Kremen School of Education and Human Development
Faculty Publications
- Aguilera, E. (2022). Developing digital fluency: Open questions for our changing classrooms. Literacy Today. 35(3). 49-51. Available:
- Aguilera, E. (2022). Theorizing whiteness as a proceduralized ideology in video games. Journal of Games Criticism, 5 (Bonus Issue A). 1-21.
- Aguilera, E. (2022). Datafication, educational platforms and proceduralised ideologies. In L. Pangrazio & J. Sefton-Green (Eds.). Learning to Live with Datafication: Educational Case Studies and Initiatives from Across the World. Routledge.
- Aguilera, E., (2021). Perspectives on Scales, Contexts, and Directionality of Collaborations in and Around Virtual Worlds and Video Games. In International Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (pp.371-388). Springer.
- Aguilera, E. & Pandya, J.Z. (2021). Critical literacies in a digital age: current and future issues. Pedagogies: An International Journal 16(2). 173-186.
- Aguilera, E., Holmes, J. B., Tran, K. M., & Guzmán, L. D. (in press). Proceduralized ideologies in video games and playable media. Critical Multimodality: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transformative Educational Spaces. Information Age Publishing.
- Akhavan, N. (2021). Literacy Walks. New York, Scholastic, Inc.
- Aleman-Tovar, J., Rios, K., & Burke, M. M. (in press). Transition planning: Knowledge and preferences of Latinx families of youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
- Alvarez, W. & De Walt, P. S. (2022). Preface.(Eds). Voicing diverse teaching experiences, approaches, and perspectives in higher education (pp.xv-xxii). IGI Global.
- Bacalja, A., Aguilera, E., & Castrillón-Ángel, E.F. (2021). Critical digital literacies. In. Pandya, J.Z., Mora, R., Alford, J. Golden. N.A. and deRoock, R. (Eds.). The Handbook of Critical Literacies. London: Routledge. pp. 373-380.
- Becton, A. B., Zheng, L., Chen, R. K., Reece, U. F., & Castillo, Y. (2022). Race and gender as determinants of educators’ perceptions regarding Black college students with disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration.
- Bennett, S. V., Gunn, A. A., Panos, A., Hart, S. M., & Schneider, J.J.(Under Contract, 2022). five frames: A multi-curricular approach to culturally sustaining literacy practices. Culturally sustaining pedagogy: Developing socially just literacy teaching practices. Teachers College Press
- Benninga, J.S. (2020). Grandpa’s school of life: 7 great lessons on being a good person (Book Review). Journal of Character Education 16(2), 85-86.
- Benninga, J.S. (2020). Do educators exaggerate the harm of extrinsic motivation? Inspiring Character Newsletter. harm-of-extrinsic-motivation
- Biacindo, K.
- Biacindo, K.
- Biacindo, K. (2021). Inclusive Education in an Online Environment Made Easy Using AGILE. Blackboard Blog online: Blackboard Community.
- Bohlin, C. F. (2022, January 5). COMET: California Online Mathematics Education Times, 23 (1). [Issue contains 23 articles]
- Bohlin, C. F. (2021, September 9). COMET: California Online Mathematics Education Times, 22 (2). [Issue contains 22 articles]
- Buren, M., Rios, K., & Burke, M. M. (2021). Advocacy experiences among rural parents of children with disabilities. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 1-13.
- Burke, M. M., Aleman-Tovar, J., & Rios, K. (2021). Exploring the advocacy process and its products among parents of children with disabilities. Exceptionality, 1-14.
- Burwell, A. & López, P.D. “Paving a path to success for Latinx communities.” Fresno State Campus News. October 13, 2021 communities/
- Castillón, I., Rascón, A. & López, P.D. “Multigenerational Femtorship.” Heinemann Publishing Podcast. October 13, 2021. (student collaboration)
- Chen, F. (2022). 抓狂两三岁[Everyday Conflicts: Promoting Social-Emotional Development in Young Children]. Beijing: Writers Publishing House.
