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CCTC Accreditation 2022

School Nurse Services

Contact Person
Patricia Gomes

Barb Miller

Sergio La Porta

Associate Dean
Song Lee

For technical issues
Contact Laura Rabago at

1. Program Summary

Program Design

The CSUF Post Baccalaureate School Nurse Services Credential Program (SNSC) offers coursework leading to a Clear Professional School Nurse Services Credential. This online program is available to registered nurses who hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university. The goal of the program is the preparation of competent school nurses through the provision of learning experiences taught by qualified and experienced faculty and university approved school nurse preceptors at school sites in areas of the state where candidates are located. The SNSC program offers quality education that prepares the school nurse candidate with the decision-making skills, based on theory and research, to provide quality healthcare to diverse client populations across environments including effective leadership, supervision, management, safe and effective delegation, and application of the nursing process in the school setting. Inherent in the teaching/learning process within the program is the reciprocal responsibility of faculty and candidates in influencing the process of learning outcomes. In this relationship, faculty serves as role models and provides valuable resources in facilitating the advancement of competence in practice through leadership, research, and scientific inquiry. The learner is expected to exhibit self-direction and a sense of responsibility and accountability in mastering knowledge and skills consistent with professional practice. The experience includes an in-depth school site practicum which requires that the candidate demonstrate professional competencies set forth in the 2007 CCTC Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Programs of Professional School Nurse Preparation in California.


The program is housed in the School of Nursing within the CSUF College of Health and Human Services but administered by the Division of Continuing and Global Education. The two part- time SN Program Coordinators are responsible for all administrative aspects of the program including: program outreach and visibility, course content, candidate advising and recruitment, and candidate assessment and recommendation for credentialing. The coordinators of the program hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, a Master’s in Nursing and a Master’s in Education, respectively, and a School Nurse Services Credential. Both coordinators hold an administrative credential. The coordinators have over 20 years of school nursing experience in school nurse administration and practice. Lecturers and clinical instructors who teach in the program hold master’s degrees in nursing or nursing administration and have significant school nursing experience, with some continuing to practice school nursing in the community.

Collaboration and Communication

The School Nurse Services Credential Program is a working partnership between the School of Nursing (SON) and the Division of Continuing and Global Education (CGE). The SNSC Program coordinators work closely with the Fresno State School of Nursing for coursework, faculty, and application requirement areas; and CGE provides administrative support such as enrollment, records keeping, and cost. Information about the program is posted on the Fresno State School of Nursing website.

The SNSC Program Coordinators work to provide seamless entry, program operation, and online support between the two departments.  SNSC Coordinators attend monthly SON faculty meetings as well as periodic graduate program meetings or professional development as needed; and meet periodically with CGE supervisors for program review. The SNSC Program Advisory consisting of Central Valley school nurse administrators provides valuable feedback on the program and its outcomes.

In addition, SNSC coordinators collaborate with the Kremen School of Education on credentialing areas and work with the Credential Analyst who oversees advising and administrative services for candidates applying for credentials.

Program Structure and Coursework

The SNSC Program is a hybrid program allowing candidates to complete their credential in one year. Candidates represent all areas of California and come with diverse backgrounds and experiences. The CANVAS online teaching platform allows for online modules, discussion boards, quizzes, and individual and group professional presentations. This online format allows school nurses to organize and plan schoolwork around their full-time professional jobs as school nurses, as well as family obligations and serves the school nurse who might live and work in the far reaches of California. In addition, the format allows the candidate to design the educational experience to meet personal learning goals and encourage professional growth.

The Fresno State program of study consists of 27 units divided into two Phases; Phase I (9 units) and Phase II Cohort (18 units). Phase I consists of prerequisite courses offered either through Fresno State (online or on campus) or through other accredited universities with the approval of the School Nurse Services Credential Program Coordinators. Prerequisite courses include Audiology, Counseling, and Special Education. In addition, a Nursing Research course and a Public Health Nurse certificate or 5 units coursework in Community Health Nursing including a 90 hour Community Health Nursing lab is required before entering Phase II. Courses in Phase I provide the candidate with the necessary tools needed to participate in a meaningful field experience.

Phase II Cohort courses are offered through the Fresno State Division of Continuing and Global Education. To be enrolled into Phase II coursework the school nurse candidate submits a formal application, meets all admission requirements and is admitted into the School Nurse Services Credential Program. The 12 month program begins with the summer session, continuing through the fall and the following spring semester. Prior to the start of Phase II Cohort courses, candidates attend a Mandatory Orientation at Fresno State in June.

Orientation includes program requirements and expectations, introduction to CANVAS programs, online coursework expectations and establishment of student collaboration teams.

All Phase II courses are online. Candidates must be computer literate with internet access.

Phase II courses are specific to school nursing experience with a focus on the Elementary school setting in the fall, and the Secondary setting in the spring. These courses include both didactic and field experience. Fieldwork consists of 135 hours of practicum experience supervised by faculty instructors and facilitated by credentialed school nurse preceptors who have been vetted by the SNSC program coordinators. Coursework includes the following:

Phase I Coursework

CSDS 125         Audiometry for School Nurses

SPED 120         Introduction to Special Education

COUN 174        Introduction to Counseling (or COUN 200)

Phase II Coursework

NURS 136        Health Appraisal for School Nurses

NURS 137        Teaching Strategies for the Healthcare Client

NURS 184        Seminar in School Nursing I

NURS 186        School Nurse Practicum I (Elementary)

NURS 185        Seminar in School Nursing II

NURS 187        School Nurse Practicum II (Secondary)

Program Modifications

In the past two years the Fresno State School Nurse Credential Program has made significant changes in content to include new California policy, protocol and legislation. Although the curriculum has remained mostly as originally designed, two significant changes have been an increase in applications and the number of candidates entering the SNSC program, and a change in online modalities. With the exception of Health Appraisal, all courses are online, however, for summer 2020 Health Appraisal will be on CANVAS due to COVID-19.

An improvement in the state of California’s economy (prior to 2020) and introduction of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), has allowed more California school districts to hire additional school nurses. In addition, Fresno State has improved its visibility with increased outreach at the California School Nurse Organization conferences each year. This has caused an increase in applications and admissions, with the program now admitting 50 candidates each cohort. Additional faculty have been hired to assist with the increased number of candidates.

In the fall of 2019 Fresno State moved from a Blackboard online learning platform to CANVAS. In the process of changing platforms, the SNSC content was reevaluated and updated to meet changes in current school nurse standards and California Law, adding among others, a Mental Health Unit.

Course of Study

The Fresno State School Nurse Services Credential program and any prerequisites include a purposeful sequence of coursework and field experiences that effectively prepare candidates to provide school nursing services to all students to optimize learning. The school nurse services program prepares candidates to understand contemporary conditions of schools and society; and gives them the tools needed for an ever-changing school nurse practice. The SNSC program helps candidates understand the school nurse role in providing health leadership and management, health education, health research, direct client care, training and supervision of other personnel as applicable, and planning and coordination of healthcare services and programs. The SNSC program helps candidates understand and demonstrate a collaborative approach to providing and/or facilitating health-related activities, including acting as a member of a team addressing student achievement. Opportunities for the candidate to demonstrate effective communication, using a variety of supporting technology with a wide range of audiences including students, staff, parents and community is an important component.

Coursework content is designed to meet requirements for the clear Professional California School Nurse Services Credential as set down by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and aligns with the Fresno State Kremen School of Education and Human Development Candidate Professional Dispositions.

School Nursing Dispositions include:

  1. Candidate demonstrates ability to reflect
  2. Candidate demonstrates Critical T hinking
  3. Candidate demonstrates ability to make Ethical Judgements
  4. Candidate demonstrates the dispositional tendency to Value Diversity
  5. Candidate demonstrates a C ollaborative disposition.
  6. Candidates demonstrate their enthusiasm for Life-Long Learning.

