Kremen School of Education and Human Development
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- Jacques Benninga

Jacques Benninga
Faculty Early Retirement Program
Curriculum and Instruction | 559-278-0253
MA, Early Childhood Education, Peabody College of Education, Vanderbilt University, 1973
BA, Early Childhood Education, U. North Carolina, Greensboro, NC, 1972
Courses Taught
LEE 171-Trends and Issues in ECE
LEE 235-Concept Development in ECE
Benninga is Emeritus Professor/Emeritus Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. He began teaching at Fresno State in 1983 and directed Fresno State’s Bonner Center for Character Education and Citizenship from its founding in 1997 till 2021.
He completed his education at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro (BA) and George Peabody College, Vanderbilt University (MA and Ph.D.). He came to CSU Fresno after teaching preschool, kindergarten and special education in North Carolina and Tennessee, and stints at two universities in Kentucky--Western Kentucky University and the University of Kentucky (1976-1983).
At CSU Fresno Benninga has held various positions, including Liberal Studies Coordinator (1988-1998), Chair of the Department of Literacy and Early Education (1990-2003), and Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (2010-2017). His teaching has focused on exploring with students the qualitative differences in children’s conceptual thinking and how those differences impact classroom instruction. Benninga’s academic interests have focused on children’s moral development and character education. His research has focused on how moral understanding and character education rightfully impact schools’ structuring of a safe and welcoming environment. For 13 years he coordinated and wrote for a weekly radio program called The Moral Is on the Valley’s public radio station (KVPR, 89.3 FM).
In his research, he has compared the effects of various school environments on children’s social development, the relation between excellent character education and academic achievement, the effects of dilemma discussions on teachers’ development of professional ethical understandings, and the impact on character education programs when schools change principals. He served as co-editor of the Journal of Character Education for over a decade.
Benninga has published one book on moral development and character education and approximately 40 journal articles, many of which have been republished and widely disseminated. As of April 2020, the Bonner Center for Character Education and Citizenship had sponsored an award program to recognize excellence in character education in the Central Valley for 33 years and had co-sponsored the Kremen School’s annual Conference on Character and Civic Education since1985.
Benninga has served on a variety of university and local committees and boards. In 2012 he was awarded the Sanford N. McDonnell Award for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education by the Character Education Partnership, Washington, DC.
Children's cognitive development
Character education
Professional ethics in education
Jacques S. Benninga
Kremen School of Education & Human Development
California State University, Fresno
Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction; Minor in Developmental Psychology, George Peabody College for Teachers (now of Vanderbilt University), Nashville, TN, 1976.
M.A., Early Childhood Education, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, TN, 1973
B.A., Early Childhood Education, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC, 1972.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1967-70.
Professor and Associate Professor, Kremen School of Education and Human Development,
California State University, Fresno, CA 1983 - 2022.
• Professor Emeritus and Chair Emeritus, Department of
Curriculum & Instruction since 2017.
• Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 2010-2017.
- Director, Bonner Center for Character Education and Citizenship, 1997-2021.
- Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 2003-2022.
- Chair, Department of Literacy and Early Education, 1990 - 2003.
- Coordinator, CSU Fresno Liberal Studies Program, 1988 - 1998.
- Professor, Department of Literacy and Early Education, 1988-2003.
- Interim Coordinator, Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Emphasis Program, 1991-92.
- Site Coordinator, Reading Recovery University Training Site for Central California, 1993-2003.
- Director, California Clearinghouse on Character Education, 1997-1999.
- Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education, 1983-1988.
Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education, Colleges of Education and Home Economics,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 1977-83.
• Chair, Early Childhood Education Faculty, 1978-83.
Assistant Professor and Instructor, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, January 1976 to August 1977.
- Director of the primary unit and kindergarten teacher at the University Laboratory School. Instructor of Psychology.
Research Assistant, Office of Educational Services, George Peabody College for Teachers, August 1974 to December 1975.
Teacher, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, Kindergarten, August 1973 to June 1974.
Teacher (Primary Unit), Child Psychiatry School, Department of Child Psychiatry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, January 1972 to June 1973 inclusive.
Assistant Teacher, Experimental Kindergarten, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, August 1971 to December 1971.
Head Start Teacher Certificate, 1969.
2018 Honoree, Central California Chapter of the California Association for the Education of Young Children’s Week of the Young Child (April 11, 2018), for Benninga’s "unwavering devotion to the field of early education and your continued drive to pursue the highest standards of ethical conduct, integrity and civic and social responsibility."
2017 Proclamation, Fresno City Council, marking March 10, 2017 as “Jack Benninga Day”.
2013 Ferd. Kiesel Memorial Distinguished Service Award. Assoc. CA School Administrators (ACSA, Tulare County) [highest honor ACSA can bestow on an individual].
2013 Ferd. Kiesel Memorial Distinguished Service Award. Assoc. CA School Administrators (ACSA, Region IX) [highest honor ACSA can bestow on an individual].
2013 Kremen School Notable Alumnus [for significant contributions to the field of education]. Kremen School of Education and Human Development Alumni Chapter.
2013 Best Practice Award for Professional Ethics and Moral Dispositions in Teacher Education. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) [writer of and contributor to award].
2012 Sanford N. McDonnell Award for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education. Presented by the Character Education Partnership, Washington, DC. November 2012 [highest honor CEP can bestow on an individual].
2005 Recipient, Jan and Bud Richter Award for Excellence in Education. Kremen School of Education, CSU Fresno.
2000 Golden Ruler Award for “exemplary leadership efforts in promoting character education”. Presented to Jacques Benninga and the Bonner Center for Character Education at the International Conference on Character Education, June 2000, San Diego, Ca.
1989 Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise Award. CSUF.
1982 Exceptional Achievement Award, University and Public Service. College of Education,
University of Kentucky.
Benninga, J.S. (Ed.). (1991). Moral, character and civic education in the elementary school. New York: Teachers College Press.
Benninga, J.S. (2020). Grandpa’s school of life: 7 great lessons on being a good person (Book Review). Journal of Character Education 16(2), 85-86.
Benninga, J.S. (2020). Do educators exaggerate the harm of extrinsic motivation? Character Newsletter.
Benninga, J.S. (2013). The fundamental connection between education for democracy and character education. Korean Journal of Educational Policy (Special Issue), 135-139.
Benninga, J.S. (2013). Resolving ethical issues at school. Issues in Teacher Education, 22(1), 77-88.
Benninga, J.S., Sparks, R.K., & Tracz, S.M. (2011). Enhancing teacher moral judgment in difficult political times: Swimming upstream. International Journal of Educational Research. 50(3), 177-183.
Benninga, J.S. & Quinn, B. (2011). Enhancing American identity and citizenship in schools. Applied Developmental Science,15(2), 104-110.
Benninga, J.S. & Tracz, S. M. (2010). Continuity and discontinuity in character education. In Lovat, T., R. Toomey, & N. Clement (Eds.) International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Verlag.
Benninga, J.S. (2008). Cultural Transmission. In Power, F. Clark, Ronald J. Nuzzi, Darcia Narvaez, Daniel K. Lapsley & Thomas C. Hunt (Eds.), Moral Education: A Handbook. Westport, CT: Praeger, pp. 115-117.
Benninga, J.S. (2008). James S. Leming. In Power, F. Clark, Ronald J. Nuzzi, Darcia Narvaez, Daniel K. Lapsley & Thomas C. Hunt (Eds.) Moral Education: A Handbook. Westport, CT: Praeger, pp. 252-254.
Benninga, J.S. (2008). Edward A Wynne. In Power, F. Clark, Ronald J. Nuzzi, Darcia Narvaez, Daniel K. Lapsley & Thomas C. Hunt (Eds.) Moral Education: A Handbook. Westport, CT: Praeger, pp. 474-476.
Benninga, J.S., Berkowitz, M.W., Kuehn, P., & Smith, K (2006). Character and academics: What good schools do. Phi Delta Kappan, 87, 6, 448-452.
Reprinted in:
- Joseph L. DeVitis & Tianlong Yu, (Eds.) (2011), Character & Moral Education: A Reader (Peter Lang,);
- Parkay, E.J., Anctil, E.J., and Hass, G. (2010), Curriculum Leadership: Readings for Developing Quality Educational Programs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall;
- Evers and Evers (Eds.), Annual Editions: Education 2009-10, Dushkin/McGraw Hill;
- Kathleen M Cauley and Gina Pannozzo (Eds), Annual Editions: Educational Psychology 2009-2010, Dushkin/McGraw Hill; •Sickle, F.E. (Ed.), Annual Editions: Adolescent Psychology, 2009-2010;
- Fred Schultz (Ed.) Annual Editions: Education 2007-08, Dushkin-McGraw Hill;
- Current (a reprint journal of the Helen Dwight Reid Foundation).
Benninga, J.S., Character education (2005). An essay introduction to Character Education. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell.
Benninga, J.S., (2003). Moral and ethical issues in teacher education. ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education. (
Benninga, J.S., Berkowitz, M.W., Kuehn, P., & Smith, K. (2003). The relation of character education and academic achievement in California elementary schools. Journal of Research in Character Education, 1,1, 17-30.
Benninga, J.S. and E.A. Wynne (1998). Keeping-in character: A time-tested solution. Phi Delta Kappan, 79,6, 439-445.
Reprinted in
- Kathleen M. Cauley, Fredric Linder and James McMillan (Eds.) (2001), Annual Editions: Educational Psychology 01/02, Dushkin/McGraw Hill;
- Kathleen M. Cauley, Fredric Linder and James McMillan (Eds.) (2000), Annual Editions: Educational Psychology 00/01, Dushkin/McGraw Hill; and,
- David Podell (Ed.) (1999). Stand! Educational Psychology, Coursewise Publishing, Inc.
Benninga, J.S. (1997). Recognizing schools for character education success. Social Studies Review, 37,1 (Fall/Winter), 56-57.
Benninga, J.S. and J. Minkler (1997). Clearinghouse established for character education. Social Studies Review, 37, 1 (Fall/Winter), 77-78.
Benninga, J.S. (1997). Schools, character development and citizenship. In Alex Molnar (Ed.), The Construction of Children's Character (96th Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Benninga, J.S. (1993), Standing up for what we believe: Recognizing schools for character education programs. Character, the Newsletter of the Center For the Development of Ethics and Character, Boston University.
Benninga, J.S., Tracz, S.M., Sparks, R.K., Solomon, D., Battistich, V., Delucchi, K., Sandoval, R., and Stanley, B. (1991). Effects of two contrasting school task and incentive structures on children's social development. Elementary School Journal, 92, 2, 149-167. (Selected for listing in the What Works Clearinghouse, Character Education)
Benninga, J.S. and Richardson, V. (1988). Young children and AIDS instruction: Practical and moral questions about education. Ethics in Education, 7, 4, 4-6, (Toronto: Ontario Institute of Education.)
Benninga, J.S. (1988). An emerging synthesis in moral education. Phi Delta Kappan, 69, 6, 415-418.
Reprinted in
- F. Schultz, Ed. (1990). Annual Editions: Education 89/90; (1991);
- Annual Editions: Education 90/91; • Annual Editions: Human Development 90/91, Dushkin Pub. Gp., Inc.
Benninga, J.S. (1985). Making friends: Ways of encouraging social development in young children, and Play together, grow together: A cooperative curriculum for teachers of young children (Book reviews). Young Children, 40, (4), p. 59.
Guskey, T.R., Benninga, J.S., and Clark, C.R. (1984). Mastery Learning and students' attributions at the college level. Research in Higher Education, 20, 4, 491-498.
Benninga, J.S. (1984), Editor, Special Issue on Teaching for Thinking, Childhood Education, March/April, 60, 4.
Benninga, J.S. Clark, D.R., and Guskey, T.R. (1984). A mastery learning approach to an undergraduate education course (abstract). In Proceedings of the Central California Research Symposium, Fresno, CA.
Guskey, T.R., Benninga, J.S., and Clark, C.R. (1983). The influence of mastery learning on students' attributions at the college level. College Student Personnel Abstracts, 19, 1.
Clark, C.R., Guskey, T.R., and Benninga, J.S. (1983). The effectiveness of mastery learning strategies in undergraduate education courses. Journal of Educational Research, 76, 4, 210-214.
Reprinted in Scholarship in Teaching, (Sept. 1984), Journal of the Center for the Improvement of Teaching, University of Massachusetts at Boston.
Crum, R.A., Thornburg, K.R., Benninga, J.S., and Bridge, C. (1983). Preschool children's object substitution during symbolic play. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 56, 947-955.
Hall, J., Benninga, J.S., and Clark, C.R. (1983). A comprehensive approach to the in-service training of teachers. The National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin, 67, 17-21.
Benninga, J.S., and Crum, R.A. (1982). "Acting out" for social understanding. Childhood Education, 58, 3, 144-148.
Reprinted in F. Linder and J.H. McMillan (Eds.), (1986) Annual Editions: Educational Psychology, 85/86, Dushkin Pub. Gp.
Benninga, J.S. and Nelly, E. (1982). Social development in the classroom. Viewpoints in Teaching and Learning, 1, 128-131.
Benninga, J.S., Thornburg, K.R., and Guskey, T.R. (1982). Selected attitudes of teachers and student perceptions of instruction at the primary level. In N. Nir-Janiv, B. Spodek, and D. Steg (Eds.), Early Childhood Education: International Perspectives, New York: Plenum.
Benninga, J.S., Guskey, T.R., and Thornburg, K.R. (1981). The relationship between teacher attitudes and student perceptions of classroom climate. Elementary School Journal, 82, 1, 66-75.
Benninga, J.S. (1980). Egocentrism in the early childhood classroom. Educational Forum, 45, 1, 113-120.
Reprinted in F. Linder and J.H. McMillan (Eds.), Annual Editions: Educational Psychology, Dushkin Pub. Gp. (This article appeared in three consecutive volumes of the Annual Editions--1983/84; 1985/86; 1987/88).
Benninga, J.S. (1980) Integration of self-concept and moral judgment: Two studies. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 136, 25-36.
Benninga, J.S., Thornburg, K.R., and Guskey, T.R. (1980). Selected attitudes of teachers and student perceptions and instruction at the primary level. ERIC/ECE ED 186-115, 22p.
Meredith, R. and Benninga, J.S. (1979). Counseling with parents to benefit children. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 14, 36-42.
Benninga, J.S. and Meredith, R. (1978). Enhancing young children's moral judgments: The Piagetian connection. ERIC/ECE ED 147-028.
Benninga, J.S. (1977). Relation of self-concept to moral judgment in young children. ERIC/ECE ED 139-542, 36p.
Benninga, J.S., (Ed.) (1976). Development of Young Children. Book developed to accompany a course for the WKU-UT Leadership Development Program, pursuant to Contract 140-76-008 with the Office of Human Development, Office of Child Development, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare.
Benninga, J.S. (1976). Open learning in early childhood, a review of a book by Barbara Day. Peabody Journal of Education, 53, 138-139.
Benninga, J.S. (1975). The wheel turns: A look at the old and the new-old in American education today. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 12, 4-5 and 26.
2018-2019 Good Character Education in California. Kern Family Foundation. $20,000 (planning grant).
2006-2009 Partnerships in Character Education Program Grant. U.S.D.E. Funded to Tulare County Office of Education in partnership with the Bonner Center for Character Education and Character Counts! $1.9 million.2004-2008. Partnerships in Character Education Program Grant. S.D.E. Funded to Fresno Unified School District in partnership with the Bonner Center for Character Education and WestEd. $1.89 million.
2004-2006 Stability and Change in Character Education. John Templeton Foundation. $24,577.
2000-2003 The Question of the Relation of Character Education and Academic Achievement (with Drs. Phyllis Kuehn and Marvin Berkowitz). John Templeton Foundation, $24,000.
2001-2007 Co-Sponsorship of the Virtues and Character Education Award process—funding from a variety of sources over the years, including: California Geographic Alliance, San Joaquin Valley; the Fresno, Tulare and Madera and Kings County Offices of Education; Educational Employees Credit Union; the Fresno Bee (newspaper); the Bonner Family Foundation.
1997-present Bonner Center for Character Education and Citizenship. Funded by Bonner Family Foundation, Fresno, CA. (renewed annually since 1997).
1997-1999 California Clearinghouse on Character Education. California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA. $30,000.
1994-95 Faculty Development for CLAD/BCLAD. CSU Fresno. (with Drs. Daughtry, Gonzalez, Hunt, Kang, Perez). $26,000.
1993-94 Mini Corps Enhancement (4th Cohort). In conjunction with Fresno County Migrant Services, Fresno Unified School District, California State Department of Education (making CSUF's Mini Corps program double the size of any other such California program).
