Credential Programs
Office of Clinical Practice
Participation in clinical practice experiences allows Student Teachers to apply their
learning from coursework and receive coaching to improve implementation within Fresno,
Kings, Madera, and Tulare counties.
Office of Clinical Practice
Participation in clinical practice experiences allows Student Teachers to apply their learning from coursework and receive coaching to improve implementation within Fresno, Kings, Madera, and Tulare counties.
The Office of Clinical Practice trains new teachers by leveraging the expertise of experienced educators to prepare novices for the complex work of supporting young people’s learning.Vision
Our vision is to improve wellness and inspire social change through teacher education while also advocating for equity and social justice.
Clinical Practice Resources by Program
Education Specialist Credential Program Coordinator: Dr. Michael Mahoney
The Office of Clinical Practice places Education Specialist Student Teachers enrolled in initial and final practicum in their clinical practice placement sites. OCP also assigns coaches to all Student Teachers, including students enrolled in the Teacher Residency Program and the Teacher Internship Program.
The Education Specialist Clinical Practice Handbook is an invaluable resource for Student Teachers outlining policies, procedures, and expectations.
Teacher Education Programs Handbook Education Specialist Specific Policies Dual Specific Policies
Clinical Practice Courses:
SPED 111. General Education and Special Education Clinical Experience
SPED 160F. Fieldwork in Special Education
SPED 171. Initial Practicum in Mild/Moderate Disabilities
SPED 172. Initial Practicum in Moderate/Severe Disabilities
SPED 173. Initial Practicum in Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs
SPED 175. Final Practicum in Mild/Moderate Disabilities
SPED 176. Final Practicum in Moderate/Severe Disabilities
SPED 178. Final Practicum in Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs
- SPED 111: General Education and Special Education Clinical Experience
- SPED 171/172: Initial Practicum in Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Disabilities
- SPED 173: Initial Practicum in Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs
- SPED 175/176: Final Practicum in Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Disabilities
- SPED 178: Final Practicum in Mild/Moderate and Extensive Support Needs
Clinical Practice Agreements
The Clinical Practice Agreement is the first assignment for the Student Teacher's clinical practice experience. This is an agreement reviewed at the first triad meeting with the Student Teacher, Mentor Teacher, and University Coach. The Student Teacher is responsible for uploading the signed agreement to their Tk20 binder after the triad meeting.
- SPED 111 Clinical Practice Agreement
- SPED 160F Clinical Practice Agreement
- SPED 171/172/173 Clinical Practice Agreement
- SPED 175/176 Clinical Practice Agreement
- SPED 178 Clinical Practice Agreement
Mid-Term and Final Evaluations
University Coaches will complete a mid-term and final evaluation of the student. The form must be filled out in Tk20, however a print out of the evaluation is available below.
- Evaluation for Initial Courses (SPED 111/171/172/173)
- Evaluation for Final Courses (SPED 175/176/178)
The following forms are helpful resources and tools for Education Specialist Student Teachers.
Please review the Forms & Resources tab listed in the Additional Resources for All Programs table below for forms that apply to all programs, including the Individual Development Plan required for all Final Student Teachers.
Multiple Subject Credential Program Coordinator: Dr. Christina Luna
The Office of Clinical Practice places Multiple Subject Student Teachers enrolled in initial and final practicum in their clinical practice placement sites. OCP also assigns coaches to all Student Teachers, including students enrolled in the Teacher Residency Program, the South Valley Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP), and the Teacher Internship Program.
The Multiple Subject Clinical Practice Handbook is an invaluable resource for Student Teachers outlining policies, procedures, and expectations.