The culminating candidate learning outcomes are based on four primary indicators: communication, critical thinking, clinical judgment, and collaboration. These four primary outcomes were derived from the American Association of Colleges Nursing’s Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (2008). The nine overarching essentials are embedded in the core outcomes of the Fresno State BSN and Graduate programs and are threaded throughout coursework. Candidates are expected to maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the program.

Courses and Course Sequence

Phase 1

Courses taken at alternative accredited Universities


CSDS 125 Audiometry for School Nurses-3 units SPED 120 Introduction to Special Education-3 units

COUN 174 Introduction to Counseling (or COUN 200) -3 units

Phase II

Courses taken at Fresno State


Mandatory Orientation


NURS 136

NURS 137

Health Assessment-3 units Teaching Strategies-3 units


NURS 184

NURS 186

Seminar in School Nursing I-3 units SN Practicum I (Elementary)-3 units


NURS 185

NURS 187

Seminar in School Nursing II-3 units SN Practicum II (Secondary) -3 units

Fieldwork-Practicum Courses

The Fresno State SNSC program provides candidates with a broad range of hands-on school nurse field experiences in a variety of settings. The fieldwork courses are designed to give the candidate an opportunity to work side by side with an experienced School Nurse Preceptor in areas that require hands-on skill and putting theory into practice. Fresno State candidates take two practicum courses experiencing nursing at an elementary school setting and the following semester at a secondary school setting.

Preceptors - Mentoring and supervision of candidates during the field experience is done by volunteer experienced preceptors. Candidates select their placement and select a preceptor that meets the program’s criteria. The program recommends candidates spend their field experience working under the direct supervision of a qualified school nurse preceptor in an area different from their usual place of employment. Preceptors are required to have their clear credential with a minimum of 4 years of school nursing experience and submit a curriculum vitae or resume.

The preceptor’s immediate supervisor gives signed permission for the preceptor to work with a candidate. The preceptor and the candidate sign a preceptor/student clinical contract providing the program with demographics of the schools that will be a part of the practicum, and is signed off by candidate, preceptor and instructor indicating all parties understand their individual responsibilities.

University Affiliation Agreement - A University Affiliation Agreement must be signed by the approved authority in the district where the candidate will obtain their clinical hours. This process is begun at the beginning of the semester, initiated by the candidate. CSUF sends the agreement to the district for approval and signatures, then the agreement is returned and approved by the Director of Procurement and Support Services. Once all signatures are obtained the candidate begins their clinical hours.

Clinical Hours

Nursing 186 and Nursing 187 are advanced practicum courses in the School Nurse Services Credential Program. These courses are designed to be culminating experiences for candidates enrolled in the program and to prepare them for the challenging role of the school nurse. Each practicum is a three-unit course and includes 135 hours. Hours are divided into suggested areas and provide an opportunity for candidates to participate in a comprehensive school health program. Candidates, working with their preceptor, begin the semester by designing their own Goals and Objectives with aligned learning activities to drive their experience.

The SNSC program bases field experience assignments on an individual assessment of each candidate’s prior background and experiences. Working collaboratively, course instructors and preceptors encourage and enable candidates to function appropriately and effectively in a school nurse role. Candidates are expected to function as school nurses providing the full range of services that are generally carried out by the school nurse at the elementary and secondary level.

Candidates are required to document their clinical time and select a meaningful clinical learning experience after six to eight clinical hours, identifying steps in the nursing process, information sources they used during the experience, what they learned from the experience and how they will use the insight of the experience in their future practice. The practicum includes a rounded experience in elementary and secondary school nursing, i.e., health teaching, counseling, case management of students with acute and chronic health problems, assisting medically fragile, collaborating with other school professionals as a member of the education team, participating in the IEP process, visiting community agencies, attending school nurse inservices and conferences, researching journal articles, websites, district policies, CA codes, federal laws, with application of Standards of School Nursing Practice as basis for practice; and participation in class discussion on Canvas relevant to clinical issues and experiences.