- Chen, R., Tu, W. M., Sametz, R. R., & Austin, B. S. (in press). Predictive effects of satisfaction with life, self-esteem, and loneliness on alcohol-related problems in college students at a minority-serving institution. Journal of Rehabilitation.
- De Walt, P.S (2021) “The show must go on: Challenges, questions and pedagogical Pivots in Response to COVID-19," Journal of Multicultural Affairs: Vol. 6: Iss. 2, Article 10, 1-10). Available at:
- De Walt, P. S. (2021). The show must go on: Challenges, questions, and pedagogical pivots in response to COVID-19 Journal of Multicultural Affairs.
- De Walt, P. S. (2022). Forms of Fanon remain: Navigating others' perceptions as a male faculty member of African descent. In W. Alvarez & P. S. De Walt (Eds). Voicing diverse teaching experiences, approaches, and perspectives in higher education (pp. 39- 55) IGIGlobal.
- Duran, A., Catalano, D. C., Pryor, J. T., Taylor, J., & Jourian, T. J. (2022). Mapping the rise of LGBTQ+ student affairs: A 23-year review. Journal of Student Affairs Research & Practice, 1-13. Advanced online publication.
- Fellus, O. O., Low, D. E., Guzmán, L. D., Kasman, A., & Mason, R. T. (in press). Hidden figures, hidden messages: The construction of mathematical identities in children’s picturebooks. To appear in For the Learning of Mathematics, 42(2).
- Fellus, O. O., Low, D. E., Guzmán, L. D., Kasman, A., & Mason, R. T. (2022). Hidden figures, hidden messages: The construction of mathematical identities with children’s picture books. For the Learning of Mathematics, 42(2).
- Gabana, N., Ruser, J., Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., & Gilbert, J. (2021). The relationship between gratitude and religious identification of NCAA athletes: A replication study. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 1(aop), 1-17.
- Gee, E. & Aguilera, E. (2021). Bridging the analog-digital divide: Critical literacies and the role of procedural design in young peoples’ game-making practices. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 16(2). 173-186.
- Gleason, B., & Mehta, R. (2022). A pedagogy of care: Critical humanizing approaches to teaching and learning with technology. Italian Journal of Educational Technology. Advance Online Publication. 1-16. doi:10.17471/2499-4324/1278
- Guzmán, L., Craig, J., Thanheiser, E., Raygoza, M. C., & Koestler, C. (in press). Upper elementary mathematics to explore people represented in our world and community. In Mathematics lessons to explore, understand, and respond to social injustice: Grades 3-5. Corwin Publishing.
- Hang, A., & Walsh, N. (2021). Environmental Factors for Motivation of First-Generation Hmong American College Students in Academic Attainment. Education Quarterly Reviews, 4(3).
- Hannigan, J & Hannigan, J. (2022). Don’t Suspend Me! An Alternative Discipline Toolkit Second Edition. Corwin Press. Thousand Oaks, CA
- Hannigan, J. & Hannigan, J. (2021). A New Direction for SEL: Like language, math, and science, SEL can be practiced and mastered-even in socially distanced or hybrid settings. National Association of Elementary School Principals: Principal Magazine, 100 (5)
- Harrington, L., & Walsh, N. (2022). District support of alternative permit teachers for increasing efficacy and retention. Management in Education, 36(2), 72–81.
- Henriksen, D., Creely, E., & Mehta, R. (2022). Rethinking the Politics of Creativity: Posthumanism, Indigeneity, and Creativity Beyond the Western Anthropocene. Qualitative Inquiry.
- Hernández, I., & González, Á. (2021). Caminos, Puentes, y Posibilidades (Paths, Bridges, and Possibilities): Latinx Community College Leadership. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 28(2), III-XII.
