CCTC Accreditation 2022
Standard 3
Course of Study, Fieldwork and Clinical Practice
The unit designs and implements a planned sequence of coursework and clinical experiences for candidates to develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills to educate and support P-12 students in meeting state-adopted content standards.
The unit and its programs offer a high-quality course of study focused on the knowledge and skills expected of beginning educators and grounded in current research on effective practice. Coursework is integrated closely with field experiences to provide candidates with a cohesive and comprehensive program that allows candidates to learn, practice, and demonstrate competencies required of the credential they seek.
The unit and all programs collaborate with their partners regarding the criteria and selection of clinical personnel, site-based supervisors and school sites, as appropriate to the program.
(3.6) For each program the unit offers, candidates have significant experience in school settings where the curriculum aligns with California’s adopted content standards and frameworks, and the school reflects the diversity of California’s student and the opportunity to work with the range of students identified in the program standards.
Due to its location in one of the most diverse regions in the state, Fresno State candidates have opportunities to work with students from diverse racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as students with disabilities.
Our Office of Clinical Practice and Advanced Credentials personnel work with districts throughout the region, both urban and rural, to ensure candidates have clinical experiences in settings with diverse students. Teacher candidates bring into their clinical experiences the theories and pedagogical frameworks studied in credential classes, including Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Pedagogy.
Although candidates complete their clinical practices in placements throughout the region, the links below provide demographic data on the districts that support the majority of our candidates:
PK-3 Early Childhood Specialist Credential Candidates will complete their first phase of clinical practice within a local state-funded early childhood setting. They will complete their second and third phases of clinical practice within a district with which Fresno State already has an existing partnership.