To assist the candidate in receiving a well-rounded experience, clinical hours must fall in the following areas; eight to ten hours are used in community activities; ten to twelve hours allow candidates to attend local school nurse workshops and conferences. These activities must be approved by the candidate’s preceptor. All candidates have the option to become involved in a Leadership Role activity, up to 10 hours, beyond the health office in both practicum courses to broaden the candidate’s understanding of the school nurse role outside the office and in the school community. Experienced school nurses (2+ years) who are experienced at a given level,

i.e. elementary or secondary, may opt to use up to 20 hours for an Experienced School Nurse Project instead of a leadership role for one semester at that experience level. Both the Experienced School Nurse Project and the Leadership Role may be done at the candidates own school site with approval from the preceptor and clinical instructor. The remainder of time, 40 to 50 hours for the practicing school nurse is spent working under the direct supervision of a qualified school nurse preceptor.

Unemployed candidates obtain a preliminary school nurse credential and spend a minimum of 120 hours working under the direct supervision of a qualified preceptor.

A mandatory mid-term conference between candidate, preceptor and clinical instructor takes place, and other conferences as needed. For candidates in the Fresno and surrounding areas, field supervision/conferences may take place at clinical sites. For distance learners, 3-way telephone conferences or Zoom meetings are held.

Assessment of Candidates

Prior to recommending each candidate for a School Nurse Services Credential one or more persons responsible for the program determine through documented evidence that each candidate has demonstrated satisfactory performance on the School Nurse Competencies (SNCs) contained in the Preceptor Checklist (of Skills and Competencies). The program uses formative assessment processes to inform candidates of their status in relation to the SNCs, and to assure that candidates have the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities prior to being recommended for the credential. The evaluation of candidate competence is provided by at least one school nurse preceptor and one institutional supervisor. In both NURS 186 and NURS 187 practicums, faculty monitor candidate progress through clinical journaling and provide feedback. Preceptors are responsible for informing faculty of the candidate’s ability to competently carry out required skills and competencies in clinical practice and to sign off on the Preceptor Checklist (of Skills and Competencies). Preceptors are responsible for assessing the candidate’s ability to incorporate Professional Dispositions into their school nursing practice and evaluate the candidate and sign off on the Professional Dispositions assessment form.

Evaluation Tools: To ensure SNSC candidates have achieved desired program outcomes the following evaluation tools are used:

  • Self-Assessment: Pre-Knowledge Base Questionnaire and Post-Knowledge Base Questionnaire. The Pre-Knowledge Base Questionnaire is taken by the candidate to identify unique learning style characteristics, quantifies critical thinking components, and serves as a communication tool to improve the understanding of each candidate’s professional and prior skill levels. The questionnaires use a five-point Likert scale to provide educators with data about the thinking process, learning style, professionalism, and work values of each candidate.
  • The Post-Knowledge Base Questionnaire is taken by the candidate at the end of the program to assess if program goals have been met.
  • A Mid-Term 3-Way Conference is mandatory for all candidates in practicum courses. During this conference, Student Goals and Learning Objectives are discussed, as well as progress toward meeting clinical skills and competencies and whether the students feels the SNSC program is meeting their expectations.
  • Preceptor Assessment of Students: Preceptors are responsible for assessing candidate ability to competently carry out required skills and competencies in clinical practice and to sign off on the Preceptor Checklist (of Skills and Competencies). The following forms are used:

Preceptor Checklist of Competencies/Skills Elementary P106 Preceptor Checklist of Competencies/Skills Secondary P206 Preceptor Evaluation of Student Professional Dispositions P104/P204 Preceptor Evaluation of Clinical Course P107/P207

Preceptor Evaluation of Student Performance in Clinical Experience P105/P205

  • Critical Thinking: Course curriculum includes multiple problem-solving opportunities to assess the candidate's ability to use the phases of the critical thinking process to resolve conflict/crisis with students, families and staff in the school community.
  • Content Area Review Module: Learning modules are an essential component of Phase 2 core coursework for school nursing candidates to strengthen their review of content application in the form of case studies, journaling clinical experiences and key assignments.
  • Evaluation of Faculty and Courses: Candidates are offered two methods to evaluate their experience in each course;
    • The Course Evaluation focuses on content and format of course.
    • Teaching effectiveness: Focus is on faculty effectiveness in teaching the course to meet outcomes.

Both evaluations take place during the last four weeks of each semester and are conducted via an on-line format. Evaluations are anonymous; name is optional.

Once program requirements have been satisfied final documentation is sent to the university Credential Analyst.

Delivery Pathways


Delivery Model


Alternative Universities


Traditional Online Coursework-Phase 1

Main Campus-Phase 2

In Person


Traditional Coursework-N136



Traditional Online Coursework Hybrid-


Location 1 and 2


School Site Hands-On


2. Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure of the School Nurse Services Credential Program

The CSUF School Nurse Services Credential Program is a post baccalaureate online program of 27 units and a  joint venture of the Fresno State School of Nursing and the CSUF Division Continuing and Global Education Program. The School of Nursing in conjunction with the CSUF Kremen School of Education recommends qualified candidates for professional credentialing as providers of health services in California public schools.  Coursework is offered through the Continuing and Global Education Program at Fresno State and students are not required to enroll in the University. 

The School Nurse Services Credential Program is coordinated by Patricia Gomes and Barbara Miller who work under the supervision of Sylvia Miller, Director of the School of Nursing; and David Hoff, Coordinator of Special Programs for the Division of Continuing and Global Education.  Program course instructors and volunteer preceptors are under the direction of the School Nurse Program Coordinators.  The SN program has no additional paid staff.

CSUF Division of Continuing and Global Education

CGE Website:

Here is a link to the Division of Continuing and Global Education's org chart -  

Here are the staff that most closely relate to the program from a managerial and operational viewpoint:


David Hoff - Coordinator for Special Session Programs (includes School Nurse Credential) - liaison to program; responsible for course setup, program budget, coordinates other aspects of program with CGE staff members as needed.

Dr. Daniel Bernard - Associate Dean - administrator responsible for extended education operations.

Finance and Administration

Monica Acosta - Registrar - responsible for student enrollment operations.

Renee Camacho - Payroll & Contract Operations Coordinator - responsible for faculty contracts.

Frank Puccio - administrator responsible for administrative and financial operations.

Scott Moore- Dean of the Division of Continuing and Global Education.

CSUF School of Nursing

School of Nursing website:

The CSUF School of Nursing Organizational Chart


Dr. Sylvia Miller – Chair of the CSUF School of Nursing

Dr. James Marshall - Interim Associate Dean

3. Faculty Qualifications

Overview of Faculty

Program Coordinators

Patricia Gomes MEd, BSN, RN

Part Time 


Barbara Miller MSN, RN, PNP

Part Time 


Patricia Gomes MEd, BSN, RN

Part Time


Barbara Miller MSN, RN, PNP

Part Time


Margaret Jolly MSN, BSN, RN

Part Time


Candace Hilvers MSN, RN, PNP 

Part Time


Patricia Soper MSN, BSN, RN

Part Time


Wendee Winter MSN, RN, FNP

Part Time 


Terea Giannetta DNP, MSN, FNP-C 

Part Time 

Since the university does not require a vacancy to be posted for adjunct faculty, the department keeps a pool of interested applicants. The pool consists of applicants with relevant K-12 experience. The university’s Temporary Faculty Appointment document states,

“If a department does not have a posted vacancy announcement, please contact the department for information on applying for the temporary pool. The university provides an on-line directory to search for departments and phone number. The below application will be required for new hires:

  • Temporary Faculty Application Form (rev 06/2019):  Submit an application, Curriculum Vitae (resume), cover letter, three current letters of recommendation to the department. Contact department for other materials required.

