AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 4 Aspect D
Standard 4: Evidence for this standard will address identified issues in light of local and institutional context. The program provides evidence that it:
4d. Investigates available and trustworthy evidence regarding completer placement, effectiveness, and retention in the profession and uses that information to improve programs
Description of program use of available data on completer placement, effectiveness,
and retention
The FS PASC program has previously captured completers and employers perceptions on
effectiveness and completer results on the CalAPA in order to recommend candidates
for the preliminary credential at the end of the program. However, the FS PASC program
coordinator and faculty have only recently, Fall 2021, began to use formal data on
placement and retention in the field as the available state and CSU data for administrative
services credentials is not as robust as the teacher credentialing reports. The following
narrative summarizes the data points being collected and used to inform completer
placement, effectiveness, and retention in the profession. It also provides an overview
on the data collected and how the PASC program uses this data to inform and improve
program components and delivery. This includes The California Administrator Performance
Assessment (CalAPA), specifically Leadership Cycle 1, 2, and 3, California Commission
on Teaching Education (CTC) Completer Survey, President’s Commission of Teacher Education
Questionnaire, P12 PASC Program CTC/AAQEP Candidate Self-Assessment, and FCSS Clear
Administrative Services Credential (CASC) Partnership Data.
CalAPA Evidence. As reported in evidence throughout Standards 1 and 2, candidates in each administrative services credential program in California must demonstrate content and skill knowledge on three performance assessments prior to the attainment of a preliminary credential. Each performance assessment or leadership cycle contains required knowledge and skills found in the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPEs). The CalAPA consists of three leadership cycles that focus candidates on specific content knowledge, a different set of skills, and knowledge to demonstrate new learning relevant to school administration. Each cycle includes professional dispositions that school administrators should know and be able to demonstrate. There are 4 steps in each CalAPA performance assessment which include the following actions: Investigate, Plan, Act, Reflect in a continuous improvement model based on collected data from fieldwork school sites.
Consequential implementation of the CalAPA began in Fall 2019. Each leadership cycle includes either 7 or 8 analytic rubrics that measure knowledge and skills candidates must evidence in narrative writing, document artifacts, and/or video. Each rubric is aligned to specific CAPEs organized by a scale from Level 1 to Level 5. Based on the overall passage score for each cycle, candidate success or proficiency would be measured at Level 2. As of 2019, each CalAPA leadership cycle has a summative passing score as follows:
- Cycle 1 (8 rubrics): A final cut score of 14 points.
- Cycle 2 (7 rubrics): A final cut score of 12 points.
- Cycle 3 (7 rubrics): A final cut score of 12 points.
Based on this new assessment data, the FS PASC program has gone through a series of redesign processes to better align course content and fieldwork to the state expectations and assessment, as well as institutional and school mission and values.
CTC Program Completer Survey Evidence. At the end of the PASC program, the CTC administers a survey to all program completers to gather information about their perceptions of the program recently completed in relation to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions of effective administrators. The survey includes 35 demographic, categorical, and Likert style questions, with 20 Likert questions addressing the CAPEs on a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very well), and 10 questions on fieldwork and program experiences using check all that apply and others on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) with 6 (I did not experience/have…).
The PASC program uses this data source to ensure alignment between the PASC program implementation and completer perceptions on the effectiveness of the program. This information is utilized to adjust practices based on candidate needs.
President’s Commission of Teacher Education Superintendent Questionnaire. During university and local partners annual face-to-face meetings, the President's Commission on Teacher Education, a pilot 3-item open response feedback questionnaire was used to collect employer perceptions based on observed strengths of the Fresno State PASC graduates.
The responses are analyzed for themes in relation to the CAPEs and AAQEP standards (see Appendix B). The PASC program uses this data source to enhance partnerships, improve communication and adjust areas of need based on partner input as part of the credentialing requirements.
P12 PASC Program CAPEs and AAQEP Candidate Self-Assessment. The purpose of this self-assessment is to have students reflect on their perceptions of personal growth in the CAPEs and AAQEP standards over time in the PASC program. Based on overall program coursework, activities, readings, and discussions, as well as fieldwork experiences through the CalAPA and other supervised activities with your field mentor supervision. This assessment is designed to help students reflect on a wide range of knowledge and experiences essential to their preparation. This self-assessment is divided into three sections: 1) AAQEP Program Standards Assessment, 2) CTC CAPEs Self-Assessment , and 3) Written Narrative Reflective Response (Appendix C).
The information from this self-assessment is used to inform both areas of strength and opportunities for growth for candidates and completers, as well as inform programmatic and instructional decision-making for ongoing continuous improvement around the CAPEs and AAQEP standards and fieldwork experiences for professional growth and readiness. Each semester, and at the completion of the program, students are provided the opportunity to grow professionally as an aspiring equity-driven school leader.
Graduate Core Competency Evaluation. The purpose of the graduate core competency evaluation is for graduate program faculty to reflect on graduate level culminating student experiences (i.e., master’s projects) through a rotation of the three graduate core competencies 1) Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge/Skill, 2) Research Method, and 3) Written Communication. In alignment with the Fresno State University graduate core competency evaluation procedures, ten graduate students’ culminating assignments are randomly selected and assessed on two criteria, demonstration of advanced disciplinary knowledge and application of disciplinary knowledge. Students received a score of 3 (advanced proficiency), 2 (proficiency), or 1 (partial proficiency) (see Appendix D).
The PASC program uses this data source to evaluate graduate level culminating products to ensure alignment with program outcomes, mission and vision.
FCSS Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) Partnership Data. The FCSS CASC Program is a two year induction program that provides support and assistance through a process of personal reflection and assessment, coaching, professional learning and job shadowing. The candidate, coach and program staff collaborate to develop opportunities for leadership development appropriate to the needs of the candidate. This is accomplished by assessing the current reality of the candidate’s leadership and aligning those areas of greatest need to the Individual Leadership Plan, coaching session, and professional learning. This cyclical process is repeated as necessary for areas of need identified from the candidate’s reflection assessment, conducted three time during the program. This information is provided in a confidential document from the Fresno County CASC director including candidate name, district of employment and past PASC program of completion.
The PASC program uses this data source to monitor completers’ progress toward a clear administrator credential. The data allow the program to assess how many graduates are attaining administrator positions and clearing their credentials in alignment with state requirements.