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Kremen School of Education and Human Development

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? Our advisors can answer your questions about programs, applications, course schedules and more! Click here to learn more.

How to Apply

There are a few things you need to do in order to apply to program.

The first step is to apply online to the university at: and pay the online fee if applicable. (Some students are eligible for a fee waiver.) View for information on Liberal Studies.

  1. The next step is the program application process. The instructions on how to apply can be found on the Apply page of the program you are interested in. Make sure you are reading everything carefully so you don't miss any steps. 
  2. You will need to bring in or mail the program documentation that is listed in the admission requirements pages to ED 100 in the Kremen School of Education and Human Development.
  3. Lastly, if you have attended universities other than Fresno State you will need to have official transcripts for ALL institutions sent to University Graduate Admissions. Unofficial transcripts can accompany your program application, but all official must be sent to University Graduate Admissions directly.
  4. Mail your program application to:
    1. Attn: Center for Advising and Student Services
      Kremen School of Education and Human Development
      5005 North Maple Ave. M/S ED301
      Fresno, CA 93740
  5. Mail official transcripts to Graduate Admissions:
    1. Attn: University Graduate Admissions
      Fresno State
      5150 North Maple. Ave. M/S JA57
      Fresno, CA 93740
  6. International Students should contact the International admissions office at 559.278.2409 for specific information regarding mailing and applying.

Please visit this webpage for instructions on how to apply to a Credential Program:

For help completing your Cal State Apply application you may:

Call: 1.857.304.2087
On campus you may contact Graduate Admissions at 559.278.4073.

If you are a current undergraduate or graduate student and are currently enrolled and taking courses in a program, you do not need to reapply to Fresno State, but you do need to submit a program application. If you are admitted to the Credential program, and you will complete your undergraduate/graduate degree before you finish your Credential Program, you will need to apply via Cal State Apply so that you can continue your Credential Program after you graduate. This should be completed at the time that you apply to graduate from your undergrad/graduate program.

If you have attended universities other than Fresno State or you have attended another institution after attending Fresno State, you should provide official transcripts. Official transcripts may be routed directly to Fresno State electronically or via mail:

Attn: Graduate Admissions
Fresno State
5241 N. Maple Ave. M/S TA51
Fresno, CA 93740

In your statement of purpose you should provide relevant information about yourself including goals, objectives, and experiences related to the master's degree and/or advanced credential/certificate program to which you are applying. Please focus primarily on your short term and long-term professional goals. You may attach additional pages if necessary. Your statement of purpose should be typed; 1-2 pages max, and does not have to be submitted on the form provided in the application.

The form alone is not acceptable. The evaluation form is required for most of our programs accompanied by a letter of recommendation on letterhead and is to be sealed with the letter from the person who is filling it out. If you have three letters of recommendation but no evaluation forms, the program you are applying to could request evaluation forms or deny you based on your letters being "weak". The evaluators you have chosen to write your letters of recommendation can be the same evaluators you choose to fill out your evaluation forms; you do not need all new evaluators.

There are several ways to meet the writing competency:

  • Obtaining a score of a 41+ on the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST) writing portion OR pass all sections of the entire test (provide a copy)
  • Passing all 3 sections of the Multiple Subject CSET test and the CSET writing skills test (provide copy)
  • Obtaining a minimum score of 114+ on the Upper Division Writing Examination (UDWE) (verified on Fresno State transcript)
  • Earning a grade of “B” or better in any "W" course at Fresno State

For information about the UDWE please contact Family and Food Sciences Building, Room 110, or call 559.278.2457. To have courses that you have taken at another institution reviewed please fill out the "Writing Competency Substitution Request form".

If you feel that a course you took would be a good replacement for the writing competency, you can request a course substitution. The form can be found under the Applications and Forms section of this website. It is called the "Writing Competency substitution Request form".

You will need to submit the form, a copy of unofficial transcripts with the grade of the class you wish to substitute posted, a catalog description of the course, the syllabus from the course, and a writing sample to ED 100 in the Kremen School of Education and Human Development.

**Do not submit this form if you have passed the CBEST OR passed just the writing portion of the CBEST with a 41 or better OR passed the Upper Division Writing Exam (UDWE) or passed any "W" course at Fresno State with a B or better.

First you need to go to the Division of Graduate Studies in the Frank W. Thomas building in TA 130. You will need their permission to turn in a late application. Next, you will go to ED 100 for a signature from the Graduate Admissions Analyst. 

Then you will go to Joyal Administration to pay the application fee as well as a late fee. Lastly you will take your receipt and application back to the Division of Research and Graduate Studies to turn in.

Application Processing

The estimated waiting time for students to hear back on their program status is 8-12 weeks once your application is turned in, assuming all documents have been turned in with the application and transcripts have been sent to the university. We try our best to get an answer back to students in as timely a manner as possible, so it does help when students have their entire program packet complete with all required documents and all official transcripts sent to the university if applicable. Your status will come through email, so please check your Spam folder if you have not heard from us in several weeks.

The decision will be up to the people who review your file. Your application will be reviewed and you will either be admitted, admitted conditionally or be denied until you can meet those requirements.

The Center for Advising and Student Services (ED 100) does not take part in the decision process for admittance of students, just the recording of the information submitted by the applicant.

Congratulations! This means that you were accepted to the program and may start in the term you applied for, but you have some conditions to meet first. There is a list of requirements in your Student Center under your "To Do's" that you need to complete BEFORE you finish 9 units of actual program coursework. Conditions usually are completing program prerequisites, meeting the writing competency, or completing the first 9 units of program with a grade of "B" or better. Once you have completed your conditions in that first semester, bring unofficial transcripts, test scores, etc. as proof of doing so into ED 100 so that you may be classified in program.

Being classified means that a student has met all conditions required of them to be in a program and is "Fully Admitted." For example, if a student is “conditionally admitted” to program with the condition of completing the first 9 units of program with a B or better, then he/she will gain classified status once he/she can prove those conditions are met and has an overall Postbaccalaureate GPA of a 3.0 or better. Unofficial transcripts should be turned in to ED 100 for proof of completing conditions. It is important to be classified because a student is not fully admitted to program until all conditions of program admission have been met and cannot be approved for advancement to candidacy, register for project/thesis, apply to graduate, etc. until they have been classified.

The Graduate Admissions Analyst will take care of the “Classified Standing Request” form on your behalf so you do not need to worry about this form. However, you do need to provide proof of meeting the conditions listed in your program status notification you received, By submitting unofficial transcripts, test scores, etc. to ED 100. You cannot be classified by our Graduate Admissions Analyst until you have given ED 100 proof of completion of conditions. If you have questions about the program conditions on your admittance letter, please call 559.278.0300.

If a student is denied admission to a program and wants to reapply, they should follow the steps listed on the Credential and Graduate Program admissions webpages. It is also helpful to consult with an advisor or the Admissions Analyst regarding what you can do better next time you submit your application. 


If you have been admitted to program, be sure to check your “My Fresno State Portal” periodically. Under the Student Center there will be an Enrollment Appointment listed under the “Enrollment Dates” section of the Student Center once priority registration time is near. If you are admitted after the priority enrollment dates have passed, open enrollment should be in effect.

If you are unsure about coursework, the best thing to do would be to make an appointment with your assigned adviser. This assigned adviser is named in the program status email you received when you were accepted to program. Program advisers are there to assist you with picking classes for the semester, filling out advancement to candidacies, etc. If ever you feel you need assistance with a concern while in program, feel free to contact your adviser. The contact information of your program adviser was also sent in the program status email if you would like to contact the adviser directly, or you can call the department office of your program to make an appointment.

To register for classes visit:

You will be able to:

  • Add/Drop Deadline
  • Class Search
  • Plan Your Schedule
  • Class Grading Options
  • Registration and Payment Deadlines 

In order to register for project or thesis (culmination experience) you will need to obtain a permission number from ED 100. To obtain a permission number for thesis you will need to have the first three chapters of your thesis with your committee assignment sheet (form is found on the Division of Graduate Studies website) turned into ED 100. 

For Project you will need your project proposal signed and turned in to ED100. 

For registration in any Culminating Experience you must have your Advancement to Candidacy on file with ED 100 as well.

When it comes to actually registering for the course, the first thing to do is log into your Fresno State Portal and go to the Student Center. From there you will click on “My Academic Records and Registration” and click on the link “Class Enrollment.” From there it will prompt you to add the class number that was provided to you, and then you will add the permission number.

Tuition and Financial Aid

There is $70 application fee for the university application that is submitted online at: There is a section on the university application to apply for a fee waiver. You will need to follow the instructions and determine whether or not you qualify. There is no fee for the program application. Click here to learn more about tuition and fees.

Fresno State Portal

You can call the Student Technology Service Desk at 559.278.5000. They can help you get back into your account.

Credentials and Certificates

The Certificate of Clearance is verification that a student has completed the fingerprint or Live Scan process. It is required of students who plan to work in a K-12 setting. For more information, please visit: If required, a copy of the Certificate of Clearance needs to be submitted with the program application.

To obtain a Certificate of Clearance, you must first complete the Live Scan process. You would then apply for the certificate online through the Commission on Teacher Credentialing ( It will take approximately 2-3 weeks once the Live Scan process is complete and you have created an online direct application through the CTC.

A Certificate of Clearance is valid for 5 years.


It depends; if you have completed the Live Scan process and the results were sent to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), then you would need to go to the CTC website ( to locate your Certificate of Clearance.

If your Live Scan results were not sent to the CTC, they will need to be completed again.

Applying for an advanced credential or certificate with a Master’s program is simple; all you need to do is check the box of the credential you wish to apply for on the program application and bring those additional required documents for the credential in with the rest of the program application. Every credential is different and so are the requirements; be sure to check the advanced credential and/or certificate admission requirements listed in the program application instructions. 

If you already have a Master’s degree and you would just like to earn an advanced credential, you can do so. If you strongly feel that you would like to do another Master’s program, then we suggest speaking with a program adviser. However, if you already have a Master’s in one area, you cannot obtain another one. 

No, if you have questions about earning an advanced credential or certificate along with your degree and whether the credential is recommended to accompany the program, you should seek advice from your assigned program adviser.

  • For the PPS you must be classified in your program. You must also submit a copy of a valid Certificate of Clearance or valid California Teaching Credential, COUN 174 and ERA 153 completed and a copy of the CBEST passed. We will NOT accept anything in progress.
  • For the Preliminary Administrative Services, the Early Childhood Education and the Reading/Language Arts Credentials you must have 2-3 years teaching experience and must hold the proper California Teaching Credential. This information can be found on the program application webpage.  Click here and scroll to Advanced Credential and Certificate Applicant Requirements or Individual requirements or notes for the Master, Advanced Credential or Certificate programs.
  • For the Clear Education Specialist in Mild/Moderate and or Moderate/Severe you should contact the Program Coordinator for Special Education and make sure you have completed and received the Level I or Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Dr. Michael Mahoney,
  • For all other Credentials, please visit:

Teacher Candidates are able to earn their credential while employed by a district under a University Internship Credential. Candidates are responsible for securing their employment in a public school setting, as the University is not involved in finding internship positions for its students. Please refer to the Teacher Internship Program website for internship policies and eligibility requirements.

The Office of Clinical Practice (OCP) is responsible for making all placements for teacher candidates enrolled in a clinical practice course. Candidates are able to submit preferences by completing their program's Clinical Practice Application. For more information, please contact OCP at 559.278.0315.

Student teaching is a gradual process that involves classroom observation, group work in small groups with students, lesson plans, and teaching the entire class. Hours vary for student teaching depending on the phase and credential program you are enrolled in.

*Please note that some programs have more student teaching phases than others.

student teaching phases
- Single Subject Multiple Subject Dual Special Education

Phase 1



TBD-Student consults with iPOP instructor TBD-Student consults with iPOP instructor



Phase 2


Entire School day


TBD-3 full days a week TBD-3 full days a week

TBD-Student meets with adviser

(16 hours per week)

Phase 3



Entire school day


Entire school day (in a k-6 placement)


Entire school day

Phase 4




Entire school day (in an Ed. Specialist placement)


Counseling and PPS Credential

If you feel that a course you took would be a good replacement for a required course, or the writing competency, you can submit a course substitution form:

If the substitution you request is for a writing course, a writing sample is required. 

We do ask that you please highlight the prerequisites in the unofficial transcripts from your program application so that they are easily noticeable.

Please note, depending on the substitution there are TWO locations that the form or forms must be turned into.  Follow the directions carefully on the form. You are responsible for this process.

Once you have passed COUN 208, obtained your Certificate of Clearance and enroll into COUN 249- School Counseling Field Placement course, you can choose your field placement/internship site

  • Please note: You will need to obtain a permission number by a COUN 249 professor to enroll into their course. You will not be able to add the course without a permission number.
  • Before you begin your field placement hours, make sure you get your internship site approved by your COUN 249 professor.

You will meet once every two weeks as a class. Typically, your duties will include presenting a case study, completing chapter assignments, discussing your site responsibilities and other assignments based on your Professor’s syllabus.

There is a total of 600 hours required for the PPS Credential. The student must complete a minimum of 200 hours at two levels (ex. High school and Elementary).

  • Since COUN249 is an 8-unit course, the student has the option to complete all 600 hours within one semester by enrolling into the 8-unit course or the student can complete 300 hours in the Fall and 300 hours in the Spring, with the 4-unit option for each semester. 

  • The student has the option to choose the school levels in which he/she would like to complete the field placement hours. Make sure to get ideas approved and finalized by your COUN 249 professor prior to beginning your internship hours.

The student must complete minimum of 200 hours in one school level (e.g. high school) and minimum of 200 hours in other school level (e.g. middle school) and remaining 200 hours can be distributed as per student’s choice in these two levels or other educational setting.

  • Remember to get your site approved by your COUN 249 professor before beginning your hours.

This would depend on your schedule and also how many clock hours you intend to complete. Visit with your site counselor to work on a schedule that fits your needs.

When a student cannot find an internship site, your COUN 249 professor will refer you to a school site where you can complete your hours.

  • Students typically complete their hours in the elementary, middle, or high school site they attended during their K-12 education. Some choose a school within the school district they plan to apply for, however, there are many measure students take when choosing an internship placement.

  • To apply at Fresno Unified contact Yolanda Juarez at

If you do not complete your hours by the end of the semester, your COUN 249 professor may give you an extension, depending on the number of hours remaining.

  • An “RP” grade will be given to students who complete at least 150 hours. If you do not complete the minimum number of hours for that semester, you will be given an “NC” grade

A culminating experience, COUN 298-Project, or COUN 299-Thesis, or Comprehensive Examination is required to attain the MS in School Counseling.

Please access this form for further guidance. 

STEP 1: The student must email the completed PPS completion form along with unofficial transcripts to

STEP 2: Once reviewed for completion and approved, the signed PPS completion form will be returned to the student.

STEP 3: The student will complete the credential application.

STEP 4: The student will follow the instructions on the credential application and submit a completed application packet along with the signed PPS completion form to the Credential Analyst for processing.

Graduate Programs 

An advancement to candidacy form is like a contract; it states which courses you have taken and/or plan to take in order to meet the requirements for the degree you are earning. Advancements should be typed, and it is recommended that students fill out their advancement to candidacy forms with their advisers to be sure it is error free.

You can find the form online on the Division of Graduate Studies Forms page. It needs to be typed and not handwritten. Fill out your Advancement to Candidacy with your adviser, have them sign the form, you sign it, verify your status, sign the form with the Graduate Programs Coordinator's signature and submit it to the Division of Graduate Studies for processing.

You can turn in your advancement to candidacy after you have completed 9 units in the program with a B or better and complete the Graduate Writing Requirement.

If you would like to switch to another program outside of the Kremen School of Education and Human Development you will need to check with the department office of the new program to see what they require of you. Contact our office at 559.278.0300 to let us know that you will no longer be attending our program.

If you are switching between programs within the Kremen School of Education and Human Development, you will need to be classified in the program you are currently in before you can switch to another one of Kremen School's graduate programs. If you are in any of the Counselor Ed programs, the form you are looking for is the "Program Change Request - Counseling". If you are in the Education programs, the form you are looking for is the "Program Change Request - Education". 

Most programs require you to write a statement of purpose justifying why you are switching programs and unofficial transcripts. We will request any additional documentation that may be needed. You will be notified via email with the outcome of the program's decision and told what additional steps are needed to change your degree objective with Fresno State.  Do not attempt to do this step until program admits you.

A program adjustment form adjusts changes made to your program coursework that were approved on your advancement to candidacy form. For example, if you wrote down a certain elective you planned to take on your advancement to candidacy but you decide to take another elective instead, you will need to do a program adjustment form. You do not have to fill out an adjustment form if there is a change in the semester/term you take the courses, only if the courses themselves change.

Program Completion and Graduation

A degree clearance form is a form that states a student has completed they culminating experience and is ready to graduate. The Kremen School of Education and Human Development is unique in that the students do not need to do this form for themselves. The advisers will do it on the students' behalf. All a student needs to do is turn in the abstract from their project or thesis to their adviser, and the adviser will take care of the rest. If you receive an email stating you need to do the degree clearance form, but you are in one of the graduate programs offered in the Kremen School, you can disregard the email. The Comp Exam proctors will also take care of the notification and signing of the form for students who have passed the comps.

The deadline to turn in a graduate degree application is always within the first three weeks of every starting semester or term. Please go to the Division of Graduate Studies page for deadlines (see "Dates and Deadlines").  You need to submit an online application for graduation (online application process).

After those first three weeks, an application will be considered “late”.  If you are turning in a late graduate degree application, you will need to visit the Division of Graduate Studies first and get permission from the office.

Once you have completed all coursework for the program and your grades have been posted, you will fill out a credential application and turn it in with all required documentation to ED 100. The credential analyst will process the paperwork and recommend you for a credential to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. You will finish the application process online. It can take approximately 3-5 weeks to receive your credential.

There is no set deadline to apply for your teaching credential. If you wait too long and the program implements changes, it is possible that you could be required to complete the new program changes before applying for your credential. You also run the risk of coursework and test scores expiring.

*Please note that CSET scores expire after 10 years. Credential coursework expires after 10 years.

Yes, you can apply for your degree. You will need to submit a graduate degree application within the first two weeks of the semester or term in which you are planning to graduate.

Once you have applied and are approved, you will only be a credential student, and you may finish your credential coursework. You may verify this by checking that your program is listed on your unofficial transcripts.

You will fill out a graduate degree application found on the Division of Graduate Studies page during the first two weeks of the semester in which you plan to finish your Master's degree.

To apply for your credential you will need to fill out a credential application and bring it in to ED 100 in Kremen School of Education and Human Development with the required documents on the checklist.

If you are finishing in the Summer, Fall or Spring semesters you will be automatically added to the list of graduates. MAKE SURE your mailing address and email address are current with our office, ED 100. We will be sending you emails regarding the commencement ceremony as well as an invitation to the ceremony. Check our commencement webpage for any updates.

If a student wishes to walk in the commencement ceremony but is not finished with the program, they MUST be finishing in the following summer term at the latest. Otherwise, they will have to wait for the ceremony in the next academic year. The student needs to be advanced to candidacy, and the student will need to come to ED 100 with their name, mailing address, and email address to be put on the mailing list for the invitation by a deadline provided on our commencement webpage closer to the ceremony date.