AAQEP Accreditation 2022
Standard 3 Aspect F
Standard 3: Evidence shows that, by the time of program completion, candidates exhibit knowledge, skills, and abilities of professional educators appropriate to their target credential or degree, including: Maintains capacity for quality reflected in staffing, resources, operational processes, and institutional commitment
As of May 2021, there are currently six tenured and tenure-track faculty in the PASC Program. All faculty have doctoral degrees in educational leadership, CLEAR administrative credentials, and experience leading at P12 sites and district offices levels. Combined, program faculty provide a well-rounded expertise in educational leadership around development & implementation of a shared vision, instructional leadership, management & learning environment, family and community engagement, ethics and integrity, and external context and policy, and research. Full details provided in the provided links.
Evidence Links:
The PASC program faculty and students are supported by three key staff members throughout the various phases of the program.
Renee Petch, Graduate Admissions Analyst, supports the program applicants through their application process and communicates with the program coordinator to review and approve applications in a timely manner. Renee continues to support students and the program coordinator throughout the program by processing Advancements to Candidacy, course substitution requests, and applications for graduation. She has served in this role for 6.5 years.
Tiffany Jennings, Educational Leadership Department Administrative Assistant (DAA), supports PASC program faculty and students. Tiffany ensures courses are correctly entered into the schedule of classes and available for students to register. Tiffany also helps students in the registration process as needed. She has served in this role for 10 years, and 14 years total at Fresno State.
Sherri Nakashima, Credential Analyst, supports the Reading/Literacy program coordinator and completers. Sherri tracks and forwards CTC credentialing updates to the program coordinator and processes PASC credential applications for candidates and completers. She has served in this role for 24 years.
Samantha Ray, Public Affairs and Communications Specialist is responsible for the coordination of the Kremen School marketing, advertising, and social media. She independently performs communication assignments related to media relations, publication development, marketing and research, and serves as a media spokesperson. Samantha creates flyers, brochures, event programs, websites, forms, informational materials, press releases, social media communications, marketing, and promotional materials. Samantha collaborates with designers, photographers, faculty, and others as needed to support program needs. She has served in this role for 4 years.
Evidence Link:
We developed a PASC Student Feedback Form to gather information on student programmatic needs. Initially, this form was developed as a way to provide ongoing support for our students during the pandemic. We included items asking students how we can support them during COVID-19, transition to online instruction, and CalAPA state testing structures and needs. We gave the survey to all students in each semester beginning in Spring 2020. It was administered via a google form and was sent out to all students by the faculty.
As a PASC leadership team, we read through all the items and discussed how we can improve our program structures and supports based on student feedback. For example, as a result of the feedback we received from the PASC Student Feedback Form, we created a special CalAPA support session for students who needed the additional time and support.
We will continue using the PASC Student Feedback Form structure but we want to be more consistent on when we distribute to the students and how we follow up with them. We would like to consistently distribute each semester so we can evaluate during our PASC leadership team meeting at least once a semester.
Evidence Links:
We developed the district partnership flowchart and process to help us with ongoing communication with our partner districts. Link to the flowchart.
Institutional support of PASC students and faculty comes from a variety of resources. The Division of Research and Graduate Studies provides important dates, deadlines, and processes for all graduate students as well as information for scholarships and fellowships. The Graduate Writing Studio offers writing support for graduate students at any phase of their program and the Graduate Statistics Studio offers research and statistical support for graduate students. The Kremen School has a subject specific librarian, Matthew Doyle, who is available to provide research support for students. The Technology Services Help Center offers technology support for students and faculty through email and Zoom as well as through device lending programs. The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) provide support in ongoing professional development opportunities around best practice instruction and canvas course development.
Evidence Links: