AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 3 Aspect C
Standard 3: Evidence shows that, by the time of program completion, candidates exhibit knowledge, skills, and abilities of professional educators appropriate to their target credential or degree, including: Engages multiple stakeholders, including completers, local educators, schools, and districts, in data collection, analysis, planning, improvement, and innovation
Below outlines the various ways the FS PASC program engages multiple stakeholders for data collection, analysis, planning, improvement, and innovation. Table 1, below, provides an overview of each stakeholder engagement and general use in the areas of data collection, analysis, planning, improvement, and innovation.
Overview of FS PASC Program Stakeholder Engagement
Program and Department Faculty Engagement
PASC faculty meet once a month during the academic year to discuss program developments
and review program data including the CalAPA results, CTC Completer Survey, Graduate
Writing Competency, district partner feedback, candidate reflections and feedback,
and course assessment and student rating data. Input for these areas is collected
in various settings in order to address stakeholders’ needs and concerns for continuous
program improvement and regional considerations. For example, each semester, candidates
give formal feedback through a student evaluation system that is reviewed by the Department
Chair of Educational Leadership and discussed with each individual faculty member.
Trends and themes are reviewed with the Coordinator to discuss with faculty as part
of the continuous improvement cycle. The CTC surveys completers of PASC programs
annually, and those results are reviewed by the P12 faculty during program meetings.
Completer Engagement
The program connects with program completers through a Year+ CTC distributed completer
survey. This survey was sent to all program completers at the completion of their
program. The PASC program faculty began monitoring how many PASC graduates completed
the survey as of Spring 2018. On Average, we have a 90% response rate from completers
from Spring 2018-Spring 2020.
Additionally, at the end of the PASC program, the CTC administers a survey to all program completers to gather information about their perceptions of the program recently completed in relation to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions of effective administrators. The survey includes 35 demographic, categorical, and Likert style questions, with 20 Likert questions addressing the CAPEs, fieldwork experiences, and program experiences.
Candidate Engagement
The P12 PASC Program AAQEP Candidate Self-Assessment is another stakeholder engagement
tool used for ongoing program improvement. The purpose of this self-assessment is
to have students reflect on their perceptions of personal growth in the CAPEs and
AAQEP standards overtime in the PASC program. The information from this self-assessment
is utilized to inform both areas of strength and opportunities for growth for students,
as well as inform programmatic and instructional decision-making for ongoing continuous
improvement. Each semester students are provided the opportunity to grow professionally
as aspiring equity-driven school leaders. Based on overall program coursework, activities,
readings, and discussions, as well as fieldwork experiences through the CalAPA and
other supervised activities with your field mentor supervision. This assessment is
designed to help students reflect on a wide range of knowledge and experiences essential
to their preparation. This self-assessment is divided into three sections: 1) AAQEP
Program Standards Assessment, 2) CTC CAPEs Self-Assessment , and 3) Written Narrative
Reflective Response.
CASC Program including Fresno County Leadership and Recent Fresno State Program Completers
Fresno County Superintendent of Schools' Clear Administrative Services Credential
(CASC) as the primary regional service provider for our P12 PASC completer in order
to clear their administrative credential. Graduates from our program who become school
administrators after finishing our P12 program qualify to be a part of this 2-year
program to clear their credentials. The FS PASC coordinator has been working closely
with CASC leadership to design a collaborative method for following our students who
are participating and completing CASC. Faculty from Fresno State have also provided
ongoing professional learning for CASC students this academic year and will continue
to provide support in partnership with CASC. CASC students were also provided an opportunity
to participate in the Bonner Character Education school validation visits and professional
learning opportunities. Approximately fifty administrator graduates participated in
this ongoing professional learning opportunity supervised by faculty from the admin
program. We also have set up monthly meetings with the CASC leadership to continue
supporting our graduates with ongoing learning opportunities and mentoring support.
CASC has begun tracking students who come from Fresno State as part of their application
process so they can help us identify our graduates from their overall cohort.
Bonner Center for Character Education and Citizenship and Program Completer Opportunities
Another project in which the PASC faculty play a significant role to impact area school
partners is the Bonner Center for Character Education and Citizenship. The new director
is currently faculty for the PASC program and three other PASC faculty currently serve
on the center’s advisory committee which also includes other departmental KSOEHD faculty,
local school district leadership, and administrators from Fresno, Kings and Madera
County Offices of Education. Beyond the impact of the annual Conference on Character
and Civic Education as is the longest-running character education conference in the
U.S. designed specifically for students in the teacher education credential programs
at both Fresno State and a neighboring university, the center connects with elementary
and secondary schools throughout the valley through school character and civic education
validation team visitations. Teams led by advisory faculty include other PASC and
KSOEHD faculty and invited administrative program candidates and graduates to visit
schools that showcase the exemplary programs for character education and citizenship.
These visits allow program faculty to meet with school community stakeholders (i.e,
students, parents, teachers, site admin, and district office personnel) in focus group
sessions and classroom observations. In 2020, 37 schools representing schools throughout
Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Madera counties received the exemplary award. In 2021,
10 secondary schools throughout the Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Madera county received
the exemplary award.
In addition, graduates from the PASC program who become school administrators after finishing our P12 program qualify to be a part of this 2-year program to clear their credential. We have been working closely with CASC leadership this year to design a collaborative method for following our students who are participating and completing CASC as mentioned above. Specifically, in relation to the Bonner Character Education CASC students were also provided an opportunity to participate in the Bonner Character Education school validation visits and professional learning opportunity. Approximately fifty administrator graduates participated in this ongoing professional learning opportunity supervised by faculty from the PASC program.
