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AAQEP Accreditation 2022

Appendix D: Internal Quality Controls

Educational Specialist Credential Program

Recruitment: Admissions:  Advising:  Monitoring: Final Clinical Placement:  Completion Check: Completer Follow-Up:

Student 1 was recruited in his junior year (spring 2012) in his SPED 120 by Coordinator. 

Student 1 met with Program Coordinator on 02/025/2017 for a pre-admission orientation and Q & A for both programs. The orientation included an explanation of coursework, clinical practice options (student teacher or internship) and program expectations. 

Student 1 applied on 04/03/2017 for admission to Dual Mild/Moderate Credential program.   


His admission packet was reviewed by the Credential Admissions Analyst, who verified that all application requirements, including Basic Skills and Subject Matter Competency, had been submitted and met. Student admitted to program on 04/12/2017.

On 05/16/2017, Student 1 met with the Coordinator to discuss changing his credential pathway to Education Specialist Mild/Moderate and the change was approved.

On 06/21/2017, Coordinator sent  a welcome letter and an invitation to attend the new admit welcome orientation.


Student  1 attended new admit program orientation with Coordinator, where he received a copy of the advising form, and was informed of required coursework for all programs, program expectations, progress monitoring and additional requirements to obtain the preliminary credential at the end of the program 

Six additional  advising sessions (05/10/2017, 08/26/2017, 04/12/2018, 02/21/2018, 04/03/2018, 02/04/2019) with Coordinator were held across the arc of the program: to adjust course load; prior to accepting a special education teaching position in a partner district, to discuss internship; to discuss his request to change credential pathways; to brainstorm solutions to issues encountered while teaching; and 

to explore options for funding, scholarships and grants;  and for recommendation letters.

Assessment data (CBEST, CSET, SVP, RICA) verified and monitored.

Scholarships awarded: LARCs, TEACH, Kremen Alumni. 

Monitoring: (1) Feedback given for each signature assignment in every course. (2) Formal and   informal clinical  observations with debrief feedback received from University Coach for six lessons, on the Mid-Term Evaluation and on the Final Evaluation in each clinical experience.

Clinical Placements:

EHD 178: Placement in 2nd grade general education classroom in West Fresno 

SPED 171: Internship SDC 4-6 grade classroom in Fresno Unified;

SPED 175:  Internship in SDC TK/K classroom  in Fresno Unified

SPED 160F: Internship SDC TK/K classroom  in Fresno Unified

Coach contacts: 

EHD 178:  3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations, 1 informal observation = 10 contacts

SPED 171: 3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations, 3 informal observation = 12 contacts

SPED 175: 3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations, 2 informal observations and 2 drop in visit= 13 contacts

SPED 160F (x2): 3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations, 6 additional contacts = 15 contacts x 2= 30 contacts.Total= 73 contacts 

Coordinator receives a grade report each semester for each candidate. Coordinator monitored that all credential coursework  was passed  each semester.

Student 1 maintained an overall  3.60 or higher GPA, earned A, B and Credit grades in all credential courses, and was in good standing throughout the program.

Student was cleared for final practicum on 12/18/2018, having all requirements including:

Passing grades ‘C’ or higher in prerequisite, Phase 1 and Phase 2 coursework. GPA above 3.0 (his was 3.45 GPA). Passing scores on Basic Skills and Subject Matter Competency.

Submitted an application in Tk20 within the timeline the semester prior. Had a  

Valid Certificate of Clearance.


In student 1’s final semester of the program, Coordinator checked the candidate’s transcripts again to verify that all coursework and exams were passed. Coordinator also reviewed report of final semester grades once these were posted.

Student 1 was an intern from 08/01/2019-06/02/2020.

Completed the program coursework at the end of spring 2019. He remained enrolled in clinical practice for internship fall 2019- spring 2020 due to not passing the RICA exam.


Upon completion of the second academic year of clinical practice (internship), student passed the RICA exam, applied for, and was granted the Preliminary Education Specialist Mild/ Moderate Credential. 

Coordinator followed Student 1 for two years after program completion.

Follow up Contacts: 09/15/2019; 12/20/2019; 03/03/2020; 02/01/2021; 04/26/2021.