See The California State University Bargaining Agreement Article 12 and the guidelines used by Fresno State for the appointment of new temporary faculty.

School Nurse Services Credential Program

Job Description for Lecturer Position

Title:                  School Nurse Credential Program

Rank:                 Lecturer

Status:               Part time


The mission of the School of Nursing at Fresno State is to offer quality nursing education to undergraduate and graduate nursing students that prepares nurses with clinical decision-making skills based on theory and research. Additionally, the school seeks to establish an academic foundation for Advanced Practice Nursing and Doctoral preparation. As life-long learners, graduates are prepared for delivering quality healthcare to diverse populations across environments. Graduates will lead, supervise, delegate, manage, evaluate care outcomes, and demonstrate the ability to act as consumer advocates in promoting wellness and facilitating change.

Position Summary: The purpose of the School Nurse Services Credential Program is to provide candidates with a quality academic program that meets the requirements for a California School Nurse Services Clear Credential as established by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTCC).  The program prepares candidates who may be the only health professional in schools with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to provide optimal nursing care, health promotion, guidance, and counseling to school children and their families. Instructors will be involved in teaching post graduate students in the School Nurse Services Credential Program (SNSCP), and participate in department, college and university level committees as indicated.  The individual will be teaching online using the Canvas platform.

Required Education:

Required Education from an accredited institution recognized by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

  1. A Master’s Degree in Nursing (MSN) or equivalent/related field is required in addition a School Nurse Services Clear Credential.

Required Experience:

  1. Ten years in school nursing with a broad range of experiences in multiple areas working with students K -12.
  2. Current RN licensure in California by the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN).
  3. Demonstrated ability to form productive working relationships between the College and a wide variety of community agencies and school districts.
  4. Active participation or leadership role within a relevant professional organization such as the California School Nurse Organization or the National Association of School Nurses. Active participation or leadership role within a relevant professional organization such as the California School Nurse Organization or the National Association of School Nurses.
  5. Demonstrated commitment to working effectively with faculty, students and staff from diverse ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Preferred Qualification:

  1. Preferred experience teaching at the baccalaureate, masters and/or doctoral levels.

Major Responsibilities:

Lecturer will be responsible for preparing classes for the Canvas format; communicating with students online or via telephone on a weekly basis; hold a mid-term conference with the student and their preceptor via telephone or video; facilitate the paperwork process of obtaining required documents from students for their clinical experience; connecting preceptors/students with the process for obtaining Affiliation Agreements with the school districts the student will be completing their clinical hours and assist students in a successful learning experience.

4. Course Sequence

Program of Study 

Prerequisite Course: An introductory course in Nursing Research taken at any time in the past is required for admission to the School Nurse Services Credential Program Phase 2 Cohort.

Phase 2 Courses Health Appraisal and Health Teaching Strategies: If you have taken either of these courses within the past 10 years (must be upper division), you will need approval from the School Nurse Services Credential Program Coordinator to waive NURS 136 and/or NURS 137. 




CDDS 125,
Or equivalent

Audiometry and Audiology for School Nurses or
Audiometry and Audiology for School Nurses

 3 units

CDDS 114,
PSYCH 168,
SPED 120,
Or equivalent

Education of Exceptional Children or
Exceptional Children or
Introduction to Special Education

 3 units

COUN 174, COUN 200,
Or equivalent

Introduction to Counseling Techniques or
Seminar in Counseling

 3 units

Phase 1 Total Units

9 units




To be completed in 12 months through the Division of Global and Continuing Education


 NURS 136

 Health Appraisal  (Fresno State campus)

Summer Session

 3 units

 NURS 137

Teaching Strategies for the Health Care Client (online)