1992-93 Staff Development Contract, Balderas Elementary School, FUSD. $25,318.
1992-93 Mini-Corps Teacher Preparation (3rd Cohort). Ca. Dept. of Education, Migrant Education Office (making CSUF the largest Mini Corps program in California). $109,729.
1991-92 Staff Development Contract, Balderas Elementary School, FUSD. $43,000.
1986-87 Prosocial Development in the Elementary School. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, CA. $24,600.
1986 Lottery Funds allocation, CSUF, for Visiting Scholars Program. $1250.
1985-86 Prosocial Development in the Elementary School. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, CA. $20,000.
1984-85 Social attitudes and behaviors of 2nd graders in a public school. CSUF Faculty Development Grant.
1984 Day Care Center Permit Training Project (co-authored by Drs. Benninga, Baca, Segura, Ramos). California State Department of Education $175,000.
1980 Travel grant, International Congress on Early Childhood Education in Tel Aviv. University of Kentucky Graduate School.
1979-81 University of Kentucky College of Education, Dean's Grant: Materials acquisition for Mainstreaming course.
1976-77 Western Kentucky University Research Grant: The modification of self-concept and moral judgment in young children through a program of parental intervention.
1973-75 George Peabody College for Teachers, Research Assistantship, Office of Educational Services.
“Relationships Between Character Education Understandings in Elementary Schools and School Activities Offered to Their Students”. Poster Presentation. SRCD Special Conference: Promoting Character Development Among Diverse Children and Adolescents. Philadelphia, October 18-20, 2018 (with Steven Hart, Mariya Yukhymenko, Andrew Fiala).
“Fostering Positive School Climate: Addressing Ethical Dilemmas of our Profession”. 20th Annual Character Matters Conference. San Diego, June 2016.
Understanding and Promoting Ethical Dimensions in Professional Educational Settings: Within Schools and at Faculty Meetings. 19th Annual Character Matters Conference. San Diego, June 1015.
“Enhancing American Identity and Citizenship in Schools”. Ethics, Religion and Civil Discourse Conference. Fresno, CA, October 2011.
“Education for American Citizenship”. American Identity Renewed: A Conference of the Stanford Center on Adolescence. New York City, June 2010.
“Resolving Ethical Issues: Personal Crisis at School”. Cesar Chavez 3rd Annual Conference, Fresno, CA, March 2008 (with Glenn DeVoogd and Richard Sparks).
“Finding Common Ground in Conceptualizing, Nurturing and Assessing Dispositions”. Preconference session, AACTE, New Orleans, February 2008 (with Mary Diez, Erskine Dottin, Hugh Sockett, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Peter Murrell).
“Character Counts! and Professional Ethics: Resolving Ethical Issues at School”. National Character Counts! Conference. Anaheim, CA, August 2007.
“Dispositions: Research, Assessment and Defensibility.” Preconference session, AACTE, New York, February 2007 (with Erskine Dottin, Hugh Sockett, Mary Ellen Finch, Deborah Butler, Mary Dietz, ., Eugene Eubanks).
“Panel Session (Invited): New Research in Character Education”. Character Education Partnership (CEP) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October, 2006 (with Marvin Berkowitz, Victor Battistich, David Osher).
“Character Education in Teacher Education”, an invited address. Deans’ Summit on Character Education (sponsored by USDE), Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, October 7-8, 2005.
“Character Education and Academic Achievement: A Correlational Study”. Conference on Civic Education Research, Reno, NV, September 2004 (with Marvin Berkowitz).
“Dispositions and Conceptual Frameworks: Moral and Ethical Implications in Teacher Education”. Preconference session at AACTE, Chicago, February 2004 (with Erskine Dottin, Hugh Sockett, Mary Ellen Finch, Deborah Butler, Mary Dietz, Barbara Burch, Eugene Eubanks).
"The Relation Between Character Education and Academic Achievement" (Invited). Paper presented at Connections in Character Education, Azuza Pacific University, Los Angeles, June 2003.
“Character Education and Professional Ethics: How One School of Education Addresses its Mission for the Ethical Education of Preservice Teachers and the Character Education of the Children They Will Serve”. Paper presented at Character Education Partnership (CEP) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, October 2002.