Recruitment: Admissions:  Advising:  Monitoring: Final Clinical Placement:  Completion Check: Completer Follow-Up:

Student 1 was recruited in her senior year in SPED 120 by Coordinator.

Student 2 met with the Program Coordinator on 01/18/2018 for a pre-admission orientation and Q & A for both programs. The orientation included an explanation of coursework, clinical practice options (student teacher or internship) and program expectations. 

On 02/08/2018, student 2 met with Coordinator to answer additional questions and to again review program requirements and expectations.

Student 2 applied on 03/5/2018 for admission to the Dual Moderate/Severe Credential program.  

Her admission packet was reviewed by the Credential Admissions Analyst, who verified that all application requirements, including Basic Skills and Subject Matter Competency, had been submitted and met. 

Student admitted to program on 04/03/2018.

On 06/15/2018, Coordinator sent a welcome letter and an invitation to attend the new admit welcome orientation. 

Student  2 attended new admit program orientation with Coordinator, received a copy of the advising form, and was informed of required coursework for all programs, program expectations, progress monitoring and additional requirements to obtain her preliminary credential at the end of the program.

Student selected for a district partnership  program in August 2018.

Fifteen additional  advising sessions with Coordinator held from Sept. 2018- May 2020.

(09/13/2018; 10/22/2018; 11/08/2018; 11/19/ 2018; 12/11/2018; 03/26/2019; 03/29/2019; 04/10 2019; 04/30/2019; 10/08/2019; 11/06/2019; 02/11/2020; 03/02/2020; 03/30/2020; 05/21/2020) across the arc of the program. Advising provided to adjust course load; to brainstorm solutions to social issues with peers; to provide additional support and coaching for clinical practice experiences; to brainstorm student supports with residency faculty; to provide additional student support in times of stress; to write support plans with coach and student; to counsel student into a  program change from Dual to Education Specialist.

Assessment data (CBEST, CSET, SVP). verified and monitored.

Monitoring: (1) Feedback given for each signature assignment in every course. (2) 

Formal and   informal clinical  observations with debrief feedback received from University Coach for six lessons, on the Mid-Term Evaluation and on the Final Evaluation in each clinical experience.

Clinical Placements: 

Spring 2019: EHD 110D placement in 4th grade general education classroom in Central Unified with structured support provided by residency coach Fall 2019: EHD 170 placement in same 4th grade general education classroom half day and K-6 Resource Specialist classroom half day  with structured support provided by residency coach. 

Spring 2020: SPED 176 placement in high school Moderate/Severe Life Skills self-contained classroom in Clovis Unified with structured support and 1-1 coaching from Special Education faculty.

Coach Contacts:

EHD 110D:  3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations, 8 informal observations = 17 contacts

EHD 170: 3 triad meetings, 9 formal observations, 10 informal observation = 22 contacts

SPED 176: 3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations, 2 informal observations= 11 contacts. Total= 50 contacts.

Candidate counseled out of Multiple Subject Program over the course of fall 2019 and moved into Education Specialist Moderate/Severe in January 2020. 

Coordinator monitored progress through grade reports and verified passing grades in all Education Specialist credential coursework.

Student 2 maintained an overall  3.32 GPA earned A, B and Credit grades in all credential coursework and was in good standing.

Student was cleared for final Multiple Subject student teaching on 02/13/2019 and final Special Education practicum on 11/13/2019, having all 

requirements including:

Passing grades ‘C’ or higher in prerequisite, Phase 1 and Phase 2  coursework.  GPA above 3.0 (his was 3.45 GPA). Passing scores on Basic Skills and Subject Matter Competency.

Submitted an application in Tk20 within the timeline the semester prior. Had a  

Valid Certificate of Clearance.

In student 1’s final semester of the program, Coordinator checked the candidate’s transcripts again to verify that all coursework and exams were passed. Coordinator also reviewed report of final semester grades once these were posted.

Student completed all program coursework at the end in June 202. He remains enrolled in clinical practice to continue his internship in fall 2021 until Sun=bject Matter Competency is met and he can apply for his preliminary Edcuation Specialist Moderate/ Severe Credential.

Coordinator following  Student 3 through application for preliminary credential and plans to monitor one additional semester.   Student accepted into MA program while completing Subject Matter requirements. 