Summer Session

 3 units

 NURS 184

Seminar in School Nursing Elementary (online)
Prerequisites NURS 136, 137


 3 units

NURS 185

Seminar in School Nursing Secondary (online)
Prerequisites NURS 136, 137


 3 units

NURS 186

School Nurse Practicum Elementary (online)
Taken concurrently with NURS 184


 3 units

NURS 187

School Nurse Practicum Secondary (online)
Taken concurrently with NURS 185


 3 units

Phase 2 Cohort Total Units

18 units

5. Course Matrix 

Not Applicable 

6. Fieldwork and Clinical Practice

The SNSC program provides candidates with a broad range of hands-on school nurse field experiences in a variety of settings. Candidates are provided with a preceptor for mentoring and supervision during the field experiences. The program has a clearly defined and systematic process for the identification, selection, and assignment of qualified preceptors. The program bases field experience assignments on an individual assessment of each candidate’s prior background and experiences. Working collaboratively, course instructors and preceptors encourage and enable candidates to function appropriately and effectively in a school nurse role

Hours of Practicum Experience and Suggested Practicum Activities

Training Materials for Support and Supervisory Roles

The Preceptor Syllabus describes course descriptions, requirements, roles and responsibilities; contains necessary information and guidelines to assist the candidate in gaining a wide range of clinical experience to meet their goals and learning objectives each semester.

Program candidates are placed in schools in the surrounding region. Every effort is made by program faculty to ensure that candidates are in the best possible placement to support their development. As demonstrated by the data represented below, our region is home to some of the most diverse student populations in the state, meaning candidates in all programs have opportunities to develop as practitioners while working with students from diverse racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as students with disabilities.

Clinical Placements (See Preceptor/Student Clinical Contract) School Nurse Credential Candidates complete their fieldwork in the districts where they are employed. Candidates spend one semester in the elementary setting and a second semester in the secondary setting.

Preceptor/Student Clinical Contract (P103-203)

This form, included in the Preceptor Syllabus, contains demographic information for the candidate and the preceptor including the candidates regular work assignments as well as indicates the number of clinical hours required.

Additionally, it includes the sites of the practicum experience. The candidate, preceptor and clinical instructor sign off verifying each individual understands their role and responsibilities.

Immediate Supervisor Approval for Employee to Act as Preceptor (P101-201) This document verifies the preceptor is approved by their immediate supervisor to assist the candidate in their practicum.

Clinical Experience Guidelines

Clinical Placements per District

Nursing 186 and Nursing 187 Course Syllabus (see Exhibit 6.6)

The syllabi describe course objectives, requirements, timelines, grading procedures, assignments, and journaling required.

Preceptor Syllabus for N186/187 (See Exhibit 6.3 and 6.6)

Provides course overview, objectives, roles and responsibilities and required documents allowing preceptor involvement; preceptor vitae, explanation of goals and objectives and verification of candidate’s clinical hours.

Preceptor Vitae Form (P102)

Collects the preceptor’s information verifying the preceptor’s experience and that they meet the program’s requirement for preceptors.

Nursing 186 and 187 Preceptor Checklist (of Skills and Competencies) (P106/P206)

This document provides extensive opportunities for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities with respect to the school nurse competencies. Candidate and Preceptor verify the areas they cover during the course of the semester

Preceptor Evaluation of Student Performance (P105/P205)

The preceptor rates the candidate’s practicum activities and indicates areas the candidate may need further mentoring/experience; allows for comments from the preceptor and whether they recommend the candidate for credentialing.

7. Credential Recommendation

Prior to recommending each candidate for a School Nurse Services Credential one or more persons responsible for the program determine through documented evidence that each candidate has demonstrated satisfactory performance on the School Nurse Competencies (SNCs).

The program uses formative assessment processes to inform candidates of their status in relation to the SNCs, and to assure that candidates have the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities prior to being recommended for the credential. The evaluation of candidate competence is provided by the program coordinators with input from faculty and preceptors. When the candidate meets all requirements, they are put in contact with the universities Credential Analyst who processes all credential applications and recommends the candidate to the CCTC. Candidates then go through the application process for applying for a clear credential at