"From Character Education to Professional Ethics: One University's Trek". Paper presented at AACTE as part of a symposium on 'Preparing Ethical Educators for Classrooms and Schools', New York, February 2002.
"Service Learning and Character Education" (Invited). Preconference session at AACTE, New York, February 2002 (part of panel coordinated by Dr. Robert Howard, Univ. of Washington)
“Teacher Education as a Moral Concern”. Preconference session at AACTE, Dallas, February 2001 (with Mary Ellen Finch and Deborah Butler).
“The University and the Schools Work to Support Character Education”. International Conference on Character Education, San Diego, June 2000.
“The Moral Dimensions of Teacher Education”, a four-hour Pre-Conference Session at AACTE, Chicago, February 2000 (with Mary Ellen Finch, Barbara Burch, Mary Dietz, Hendrik Gideonse, Alan Tom and Hugh Sockett)
Moderator (critic/discussant) for several sessions on moral education in teacher education at AACTE, Chicago, February 2000.
"The Moral Dimension in Teacher Education: Where Have We Been? Where are We Now? Where are We Going?" AACTE, Washington, DC, February 1999 [with Mary Ellen Finch, Barbara Burch, Mary Dietz, Eugene Eubanks, Hendrik Gideonse, Ann McLaren, Hugh Sockett].
"Recognizing and Rewarding Schools for Exemplary Character Education Programs". Character Education Partnership, Annual Forum, San Diego, CA. 1997.
"The Character Education Award: Enhancing Values in Public Schools". The Renaissance Group, San Antonio, TX., 1994.
"Elementary Schools as Learning Communities for Teachers of Language-Minority Students". National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE), Los Angeles, 1994 (with Erlinda Griffin).
"Applied Character Education: Strategies and Evaluation of an Effective Program". ASCD, San Francisco, 1991 (with Richard K. Sparks).
"Effects of Gender Differences in Children Enrolled in Two Contrasting School Programs". AERA, Boston, 1990 (with Susan M. Tracz).
Chair and organizer, Socialization to Adulthood SIG, "Character and Content in the Curriculum: Academic and Social Effects of Accountability as Motivation for Student Change". AERA, San Francisco, March 1989.
"Effects of an Accountability Model on the Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors of Elementary School Children". AERA, San Francisco, March 1989 (with Susan M. Tracz).
"Assessment of Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors of Children in a Competitive School Setting." Midwestern Education Research Association, Chicago, October 1988 (with Susan Tracz).
"The Effects of a Competitive Program on the Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors of Elementary Children". American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, April 1988 (with Susan M. Tracz).
A Longitudinal Assessment of Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors in Elementary School Children". Midwestern Educational Research Association, Chicago, October 1987 (with Susan M. Tracz)
"Cooperation and Competition as Models of Prosocial Development in the Elementary School." Invited Symposium, California Educational Research Association, Marina Del Rey, November 1986 (with Susan M. Tracz, Richard Sparks, et al).
"Helping Students Meet their Field-Based Experience Competencies." Clinical Supervision Training Institute, Fresno, November 1985.
"Guidance Techniques for Use with Preschoolers." Fresno County E.O.C Head Start Conference, Fresno, March 1985.
"Moral/Civic Education at the Elementary Level." Trends and Transformations in Education, Fresno, March 1985.
"Enhancing Social Understanding Through Literature." Fresno Area Council of the International Reading Association, Fresno, January 1985.
"Moral Development in the Primary Grades-Legitimate Cognitive Procedures." National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Los Angeles, November 1984.
"Moral Development and Evaluation." Special Session, California Educational Research Association, Monterey, November 1984.
"A Mastery Learning Approach to an Undergraduate Education Course." Fifth Annual Central California Research Symposium, Fresno, April 1984 (with Charlotte Clark and Thomas Guskey).
"Enhancing the Moral Judgment of Young Children." California AEYC, Santa Barbara, March 1984.
"The Influence of Mastery Learning on Students' Attributions at the College Level." AERA, Montreal, Canada, March 1983 (with Charlotte Clark and Thomas Guskey).
"The effectiveness of Mastery Learning Strategies in Undergraduate Education Courses." AERA, New York, March 1982 (with Thomas Guskey and Charlotte Clark).
"Acting Out for Social Cooperation: Using Children's Literature and Creative Dramatics to Promote Moral Thinking." NAEYC, Detroit, November 1981 (with Ruth Ann Crum).