- Kavussanu, M., Barkoukis, V., Hurst, P., Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., Skoufa, L., Chirico, A., Luicidi, F., & Ring, C. (2021). A psychological intervention reduces doping likelihood in British and Greek athletes: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 102099.
- Kessner, T. M., Parekh, P., Aguilera, E., Cortés, L. E. P., Tran, K. M., Siyahhan, S., & Gee, E. R. (2021). (Design) thinking out loud: adolescents’ design talk in a library makerspace tabletop game design camp. Information and Learning Sciences. Literacy Futurisms Collective-in-the-Making* (2021). “We Believe in Collective Magic”: Honoring the Past to Reclaim the Future (s) of Literacy Research. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice.
- Kiyama, J. M., Yi, V., & Contreras, L. (2021). Refugee students and postsecondary realities: New Directions for Higher Education, 2020(191), 5-9.**
- Koestler, C., Thanheiser, E., Raygoza, M. C., Craig, J., & Guzmán, L. (in press). Early elementary mathematics to explore people represented in our world and community. Mathematics lessons to explore, understand, and respond to social injustice: Grades K-2. Corwin Publishing.
- Lee; Y., Lund, C. Yerrick, R. (2021). Adding Necessary Rigor to Engineering Pedagogical Change. Journal of College Science Teaching. 50 (6), 31-39.
- López, P.D. (2021). Latina/o/x Teachers: History, Policies, and Politics. In Murillo, et al. (Eds). Handbook of Latinos and Education 2nd Edition, pp.124-134. New York: Routledge.
- López, P.D. (2021). How to HEAL Podcast. California Health Collaborative Healing, Equity, Advocacy & Leadership (HEAL) Project
- López, P.D. & Pitt-Parker, J. (2021). Fresno Unified Ethnic Studies Summer Institute. June 14-18, 2021. Organizers and Facilitators.
- López, P.D. – Contributor to the following:
- California Department of Education (CDE) Educator Diversity Advisory Group Report: How to increase the diversity of California's educator workforce. April 22, 2022
- Low, D. E., Lyngfelt, A., Thomas, A. A., & Vasquez, V. M. (2022). Critical literacy and contemporary literatures. The critical literacies handbook (pp. 308-316). Routledge.
- Low, D. E., & Rapp. S. M. (2021). Youth identities and affinities on the move: Using a transliteracies framework to critique digital dichotomies. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 16(2), 109-122.
- Low, D. E., Kervin, L. K., & Pandya, J. P. (2022). Foreword. Multimodal literacies in young emergent bilinguals: Speaking back to print-centric practices (pp. xix-xx). Multilingual Matters.
- Low, D. E., Pandya, J. Z., & Kervin, L. K. (2021). Guest editorial: Theorizing multimodality through children and youths’ perceptions and experiences. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 20(2), 125-129.
- Mac, J.,Yi, V., Na, V. S., Thaviseth, L. J., Phommasa, M., & Pheng, L. M. The SEAAster Scholars Collective: A story of homemaking in the academy.Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement, 16(1), 1-13.
- Macias, C., Shin, M., & Bennett, L. (2021). “They were teaching me!”: reimagining collaborative inquiry with elementary students in science teacher education. Journal of Science Teacher Education,
- Mehta, R. & Henriksen, D. (2022). To democratize, first decolonize: Approaches beyond eurocentric and colonial epistemologies in creativity. Review of Research in Education, 46(1), 105-133.
- Malloy, E., Kavussanu, M., & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. (accepted 2022-04-17, not yet published). Changed in authentic leadership over a sport season predict changes in athlete outcomes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology.
- Moradian Watson, J. (2021). The use of reflective journals to create a psychologically safe space (in progress).
- Nguyen, N. N., Mosier, W., Hines, J., & Garnett, W. (2022). Learning styles are out of style: Shifting to multimodal learning experience. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 58(2), 70-75. DOI: 10.1080/00228958.2022.2039520
- O’Quinn, M., Yukhymenko, M., & Moradian Watson, J. (2021). Supporting specially admitted student-athletes to increase their academic commitments. [Research Brief]. Center for Leadership in Athletics, University of Washington.
- O’Quinn, M., Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M., & Watson, J. M. (2021). Supporting specially-admitted student-athletes to increase their academic commitments. [Research Brief]. Center for Leadership in Athletics, University of Washington. Available at:
- Parekh, P., Gee, E., Tran, K., Aguilera, E.,(2021). Board game design: an educational tool for understanding environmental issues. International Journal of Science Education,
- Phan, T., Aguilera, E., Tracz, S. (2022). Students’ Level of Satisfaction and Perceptions of Technological Proficiency in Teacher Education Coursework. Contemporary Educational Technology, 4(1), ep337.
- Phan, T., Zhu, M., Paul, M. (2021). The effects of technological professional development training on faculty’s perceptions and actual use of technology. Educational Media International Journal, 58(4), 335-354.
- Phan, T., Paul, M. (2021). Teaching and Learning during the Pandemic: Challenges and Merits of International Co-Designing and Instruction. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 12(3), 57-70.
- Phan, T., Shin, M. (2021). Design Case: Re-imagining Technology Education for Student Teachers Using Design Thinking and Human-centered Design. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 12(3), 31-48.
- Phan, T., Paul, M., & Zhu, M. (2021). The Role of Teaching Goals and Instructional Technology Perceptions in Faculty Members’ Technology Use. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(3), ep307.
- Phan, T., Aguilera, E., & Tracz, S. (January, 2022). Students’ level of satisfaction and their technological proficiency growth in teacher education coursework. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(1). DOI:
- Phan, T., Aguilera, E., & Tracz, S. (2021). Students’ level of satisfaction and their technological proficiency growth in teacher education coursework. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14(1), DOI:
- Pryor, J. T. (in press). Sexual identity and leadership. In G. R. Goethals, S. T. Allison, G. J.Sorenson (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies. SAGE.
- Pryor, J. T., González, Á. D. J., & Lamb, C. (2022). Exploring 20 years of LGBTQ+ practitioner scholarship: Applying scholarship to practice? Journal of Student Affairs Research & Practice, 1-17. Advanced online publication.
- Pryor, J. T. & Nachman, B. R. (2021). Conceptualizing Digital Campus Climate within LGBTQ+ Resource Center Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Innovative Higher Education. Advanced online publication.
- Raygoza, M. C., Thanheiser, E., Koestler, C., Craig, J., & Guzmán, L. (in press). Middle school mathematics to explore people represented in our world and community. In Mathematics lessons to explore, understand, and respond to social injustice: Grades 6-8. Corwin Publishing.
- Richardson, C., Henriksen, D., Mehta, R. & Mishra, P. Seeing things in the here and now: Exploring mindfulness and creativity with Viviana Capurso. TechTrends (2022).
- Robinson, J.M., Redvers, N., Camargo, A., Bosch, C.A., Breed, M.F., Brenner, L.A., Carney, M.A., Chauhan, A., Dasari, M., Dietz, L.G., Friedman, M., Grieneisen, L., Hoisington, A.J., Horve, P.F., Hunter, A., Jech, S., Jorgensen, A., Lowry, C.A., Man, I., Mhuireach, G.,Navarro-Pérez, E., Ritchie, E.G., Stewart, J.D., Watkins, H., Weinstein, P., and Ishaq, S.L. (2022). Twenty important research questions in microbial exposure and social equity. mSystems 7(1): e01240-21. Special Series: Social Equity as a Means of Resolving Disparities in Microbial Exposure.
- Rodriguez, S., Moradian Watson, J., & Yukhymenko, M. (2021). An examination of principal professional development and its alignment to professional standards and professional development constructs. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 6(2), 71-80.
- Rodriguez, S., Moradian-Watson, J., & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A. (2021). An examination of principal professional development and its alignment to professional standards and professional development constructs. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 6(2), 71-80.
- Saelua, N., Yi, V., Na, V. S., & Museus, S. D. (2021). Refugee lifemaking: (Re)Centering the refugee narrative through feminist refugee epistemology. In J. Kiyama, V. Yi, & L. Contreras (Eds.), Refugee students and postsecondary realities: New Directions for Higher Education, 2020(191), 67-78.
- Sanchez, J. & Moradian Watson, J. (2021). Effective instructional leadership practices in high performing elementary schools, 6(2), 71-80.
- Terzian-Chekian, T., Moradian Watson, J., Miller, S. & Wahleithner, J. (2021). Nursing students’ experiences in providing patient education in the clinical setting. International Journal of Nursing Education, 6(4), 49.
- Sangha-Rico, R., Hernández, S. (2022). Latina senior leaders in California community colleges: Leadership as disruption and resistance. Journal of Applied Research in Community Colleges, 28(2), 17 – 31.
- Sharma, G. & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M.A. (2002b). Life Purpose as a Predictor of Resilience and Persistence in College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
- Sharma, G. & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A. (2022). A framework for cultivating purpose as a pedagogy of care. Italian Journal of Educational Technology. doi: 10.17471/2499-4324/1234
- Sharma, G., Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., & Scarton, C. (2021). Purpose and career development: Implications for career counseling and counselor education. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
- Sharma, G., Kim, J., & Bernal, K. (2021). The Relationship between the High School Sophomores’ Purpose Orientations and their Post-Secondary Education Completion a Decade Later. Professional School Counseling Journal.
- Sharma, G., Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., & Arevalo, K. B. (accepted 2021-10-22, not yet published). Counseling students’ experiences and interpretations of purpose development. Journal of College Counseling.
- Sharma, G., & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A. (accepted 2021-09-22, not yet published). The role of purpose in predicting students’ self-efficacy and grit. Journal of College Counseling.
- Sharma, G., & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. (2022). A framework for cultivating purpose as a pedagogy of care. Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(1), 1-12.
- Sharma, G., & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. (2022). A framework for cultivating purpose as a pedagogy of care. Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(1), 1-12.
- Sotto-Santiago, S., Mac, J., Sharp, S., Haywood, A., Messmore, N., Tyson, M., & Yi, V. (2021).Reclaiming the mission of academic medicine: An examination of institutional responses to (anti)racism. AEM Education and Training, 5(S1), 33-43.
- Terzian-Chekian, T., Moradian Watson, J., Miller, S. & Wahleithner, J. (2021). Nursing students’ experiences in providing patient education in the clinical setting. International Journal of Nursing Education, 6(4), 49.
- Torres, Y., Walsh, N., & Tahvildary, N. (2021). Impact of Mediator Mentors Service-Learning on College Student Social-Emotional Expertise and Cultural Competence. Journal of Practical Studies in Education, 3(1), 3–13.
- Wahleithner, J.M., Stowell, L., Suyeyasu, K., Dewar, T., & Kittle, P. (2021). CWP Response to Conley’s “Imagining the Future of Literacy Instruction in California:” An Invitation to Engage. California English. 27(2), 10-11.
- Wandeler, C., Pinto, D. & Gouveia, S. (2022). 7 Semco Practices to build trust in your organization. Semco Style Institute USA, Clovis, CA.
- Wandeler, C. (2022). A Guide to Designing a Successful Path Towards Employee Attraction and Retention. Clovis, CA.
- Wandeler, C. (2022). The Great Resignation How to Stop Losing Your Talent. Clovis, CA.
- Weir, K.N. (2021). Saints Overcoming Scrupulosity: Embracing Truths about Mental Illness and the Restored Gospel in Treating Religious-Oriented Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Finegold Creek Press.
- Weir, K.N. (2021). Collaborating for Connection as a Couple: Collaborative Attachment Systems Therapy Workbook 1. Finegold Creek Press.
- Weir, K.N. (2021). The TRAIL to Love: Collaborative Attachment Systems Therapy Workbook 2. Finegold Creek Press.
- Weir, K.N. (2021). Twelve Collaborative Tasks for Couples: Collaborative Attachment Systems Therapy Workbook 3. Finegold Creek Press.
- Weir, K. N., and Daniel K. Weir (2021). Zachary Talcott and the Book of Lights. Finegold Creek Press.
- Xiong, S. (2021). Gender differences in stress levels among Southeast Asian American college students. Journal of American College Health. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2021.1908306
- Xiong, S., Lor, D., & Lorchueya, J. (2021). Understanding Southeast Asian American male student engagement experiences with community college faculty members. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 45(10), 773-777.
- Yerrick, R. & Kearney, E. (2022). “Supporting Teachers of Emergent Bilingual Science Students in Multicultural Contexts.” In Mary Atwater’s (Eds.) History, Theory, and Methods of Research of Multicultural Science Education. Springer Publishers.
- Yerrick, R., Eastman, M., Miles, M., Henderson, R., and Nunna, R. (2022). "Striving for more: Beyond the guise of objectivity and equality,” In A.J. Rodriguez, and R. Suriel’s (Eds.) Supporting STEM Education with Limited Resources: Research-Based and Practical Suggestions for Advocacy and Transformative Change. Springer Publishers.
- Yerrick, R. (2021).“When Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Gets Sticky,” In S. Jeong, L. Bryan, D. Tippins & C. Sexton (Eds.), Navigating the challenges of elementary science teaching and learning: Using case-based pedagogy to understand dilemmas of practice. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- Yi, V., & Ramos, D. (2022). Collective achievement and resistance: Understanding the motivations of doctoral women of color. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 15(1), 12-25.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A. (accepted 2022-04-26, not yet published). Student academic engagement and burnout amidst COVID-19: The role of purpose orientations and disposition towards gratitude in life. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., Sharma, G., & Stephens, J. M. (accepted 2022-02-10, not yet published). Life purpose orientations and academic misconduct among university students in Mexico. Journal of College Student Development.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A. (2022). Sport-to-school spillover effects of passion for sport: The role of identity in academic performance. Psychological Reports, 125(3), 1469-1493.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., Goldman, S. R., Lawless, K. A., Pellegrino, J. W., & Shanahan, C. R. (2022). Assessing information synthesis within and across multiple texts with verification tasks: A Signal Detection Theory approach. Educational Psychology: An international Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 42(5), 549-566.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., & Sharma, G. (2022). Passion for work and well-being of working adults. Journal of Career Development, 49(3), 505-518.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., Ruser, J. B., Gabana, N. T., & Gilbert, J. N. (2022). Assessing burnout in subgroups of athletes based on gratitude and perceived coach-athlete relationship. Psychological Reports, 125(2), 964-985.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., & Sharma, G. (2022). The role of coaching identity and life purpose orientations in holistic athlete development. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 17(3), 477-489.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., Donnely-Hermosillo, D. F., Cowan, C. C., & Berrett, B. D. (2021). A latent profile analysis of university faculty subtypes for mobile technology integration. Computers and Education Open, 2, 100052.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., & Sharma, G. (2021). An examination of stereotypes towards varsity student-athletes based on student perceptions. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. Advance online publication.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., & Sharma, G. (2021). Measuring specific purpose orientations in working adults. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 1-19.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., & Gilbert, W. (2021). Development and validation of the Coaching Athlete Purpose Scale (CAPS). Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 56, 101960.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A. (2021). The Two-Dimensional Sport Coaching Identity Orientation Scale: Technical report. ScholarWorks.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. (2022). Reflecting on and assessing my coaching practice: The Coaching Athlete Purpose Scale (CAPS). [Research Brief]. Center for Leadership in Athletics, University of Washington.
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. (2022). Sense of Coaching Purpose Scale (CAPS): A worksheet for coaches. ScholarWorks.