AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 4 Aspect D
4d. Investigates available evidence and trustworthy evidence regarding completer placement, effectiveness, and retention in the professions and uses that information to improve programs.
School Nurses obtain a preliminary credential in order to work in the school setting and while working on site have 5 years to complete an accredited SNSC program. In order to obtain a professional clear credential in school nursing services from the CCTC, candidates must complete the approved curriculum as recognized by the CCTC. There is no exam requirement for credentialing.
School Nurse Candidates are licensed registered nurses prior to admission to the School
Nurse Services Credential Program and do not have a final licensing exam at program
end. Individualized School Nurse National certification is optional but not widely
recognized in California.
Place of employment
We do not collect information on individual school nurse competency from their place
of employment. School nurse completers have been employed in their districts for
2 to 5 years at SNSC program entry and separating knowledge learned from work experience
vs credential coursework would be difficult. End of the program data from the Employer/Supervisor
survey states candidates are able to incorporate their learning experience into the
school nurse role to improve effectiveness.
Employer/Supervisor and School Nurse Advisory Feedback
The Employer/Supervisor Survey response is used to confirm program effectiveness from
the employers’ standpoint and narrative is used to assess curriculum areas. In the
School Nurse Advisory meetings, which consists of local School Nurse administrators
who work with local completers, discussion is presented on SNSC challenges, potential
program changes, ideas for innovation and input as to curriculum and practicum areas
is gathered and used for program updates. Many employers do not understand the school
nurse role and are unable to effectively evaluate the effectiveness of the program
and more education as to the professional school nurse role is needed.
In the future, it was decided to simplify the Employer/Supervisor survey and move it online. As school nurse candidates have already been employees in their districts/school sites for 2 years or more and are not new hires, we decided in the future to send the survey out to post candidate supervisors 6 months after the program ends (January) of each year. As school administration moves frequently between schools the goal would be to capture the data while the supervisor/school nurse relationship is still intact.
Program Improvement Data Resources
Data Source 1
Data Source: Employer/Supervisor Survey of Program Effectiveness
Type of Data: Survey given to employers six months to one year after program completion
How use data to inform program practices:
The Employer/Supervisor Survey response is used to confirm program effectiveness from
the employers’ standpoint and narrative is used to assess curriculum areas.
Data Source 2
Data Source: California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Data
Type of Data: Survey response of completers 1 year after program completion
How use data to inform program practices:
The CCTC (California Commission on Teacher Credentialing) Survey of program completers
is used to confirm program effectiveness from the candidate standpoint and narrative
is used to assess curriculum areas.
Data Source 3: A SNSC Completer Program Effectiveness Survey (to be developed)
Data Source: Completer End of Program Survey
Type of Data: Online
How to use data to inform program practices: To give completers a voice on program effectiveness and potential changes.
Summary of Findings 4d
The SNSC program supports completer entry and/or continuation into their professional
roles, as appropriate to the credential or degree earned as evidenced by the Program
Improvement data resources gathered from the California Commission on Teacher Effectiveness,
Candidate Employers/Supervisors, and the School Nurse Advisory feedback. A Completer
Program Effectiveness End of Program Survey will be developed in the future to capture
Candidate data.