"Introducing Mainstreaming Through Mastery Learning." The Annual Mid-South Educational Research Association, Lexington, November 1981 (with Charlotte Clark and Thomas Guskey).
"The Development of a Social Perspective: Helping Children Understand Others." Featured presentation for the Tennessee Association on Young Children, Nashville, October 1981.
"Enhancing Children's Moral Judgments Through Creative Dramatics and Role-Playing." Featured presentation for the Kentucky Association for Children Under Six, Richmond, October 1981.
"Children's Morals--A Reflection of Family Change." Keynote Address to the Kentucky Association for Childhood Education International, Richmond, October 1980.
"Selected Attitudes of Teachers and Student Perceptions of Instruction at the Primary Level." International Congress on Early Childhood Education, Tel Aviv, January 1980 (with Kathy Thornburg and Thomas Guskey).
"The Moral Judgment of Young Children: Piagetian Perspectives and Applications." ASCD, San Francisco, March 1978 (with Ruth Meredith).
"Selected Characteristics of Teachers and Student Perceptions of Instruction at the Primary Level: Preliminary Data Report." Eastern Educational Research Association, Kiawah Island (South Carolina), February 1979 (with Kathy Thornburg and Thomas Guskey).
"The Relation of Self-Concept and Moral Judgment in Young Children." Midwest Association for Teachers of Educational Psychology, Bowling Green (Kentucky), October 1976.
Numerous presentations on a variety of topics related to education, to a variety of state and local organizations, schools and workshops, 1977-present.
Co-coordinator with Dr. Andrew Fiala (Philosophy Department) of a Faculty Learning Community on Professional Ethics. The purpose is to infuse a greater emphasis on professional ethics into professional preparation programs across the university. 2013-2015.
Academic Advisory Panel, Stanford Center on Adolescence, Stanford University. 2006-2008.
Founding member of coordinating committee, Conference on Character and Civic Education (a 1-2 day conference focused on character development, professional ethics, and education), 1985-present; since 1997 with Bonner Center for Character Education Advisory Committee.
Founder/organizer, Virtues and Character Recognition Award (to recognize outstanding schools in Central California). 1988-present; since 1997 with Bonner Center for Character Education Advisory Committee.
Director, Bonner Center for Character Education and Citizenship, 1997-2021.
Author and coordinator, “The Moral Is…”, a bi-weekly radio program on socio-moral/ethical issues and behavior. KVPR (89.3 FM-Valley Public Radio), 2003-2015; with five CSU Fresno/Bakersfield faculty.
Consultant for various character education programs at district, state and national levels (1996-2010):
- Character Counts! (Josephson Institute of Ethics)
- California Department of Education
- Nevada Department of Education
- Sanger Unified School District (CA)
- Fresno Unified School District (CA)
- Tulare County Office of Education (CA)
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Research in Character Education, 2003- 2021.
Co-Editor with Marvin Berkowitz, Journal of Character Education, 2011-2021.
CSUF faculty representative on the Head Football Coach search/selection committee, 2011.
Consultant, San Joaquin Political Academy (Fresno Area Chamber of Commerce). Lecturer on professional ethics, 2004 and 2005.
Member, AACTE Committee on Teaching as a Moral Community (TEAMC), 1997-2008.
Department Chair, Department of Literacy and Early Education, School of Education and Human Development, CSU Fresno. Sixteen faculty in Reading, Early Childhood Education, Bilingual Education. 1990 - 2003.
Coordinator, Liberal Studies Program, CSUF. 1988-1998. The Liberal Studies program is CSU Fresno's liberal arts degree and is the major of choice of undergraduates seeking to become elementary school teachers. Chair of committee that reconceptualized and revised the entire degree program and produced the successful (first) CTC accreditation document. Enrollment was approximately 2300 students.
Consultant, California Department of Education, Character Education Partnership Grant (PCEP), 1995-1999. Director of California Clearinghouse on Character Education, 1997-99. Consultant on other PCEP grants in Sanger, CA (2003-2006), and Washoe County, Nevada (2002-2005).
Site Coordinator, Reading Recovery University Training Site (one of three in California), 1993-2003.
