Kremen School of Education and Human Development

Soua Xiong
Associate Professor
Counselor Education and Rehabilitation | 559.278.0316 | Office: ED445
- Ph.D., Higher Education
Claremont Graduate University & San Diego State University
- M.S., Counseling
California State University, Fresno
- B.A., Psychology
California State University, Fresno
Courses Taught
- COUN 200 Counseling Techniques
- COUN 201 Multicultural Aspects of Counseling
- COUN 203 Assessment in Counseling
- COUN 208 Practicum in Counseling
- COUN 215 Foundations of Student Services in Higher Education
- COUN 219 Field Practice in Student Services
- COUN 280T Applying Counseling Skills to Student Affairs Practice
- COUN 280T Professional Issues in Student Affairs
- COUN 290 Independent Study
- COUN 298 Project
- COUN 299 Thesis