Regional P12 District and School Site Leadership Engagement
Twice a year input is collected through the Presidential Commission on Teacher Credentialing
advisory that includes approximately 25-40 area superintendents, county offices of
education, local community college representatives and university faculty that teach
and coordinate credential programs on campus. Another form of input gathering includes
a Dean Council of local educational leaders that meets twice a year, as well as a
new body titled, South Valley and Rural District Educational Leader Dean Council
that is hosted by Visalia Unified and includes educators P 16 in Tulare and Kings
Counties. During university and local partners annual face-to-face meetings and the
President's Commission on Teacher Education, open response feedback through a questionnaire
is used to collect employer perceptions based on observed strengths of the Fresno
State PASC graduates. The responses are analyzed for themes in relation to the CAPEs
and AAQEP standards to assist in the application of the stakeholder feedback for program
improvement to address regional needs.
A newer addition for regional district level engagement with PASC is the P12 Superintendent Advisory Council. The primary goal is to continue to build relationships and enhance partnerships, inform P-12 partners of pertinent and relevant information regarding the CSUF Educational Leadership and Administration Program, and listen to CSUF stakeholders to obtain feedback and actionable information for continuous system and program improvement. This smaller group setting is specifically designed to discuss and gather information on areas of need and improvement as related to PASC. This bi-annual meeting is facilitated by the PASC coordinator along with the support of the Educational Leadership Department Chair and the KSOEHD Dean.
KSOEHD Grant-Funded Centers and Special Projects
The Fresno State PASC faculty are engaged with multiple stakeholders through partnership
outreach in association with Kremen grant-funded centers and special projects. One
such project is the California Reading and Literature Project (CRLP) where one P12
PASC faculty served as director for 4 years and currently maintains an active advisory
role. Through the work of CRLP aimed at developing teacher leaders and supporting
administration in literacy development initiatives, the director provided administrative
coaching, technical assistance and training for staff in area districts, most recently
including Parlier Unified, Kings Canyon Unified, Madera Unified, and Cherry Avenue
Elementary School District. This also included an open webinar on the CA Dyslexia
Guidelines which included administrators and teachers from Bay and Sacramento Area
school districts. Additionally, two other PASC faculty have provided webinars regarding
academic lift and social-emotional learning for the CRLP project network of teacher
leaders and school administrators.
The John D. Welty Center for Educational Policy and Leadership (formerly CVELI) seeks to elevate educational leadership and eliminate the achievement gap for students in the Central Valley. Several Fresno State Department of Educational Leadership and PASC emerita and FERP faculty support the work of the Welty Center to impact region school districts including training and coaching for teachers and administrators on Building Coherence and the Positivity Project among other customized partner-specific services. The center is also a provider for the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence Rural Network initiative providing regional rural Superintendents engagement in professional learning and networking focused on innovative ideas, improving achievement, and closing the achievement gap. Additionally, the Welty Center hosts the annual Exemplary Practices in Educational Leadership Conference which highlights local educational leadership initiatives in a variety of breakout sessions and keynotes from international experts in the field on topics relevant to Central Valley school needs. The annual attendance includes representation from major regional districts across the Fresno, Madera, Kings, Tulare counties of education, such as but not limited to Sanger, Clovis, Madera, Fresno, Central, Visalia, Porterville, Lindsay, and Firebaugh respective unified school districts.
Mediator Mentors is a university-public school partnership in which future teachers, counselors, social workers and school psychologists support the development of conflict resolution skills in school children. Two P12 PASC faculty sit on the advisory board for this grant-funded project to support the project goals, connecting and overseeing aligned research studies by PASC candidates also working towards their MAED, and connecting fieldwork experiences related to Mediator Mentors as appropriate within the Public School setting. Teachers and students in regional public schools receive 12 hours of communication and conflict resolution training and university students coach and mentor at lunch periods. More than 7,000 local P12 students and teachers have participated in the program. The Mediator Mentors project also offers an opportunity for future helping professionals (teachers, counselors, social workers, school psychologists, etc.) to support the development of respectful conflict resolution skills among school children in our community. The school-based peer mediation programs are active in Central, Fresno, Clovis, Sanger, Chowchilla, Dinuba and Kerman school districts. The Mediator Mentor partnership engagement goals include networking with future district partners as well as developing long-term relationships with aspiring educational leaders and schools for PASC program recruitment.
Alumni Association Engagement
The Fresno State Alumni Association, whose mission is to inspire, engage, and celebrate
alumni to support student success, has roots in the first Fresno Normal School graduating
class of 1912 and was incorporated in 1940. To date, more than 180,000 graduates and
thousands of others who have had a Fresno State educational experience, have migrated
to every state in the nation, and many are located throughout the world. The university
maintains database records of more than 200,000 alumni, past students, and friends
of the university. The current FS PASC program coordinator is the President of the
FS Alumni KSOEHD chapter and is responsible for overseeing fundraising efforts to raise money in support of
KSOEHD student scholarships, including students within the FS PASC program. Furthermore,
networking during the social events continues to strengthen local partnerships as
many FS PASC completers and MAED graduates are members of the organization. Each of
the PASC faculty participates in various KSOEHD Alumni chapter events, and four of
these faculty are members as well.