to provide ongoing support (i.e., CalAPA) and development/training
opportunities will allow the faculty in the FS program to maintain the relationships
and continue supporting completers.
Additionally, the MA Educational Leadership Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram accounts are also active and are utilized to communicate with completers. These three forms of social media are utilized to highlight completers who are in administrator positions and also used to stay in contact with program completers and share information about events and resources program completers may find helpful. In addition, the coordinator of the program is also the Kremen School of Education Alumni Board president and has worked actively to involve completers in alumni events and opportunities. The ongoing presence, through alumni networks and social media engagement, is also a way of connecting with completers to recommend our program to potential candidates in the future to continue the cycle back through to recruitment.
Future Plans for Completer Follow-Up
As the FS PASC program moves forward in providing ongoing support to program completers,
the program will expand county CASC partnerships to include both Tulare and Kings
to round out connections with the service area completers and effectively log what
completers have been an administrator position and are in progress or finished a CASC
program successfully. This will include obtaining data on the CASC participants in
those regions who are completers of the FS PASC program and contact information for
continued alumni engagement. These plans are documented in Appendix B.