Teacher Education Programs Handbook Multiple Subject Specific Policies Dual Specific Policies
Clinical Practice Courses:
EHD 110D. Intial Student Teaching: Dual
EHD 160A/B. Part Time Multiple Subject Student Teaching
EHD 170. Field Study C
EHD 178. Field Study B/Grades K-3
- Initial: EHD 178: Master Syllabus
- Final: EHD 170: Master Syllabus
Clinical Practice Agreements
The Clinical Practice Agreement is the first assignment for the Student Teacher's clinical practice experience. This is an agreement reviewed at the first triad meeting with the Student Teacher, Mentor Teacher, and University Coach. The Student Teacher is responsible for uploading the signed agreement to their Tk20 binder after the triad meeting.
- EHD 170 Clinical Practice Agreement
- EHD 178 Clinical Practice Agreement
- Clinical Practice Agreement for Interns
Mid-Term and Final Evaluations
University Coaches will complete a mid-term and final evaluation of the student. The form must be filled out in Tk20, however a print out of the evaluation is available below.
- Evaluation for Initial Courses (EHD 178/178ECE)
- Evaluation for Final Courses (EDH 160A/B/170/170ECE)
Please review the Forms & Resources tab listed in the Additional Resources for All Programs table below for forms that apply to all programs, including the Individual Development Plan required for all Final Student Teachers.
Single Subject Credential Program Coordinator: Dr. Imelda Basurto
Academic Subject Matter Area Coordinators/Advisors: Contact List
The Office of Clinical Practice places Single Subject Student Teachers enrolled in their initial student teaching course in their clinical practice placement sites; and assigns coaches to all Student Teachers and Student Interns (except for students enrolled in the the Agriculture Credential Program) enrolled in initial student teaching. OCP assists Academic Subject Matter Area Coordinators/Advisors as requested when placing and assigning coaches to Single Subject Student Teachers and Student Interns enrolled in their final student teaching course.
The Single Subject Clinical Practice Handbook is an invaluable resource for Student Teachers outlining policies, procedures, and expectations.
Teacher Education Programs Handbook Single Subject Specific Policies
Clinical Practice Courses:
EHD 155A. Student Teaching in Secondary School
EHD 155B. Student Teaching (various subject matter areas)
Observation Forms
University Coaches will complete within Tk20 at mid-semester and again at the end of the semester.
- Google Form | PDF | Word
Mid-Term and Final Evaluations
University Coaches will complete a mid-term and final evaluation of the student. The form must be filled out in Tk20, however a print out of the evaluation is available below.
Please review the Forms & Resources tab listed in the Additional Resources for All Programs table below for forms that apply to all programs, including the Individual Development Plan required for all Final Student Teachers.
The Fresno Assessment of Student Teachers (FAST) is a Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) system designed for exclusive use at California State University, Fresno. FAST assesses the pedagogical competence of teacher candidates with respect to the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs).
FAST is completely embedded into the credential programs, with formative assessments included as part of course work, and the summative assessments required as part of the field work.
FAST Manuals by Program:
Multiple Subject
Single Subject
Education Specialist ESN
Education Specialist MM
Projects Assigned by Clinical Practice Course:
Program | Site Visitation Project | Teaching Sample Project |
Dual Credential | SPED 111 | EHD 170 |
Education Specialist | SPED 171, SPED 172 | SPED 175, SPED 176 |
Multiple Subject | EHD 178 (ECE) | EHD 170 (ECE), EHD 160A/B |
Single Subject | EHD 155A | EHD 155B |
This task assesses teacher candidates’ ability to plan, implement, and evaluate instruction. The three parts of the project include:
- Planning: planning documentation for a single lesson incorporating state-adopted content standards and English language development,
- Implementation: an in-person observation and videotaping of the teaching of the lesson,
- Reflection: a review of the entire video, selection of a 3- to 5-minute video segment, and a written evaluation of the lesson.