NCATE and CTC document preparation coordinator/writer for the School of Education and Human Development (with Associate Dean Robert Monke), 1993-95. Full accreditation awarded.
Interim Coordinator, Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Emphasis program, 1991-92. Mentor and advisor to all bilingual students in the School of Education and Human Development, 1991-1995.
Secretary/Treasurer, Debates on Education Issues (AERA SIG), 1985-88; Chair, 1993-95.
Textbook reviewer, MacMillan, Mayfield, Houghton Mifflin, Allyn and Bacon.
Reviewer for Young Children, Educational Leadership, Journal of Research in Character Education, Journal of Teacher Education.
Publications and Editorial committee, Childhood Education, Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), 1982-1987.
Research Committee, Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), 1983-1986.
Consultant, Administration for Children, Youth and Families (Head Start Bureau), to review proposals for additional Head Start funding, Washington, D.C., January 1984.
Member, Advisory Committee on Moral and Civic Education, Fresno Unified School District, 1983.
Consultant, Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential Award System. Conducted approximately 60 teacher assessments in Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, Florida, and California, 1978-82.
Board of Directors, Lexington (Kentucky) Child Abuse Council, 1977-83; secretary, 1978-82.
Training and Technical Assistance Services (Kentucky Head Start), 1976-83. Consultant for production of training manuals and media related to child development and early childhood education. Training sessions on related topics.
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Evaluation Teams, 1979-83.
Blue Grass Association on Children Under Six (Kentucky), Winter Workshop, Co-chairperson, 1978.
Consultant to Office of Educational Services, George Peabody College for Teachers, for desegregation of the Springfield, Ohio, Public Schools, 1976.
Evaluation of Kindergarten and Reading Readiness Grades for the Comprehensive Survey of the Fort Wayne, Indiana, Public School System; also, constructed busing plan options. Office of Educational Services, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1975.
Co-coordinator, Faculty Learning Community on Professional Ethics, 2013-2015
Member, CSUF Ethics Committee (2009-present)
Member, FUSD Health and Social Services Advisory Committee (2004-2012)
Member, CSUF Honor Code Committee (2007-2011)
Chair, CSUF Gender and Minority Equity Plan (Athletic Advisory) Subcommittee (2008-2009)
Member, CSUF Gender Equity Plan Task Force (2007-2008)
Member, CSUF Athletic Advisory Committee (2006-2009)
KSOEHD Personnel Committee (2005-2010); chair (2009-2010)
Chair, CSUF Honor Code Writing Committee (2004-2005)
Chair, CSUF Honor Code Committee (2003-2004)
Co-Chair, KSOEHD Conference on Character and Civic Education (2001-2021)
Chair, Bonner Center for Character Education Advisory Committee (1997-2021)
Member, FUSD Character Education Task Force (2003)
Member, CSUF Committee on Academic Integrity, 1999-01
Member, CSUF Task Force on Faculty. 2000-01
Member, CSUF Strategic Task Force: Students, 1996-97
Member, CCTC Board of Institutional Reviewers, Committee on Accreditation, CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Member, CSUF President's Commission on Teacher Education, 1994-2003.
Member, FUSD/CSUF Partnership for Education Committee, 1995-1999.
CSUF University Senate, CSUF, (elected) 1989-1993; 1996-99.
Chair, CSUF Liberal Studies Review Committee (CSUF), 1988-1998.
Member, FUSD Literacy Task Force Member, 1995-96.
Member, FUSD/CSUF Subcommittee (School/University Relations), 1995-97.
Member, CUSD Blue Ribbon Investigative Task Force, 1995-96.
Member, CUSD Long Range Planning Task Force, 1994-1996.
Member, CUSD Goalsharing Task Force, 1995-1998.
CSUF University Research Awards Committee, 1987-90.
CSUF General Education Review Committee, 1986-87.
CSUF Consortium for Teacher Education, 1985 - 2002.
CSUF Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee, 1983-86.
KSOEHD Coordinator, School of Education Seminars, 1984-89.
Univ. KY, University Senate, elected, 1980-83.
Univ. KY. Ph.D. Committee, Department of Family Studies.
University of Kentucky and CSU Fresno, numerous committees.
AME (Association for Moral Education)
ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
CEP (Character Education Partnership; now,
NAEYC (Nat. Association for the Education of Young Children)
PDK (Phi Delta Kappa)