CCTC Accreditation 2022
Standard 4
Continuous Improvement
The education unit develops and implements a comprehensive continuous improvement process at both the unit level and within each of its programs that identifies program and unit effectiveness and makes appropriate modifications based on findings.
(4.1) The education unit and its programs regularly assess their effectiveness in relation to the course of study offered, fieldwork and clinical practice, and support services for candidates.
Both the unit and its programs regularly and systematically collect, analyze, and use candidate and program completer data as well as data reflecting the effectiveness of unit operations to improve programs and their services.
Unit-Wide Data Collection & Analysis:
In 2022-2023, Fresno State revised its continuous improvement model to place a higher emphasis on the ongoing, systematic collection and analysis of data at both the unit-level and program-level. Coordinators of all credential programs meet monthly to engage in discussions of data collection and analysis efforts and to share best practices.
Unit-Wide Exit Survey
In Spring 2023, program coordinators worked together to develop a unit-wide exit survey that was administered to completers of all programs. The survey included both common items that all completers responded to and program-specific items, in hopes of administering just one survey to gather data both about the unit as a whole and individual programs. Program coordinators met in August to review results, paying attention to areas of strengths and areas for growth.
Improved Collection of Completer Contact Information:
Historically, programs have struggled with gathering data from program completers who are in the field. Too often, we have incorrect contact information so that any emails that are sent are returned as undeliverable.
To help with this process, we developed a demographic/contact information survey that all completers are required to complete. The survey includes items to gather the following information:
- Credential program
- Credential pathway
- Term completed
- Cell number
- non-Fresno State email
- Ethnicity
- Employment information (if available)
We intend to use this information to connect with completers in January of each year to obtain updated contact and employment information and the name and email address of an immediate supervisor. We will use the contact information we receive to administer a one-year out completer survey and an employer survey annually, both modeled after the exit survey.
Application-Enrollment-Completer Demographic Data
As we worked towards our accreditation site visit in Spring 2022, we discovered that many programs were not tracking data on the demographics of those who applied to their programs, those who enrolled in their programs, and those who completed their programs. Since they were not collecting these data, they also could not engage in analysis to see if there were gaps in the demographics of who was enrolling in and completing the programs.
Our Data Analyst is now working with the credential and graduate admissions analysts and program coordinators to gather these data. The data will then be shared with program coordinators so that we can begin to engage in critical analysis of who is enrolling and completing our programs and whether or not their demographics are representative of the local K-12 communities we serve.
Program-Level Data Collection & Analysis:
Program coordinators worked together to establish what data their programs were already collecting and how they use those data to inform program practices. Two shared documents allow programs to see what data other programs are collecting and using as a way to generate ideas
While the tables are not as complete as we would like them to be, they provide a snapshot of both the data that are currently being collected and areas where programs need to develop tools and processes for collecting data to ensure all stakeholder groups are represented.
Initial Teacher Education Programs:
Coach and Candidate Data Collection & Analysis
The newly formed Office of Clinical Practice has spearheaded efforts to collect data from candidates on their field experience in order to support ongoing continuous improvement efforts. Building on that success, they have also conducted surveys of coaches on their experiences and what challenges they have encountered.
Teacher Education Summit
As a way to continue to strengthen ties among all involved in our initial teacher education programs–faculty, coaches, and mentor teachers–we held our first Teacher Education Summit on February 11, 2023. The purpose of this Summit was to have conversations about each Teacher Education program (Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist) across these three different groups. In total, 74 full-time and part-time Teacher Education faculty, coaches, and mentor teachers participated.
The day began with a panel featuring recent completers of each program. They were invited to respond to questions about their experiences in the program and the extent to which the program prepared them for the real world of teaching as a way for everyone to hear their perspectives on our programs. These perspectives serve as one form of data for faculty, coaches, and mentor teachers to reflect on. Additionally, participants were provided with program-specific phase/course overviews, FAST data from recent years, responses to the CSU Educator Quality Center survey from Spring 2022, and demographic data from recent years.
Following the opening session, participants were placed into program-specific small groups that include a mix of faculty, coaches, and mentor teachers. They were asked to reflect on what was shared by the panel, the additional data shared, and their open experiences with the program. Additionally, they were invited to share their concerns and their recommendations. Small groups then came together by program to share the highlights of their discussions and determine areas for the program to address moving forward.
Moving forward, the Teacher Education Summit will be an annual event where we can share data with all involved in teacher education and work to build stronger connections among faculty–full-time and part-time, coaches, and mentor teachers.
We hope to create an event similar to the Teacher Education Summit for our Advanced Credential Programs.
Involvement of PK3 Program in Existing Continuing Improvement Efforts
All coordinators of Fresno State’s educator preparation program meet monthly to discuss program practices and support one another in programmatic and unit-wide data collection and analysis. The coordinator of the proposed PK3 ECE Instructional Specialist credential already participates in these discussions.
A key point of discussion in recent sessions has been how candidates are tracked through the programs and how data are collected from candidates across each phase. Program coordinators have shared the different approaches they use as they learn with and from one another.
Efforts have also been made to develop common instruments for data collection to be used across programs. An example of this is a common Exit Survey that is administered to completers of all credential programs at the time program completion. The survey includes items common to all programs, along with program-specific items. Candidates in the PK3 program will be asked to respond to the survey when they complete the program. Data from the completers will be used to inform both unit-wide and program-specific practices.
Additionally, in Spring 2024, programs will administer a common survey to employers of program completers and a common survey to individuals who completed the program one year ago. Like the Exit Survey, these surveys will include both items that are common across all programs and program-specific items.
The PK3 ECE Instructional Specialist Credential Program will also be included in all Teacher Education-specific data collection and analysis activities, including the annual Teacher Education Summit, which brings together faculty, coaches, and mentor teachers to look together at program-specific data, discuss program strengths and areas for growth, and make recommendations for program improvements. (Response to First Review)