Follow up Contacts post program completion: 08/22/2021;


09/20/2021; 10/04/2021

Recruitment: Admissions:  Advising:  Monitoring: Final Clinical Placement:  Completion Check: Completer Follow-Up:

Student 3 recruited by the Coordinator in the lobby of Kremen School Building in summer 2018. 

Student 3 met with Coordinator 02/06/2019 for a pre-admission orientation and Q & A for Education Specialist Moderate/Severe program. The orientation included an explanation of coursework, clinical practice options (student teacher or internship) and program expectations. 

On 02/15/2019, Coordinator conducted a phone call with student 3 to answer additional questions.

Student 3 applied for admission on 04/03/2019 to the Education Specialist Moderate/Severe Credential program.  


His admission packet was reviewed by the Credential Admissions Analyst, who verified that all application requirements, except passing scores on 2 CSET exams,  had been submitted and met. 

Student admitted to program under Special Consideration due to not having passed the 2 CSETs on 06/18/2019.

On 06/15/2018, Student 1 met with the Coordinator to discuss changing his credential pathway to Education Specialist Mild/Moderate and the change was approved.

On 06/15/2018, Coordinator sent a welcome letter and an invitation to attend the new admit welcome orientation. 


Student  3 attended new admit program orientation with Coordinator, received a copy of the advising form, and was informed of required coursework for all programs, program expectations, progress monitoring and additional requirements to obtain her preliminary credential at the end of the program.

Five additional advising sessions (09/30/2019; 04/22/2020; 06/25/2020; 01/20/2021; 09/30/2020) with the Coordinator were held across the arc of the program to adjust course loads, to discuss eligibility for internship, prior to accepting a special education teaching position on an internship in a partner district  prior to Coordinator submitting an appeal to the Special Consideration Committee for a special consideration internship;

to explore options for funding, scholarships and grants; and for 

Financial Aid education plans.


Assessment data (CBEST, CSET exams attempted and passed;  SVP passed) verified and monitored.

Scholarships awarded: Aspiring Teacher Scholarship;

TEACH Grant; Golden State Teacher Grant

Monitoring: (1) Feedback given for each signature assignment in every course. (2) Formal and   informal clinical  observations with debrief feedback received from University Coach for six lessons, on the Mid-Term Evaluation and on the Final Evaluation in each clinical experience.

Clinical Placements:

Spring 2020: EHD 178 placement in 5th grade general education classroom in Lemoore Unified 

Fall 2020: SPED 172 internship in 4-6 SDC ED classroom 

Spring 2021: internship in 4-6 SDC ED classroom; program coursework completed.

Fall 2021: internship continued due to not passing CSETS and enrolled in SPED 160F and M.A. courses.. 

Coach contacts: 

EHD 178: 3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations, 1 informal observation =10 contacts

SPED 172: 3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations, 2 informal observations and 3 contacts = 14 contacts

SPED 176: 3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations and 1 informal observation= 10 contacts;

SPED 160F intern clinical practice: 3 triad meetings, 6 formal observations and 1 informal observation= 10 contacts

Total= 44 contacts

Coordinator receives a grade report each semester for each candidate. Coordinator monitored that all credential coursework  was passed  each semester.

Student 3 maintained an overall 3.73 GPA, earned A, and Credit grades in all credential courses, and was in good standing throughout the program.

Student was cleared for final practicum on 12/03/2020, having all requirements including:

Passing grades ‘C’ or higher in prerequisite, Phase 1 and Phase 2  coursework.  3.0 GPA above minimum ( his 3.73 GPA); passing scores on Basic Skills and under COVID flexibilities provided by Governor’s Executive Order, passing scores on 1 CSET ; submitted an application in TK20 within the timeline the semester prior. Had a  

Valid Certificate of Clearance.


Coordinator checked candidate’s transcripts and reviews progress each semester . In final semester,  Coordinator verified that all coursework passed. 2 CSETs remaining.

Coordinator also reviewed report of final semester grades once these were posted.

Upon completion of program in May 2021, student 2 chose not to attempt RICA exam or to apply for the preliminary credential   due to pending move out of state with family. 



Appendix D: