AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 4 Aspect C
Standard 4c. Supports completers’ entry into and/or continuation in their professional role, as appropriate to the credential or degree being earned
The program prepares completers for the job-market and supports their professional development even after graduation. Currently, the program provides an opportunity for completers to provide feedback on the program. Through the feedback, our program develops strategies that we can support our completers more effectively for their future professional role. (See Appendix B)
- Completer/ Exit Survey: Our students are given an exit survey each year (within six months after graduation), where they report their employment status. The item in the survey asks “what is your current status of employment?” According to the exit survey results (see table 4.4), in 2020, 57.15 percent of our most recent graduates were hired. It should be noted that 2020 was the year when the COVID pandemic significantly impacted the job market. In 2021, the employment rate increased from 57.15% to 74.07%. Another important point to highlight in hire rates is that our students express their interest in finding a position in schools near Fresno and Clovis areas. Given the limited job openings near these cities, our students choose to take a break from their job search. Therefore, our hire rate is less than what our program desires.
Table 4.4 Current Employment Status of Graduates (2020-2021)
- | 2020 N=7 |
2021 N=27 |
Employed as a school counselor | N=3 42.86% |
N=20 74.07% |
Seeking employment as a school counselor | N=3 42.86% |
N=7 25.93% |
Employed in a counseling-related position (not school counseling) | N=1 14.29% |
-- |
Communication with Program Completers:
Our program values frequent communication with completers. Therefore, an alumni list-serve
is used to contact our graduates. This list-serve includes emails about job opportunities
for former students. Moreover, completers are given an exit survey that provides feedback on the school counseling program. This survey results guide
our program to identify growth areas and develop action strategies to improve the
quality of the program.
In the future, our program plans to create a social media page for alumni to continue mentorship and to share job opportunities. We would like to create a LinkedIn page for the program as well so additional experiences can be shared with students and alumni. They will be able to endorse skills and expand their network. We strive to provide more opportunities for completers to contact each other and with our program frequently.
Collaboration with Program Completers:
Throughout the program, students are encouraged to engage in professional development
opportunities. Also, our program highlights the importance of continuing professional
development efforts even after graduating. Thus, many faculty in our program and department
collaborate with program completers to publish articles and present at national and
regional conferences together.