AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 3 Aspect F
Preparation programs ensure that candidates, upon completion, are ready to engage in professional practice, to adapt to a variety of professional settings, and to grow throughout their careers. Effective program practices include: consistent offering of coherent curricula; high-quality quality, diverse clinical experiences; dynamic, mutually beneficial partnerships with stakeholders; and comprehensive and transparent quality assurance processes informed by trustworthy evidence. Each aspect of the program is appropriate to its context and to the credential or degree sought.
Description of Faculty Resources to support program:
Program faculty include (see Appendix C):
Dr. Arthur Parham, Professor Emeriti. Dr. Parham is participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) which allows him to continue teaching on a part time basis. He places and supervises EHD 155A student teachers and teaches our EHD 154A seminar.
Dr. Rosco Vaughn coordinates the Agriculture Specialist Credential Program. He teaches AGED 187: Organization, Administration, and Supervision of Agricultural Education. He places and supervises EHD 155B student teachers, teaches AGRI 280: Seminar in Agricultural Education, and AGRI 281: Problems in Agricultural Education.
Dr. Steven Rocca teaches AGED 135: Introduction to Agricultural Education, AGED 150: Agricultural Resources and Computer Applications, and CI 161: Methods and Materials in Secondary Teaching.
Dr. Sharon Freeman teaches AGED 50: Orientation to Agricultural Education and AGED 120S: Leadership and Communication (a service learning course that includes the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Agriculture (JCAST) Ambassadors that do outreach and recruiting for the JCAST) and she supervises some EHD 155A student teachers.
Mr. Kevin Woodard teaches AGED 50: Orientation to Agricultural Education and supervises some of our EHD 155A student teachers.
Ms. Jesse Bower teaches AGED 189: Education in Agricultural Mechanics, AGRI 281: Problems in Agricultural Education, and supervises EHD 155B student teachers.
Ms. Shay Williams-Hopper supervises EHD 155A student teachers.
Ms. Kassie Mendes supervises EHD 155A student teachers.
Description of Staffing Resources to Support Program (see Appendix C):
The Agricultural Education Program is part of the Animal Sciences and Agricultural
Education Department. The department has one Administrative Support Coordinator -
Deborah Russell. She provides administrative and clerical support for the department,
prepares and processes schedules of courses under the direction of the department
chair, schedules facilities for classes and maintains department records including
budget reconciliation. She handles purchases and travel arrangements; orders and organizes
department supplies and materials; obtains and posts schedules for each faculty member
including officer hours and meetings; reviews incoming mail and correspondence for
proper routing; screens calls and visitors to provide assistance as needed; coordinates
a variety of department special events and projects; prepares agendas and keeps department
meeting minutes,
Description of Facilities for program:
See Appendix C: Facilities for a list and description of program facilities.
Description of Institutional Support (see Appendix C):
Support for the program is provided by the Agricultural Education Unit of the California
Department of Education, which provides funding for travel to supervise student teachers
and attend agricultural education meetings in California. They also provide funding
for a coordinator for Teach Ag California, and for the annual Student Teacher Conclave,
New Professionals Conference, and Mentoring Teacher Conference. These funds are provided
through a California Department of Education contract with Fortuna Union High school
The California Agricultural Teachers’ Association (CATA) provides inservice workshops and professional development opportunities for California Agriculture Teachers.
The university provides computer and other technology resources, funds for instructional and office supplies including telephone, printers, copy machines, data projectors, document cameras, and supplies for printers and copy machines.
The Kremen School of Education and Human Development (KSOEHD) provides staff including Admissions Office, Tk20 Help, Office of Clinical Practice, and Credential Analyst Office.
Mechanisms to Collect Student Feedback (see Appendix C):
The Fresno State Student Ratings of Instruction (FFSRI) provide students with the
ability to rate their professors. Our department administers one or more instruments
near the end of each semester for each faculty member. Faculty review and analyze
their student ratings each semester. They identify areas that need improvement and
formulate plans to improve those areas.
Student feedback is collected from program completers using a graduate follow -up survey that is administered every five years. This survey provides graduates perception of the effectiveness of the program. This data is reviewed by program faculty to identify areas of strength and weakness. Faculty identify strategies to improve the areas identified as weak.
Mentor teacher survey forms for EHD 155A AND 155B provide candidates to provide feedback on their mentor teacher. This information is reviewed by university faculty to provide insight into mentor teacher performance.
CSU Exit Survey provides feedback from program completers to help improve credential programs. Unfortunately Agriculture Specialist Candidate feedback is not separated from other credential candidates. Therefore this survey is of no value to our program.
The EHD 154A and AGRI 280 Seminars provide opportunities for candidates to provide feedback on their student teaching experience. Candidates share both positive and negative comments about their experience. Seminar instructors share this feedback with the other coaches. Coaches then work with mentor teachers to strengthen the mentor teachers performance.