TPE 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8, 2.2, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.7, 6.1
- Class Profile: Word | Google Doc
- Students in Context: Google Doc
- Lesson Plan Template: Word | Google Doc
- Activities Strategy Table: Word | Google Doc
- Self Evaluation: Word | Google Doc
- EHD 155A Further Resources: Google Drive
Videos, Transcripts, and Slides
- SVP Overview: Video | Transcript | Slides
- SVP Class Profile: Video | Transcript | Slides
- SVP Lesson Planning & Activity Table: Video | Transcript | Slides
- SVP Implementation: Video | Transcript | Slides
- SVP Reflection: Video | Transcript | Slides
Video Parent Permission Letters
This task assesses teacher candidates’ ability to:
- identify the context of the classroom,
- plan and teach a series of at least five cohesive lessons with a focus on content knowledge and literacy,
- assess students’ learning related to the unit,
- document their teaching and their students’ learning, and
- reflect on the effectiveness of their teaching.
Teacher candidates document how they are addressing the needs of all their students in the planning, teaching, and assessing of the content.
TPE 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5,
5.8, 6.1, 6.3, 6.5
- TSP Template: Word | Google Doc
- TSP Overview (Multiple & Single Subject): Word | Google Slides (Log in to your Fresno State
- Google account to view)
- Students in Context: Word | Google Doc
- Students in Context (Ed. Specialist ESN): Google Doc
Videos, Transcripts, and Slides
- TSP Overview: Video | Transcript | Slides
- TSP Seminar 1 Students in Context: Video | Transcript | Slides
- TSP Seminar 2 Learning Outcomes: Video | Transcript | Slides
- TSP Seminar 3 Assessment Plan: Video | Transcript | Slides
- TSP Seminar 4 Design for Instruction: Video | Transcript | Slides
- TSP Seminar 5 Instructional Decisions: Video | Transcript | Slides
- TSP Seminar 6 Analysis of Learning: Video | Transcript | Slides
- TSP Seminar 7 Reflection: Video | Transcript | Slides
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to prevent any further exacerbation of California’s significant teacher shortage as well as to alleviate the impact of the pandemic on prospective teacher candidates, Governor Newsom issued numerous Executive Orders which were followed by passage of Assembly Bill 130 (Chap. 44, Stats. 2021) to allow flexibility in some credential requirements. One such flexibility was to allow educator preparation programs to recommend candidates for Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject credentials who were enrolled in school years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 and were unable to complete the teacher performance assessment (TPA) due to school closures. Click the button below to learn more.
Additional Resources for All Programs
Tk20 Overview
Tk20 is a data management system that you will use to digitally submit your field placement observations, evaluations, and State mandated teacher performance assessments. This system will give you access to your student files for seven years.
This account should be purchased before you apply for your first field placement course.
We recommend using your Google Chrome or Firefox web browser when purchasing your Fresno State Tk20 account. The link below will take you to a payment screen where you can purchase your account with a credit card, money order, or cashier’s check (processed by VeriSign). The cost to purchase through the Tk20 website is approximately $110.00. You will need your Fresno State email address and Student ID Number to complete the purchase.
Please Note: Accounts are activated based on enrollment, so you will be able to login once you are enrolled in credential courses, though it may take 24 - 48 hours for the enrollment to process.
- Fresno State's Tk20 Login Page
- Tk20 Student Help Desk
- Panopto Video Platform Guide
- Tk20 "How-to" Guide
- Time Logs Instructions for Students
- Uploading Time Log into Field Placement Binder for Students
- Create and Submit a Time Log Entry for Students
- Unlocking a Binder (Student)
- Unlocking a Binder (Coach)
- If a student has a question about their Tk20 binder and/or portfolio, they should first contact their assigned university coach.
- If a student or coach is experiencing an issue with Tk20 and the Resources above do not help you resolve it, send an email including your name, program, and ID number in the email as well as an explanation of the issue to
- You may also contact Watermark's Tk20 Support Hotline at 800-311-5656 (option 4 for
Pacific Standard Time: M-Th 5AM - 6 PM | F 5AM - 4PM | Sun 2PM - 7PM
- California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs)
- Clinical Practice Agreement
- Select your program from the table above and select the Clinical Practice Agreements option.
- Individual Development Plan
- To be completed at the end of final student teaching.
- Protocol for Student Teacher Support
- Individual Plan of Assistance (coming soon)
- Candidate Dismissal/Move Form
- Special Consideration Form (coming soon)
- Clinical Practice & Video- Parent Letter (English)
- Clinical Practice & Video- Parent Letter (Spanish)
- Program Revision Request
Kremen Resources
- IDEAS for Virtual/Online Learning and/or Remote Instructions
- Teacher Candidate Support Systems
- Teacher Education Induction & Orientation Program
- OCP Orientation
- Fall 2025 Placement Timeline
California Resources
- California Exam and Assessment Fee Waiver
Eligible individuals can register, pay, and be reimbursed/refunded for the following examinations. All examination fees will be reimbursed/refunded at a future date as soon as state contracts are approved. Refunds will be automatic to the individual taking the examination, and there will be no additional steps needed.
- California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)
- California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET)
- California Teacher of English Learners (CTEL)
- Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA)
What is a University Coach?
The University Coach is responsible for supporting Student Teacher development as professionals and colleagues. Coaches usually have had several years of experience as a classroom teacher and may also have experience as a teacher leader, course instructor, or district administrator. Coaches are responsible for providing academic, clinical, emotional, and resource-related assistance and problem-solving support for their assigned Student Teachers in their placements.
Interested in working for the Kremen School as a University Coach/Supervisor?
Email for more information.
Tk20 |
Coaches Tk20 Guide Review the Tk20 tab on the Additional Resources for All Programs table on the OCP website for Tk20 resources and support. |
Review the FAST tab on the Clinical Practice Resources by Program table on the OCP website for SVP and TSP resources. |
Faculty Help Center |
Technology Services Service Desk offers an extensive online resource for supporting faculty and staff. They offer many guides and information. The most helpful being the My Fresno State guide reviewing how to access a class roster, record grades, change grades, etc. |
What is a Mentor Teacher?
The Mentor Teacher is a key element in preparing the next generation of professional educators. The role of the Mentor Teacher is a complex blend of modeling, coaching, instructing, collaborating, and encouraging as candidates build competency in program standards.
Mentor Teachers are expected to support candidates in developing the skills and knowledge to meet these standards. Thank you for serving in this capacity!
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires that all Mentors participate in a minimum of ten (10) professional development (PD) hours to serve as a mentor, we're supplying the resources below and a form to help track your professional development hours.The 10 hours only need to be completed once and can include PD provided by your school site or district.
Universal Designed Learning Professional Development - UDL and Teaching
Mentor Teacher Professional Development - Mentorship
Required Mentor Teacher Professional Development Time Log (10 Hours Total)
Additional Professional Development Resources - To meet the 10 PD hours (If needed)
- Find the Resource You Want:
- Practical, flexible, and built around trustworthy resources, IRIS PD Certificates for Educators:
Due to budget constraints, the mentor teacher reimbursement is paused beginning Fall 2024.
Mentor teachers can receive a reimbursement of fees for 3-4-unit courses taken at Fresno State within two years of supervising a student teacher. You can submit the packet below for reimbursement of fees up to $450 (limit one per semester, and a student teacher must have been supervised within two years of the semester submitted).
Please follow the instructions on page one of the packet:
Our Mentor Teacher conference has been moved. If you would be interested in staying updated about the conference, please complete the interest form below.
To be filled out by the University Coach and Credential Coordinator:
There are many services available on campus for our teacher candidates, please refer them to the list in the link below for guidance beyond what you and their University Coach can reasonably provide.
Contact Us
Office of Clinical Practice
Education Building, ED 151
Administrative Assistant
Education Building, ED 151
Phone: 559.278.0315
Annie Nunez
Field Placement Analyst
Education Building, ED 151B
Phone: 559.278.0487
Chris Cooper
Educational Programs Coordinator
Education Building, ED 151A
Phone: 559.278.0232
Suzie Brandl
FAST Coordinator
Education Building, ED 151C
Phone: 559.278.4256