Dr. Mixchel Angela Domingues (pronouns they/she) describes herself as a microdiverse
Chicana. Dr. Domingues spent 17 years with Portland State University, where she is
most proud of co-constructing a creative reuse cultural education center in the College
of Education Reggio-inspired lab school, and co-publishing in the Journal of Childhood
Studies. Dr. Domingues main focus is leadership in bridging early childhood ecology,
culture and learning. Other areas of interest include Reggio Emilia approach, neo-materialism,
inclusive identity studies, critical mixed race studies, Chicana studies and critical
feminist post humanism. Their work supports ECE practitioners to critically examine
and resist historically constructed, normative views of young children, their families,
schools, and communities. Dr. Domingues looks forward to germinating Fresno State
REMEDIO: Healing with Creative Reuse in Education, a creative recycling center located
in the Kremen School of Education and Human Development.
Early Childhood Identity Studies
REMIDA Creative Reuse Cultural Education
Reggio Emilia Approach
Critical Mixed Race Studies
Just Sustainabilities
Chicana/o/x Studies
Gloria Anzaldua Studies
Feminist Post Humanism
Domingues, M.A; Grieve, S; Antoine, L. (Under revision). Making learning (in)visible: Chicana Pláticas with documentation on Indigenous Terms. Journal of Childhood Studies.
Domingues, M.A. (Under revision). Digital habitats: Developing empathy with children,
each other and our worlds. In V. Damjanovic, L. Peters, J. Habashi, & I. Anderson (Eds.), Beyond gardening and recycling: Exploring the multidimensionality of early childhood
sustainability practices around the world. Palgrave Macmillan.
Domingues, M.A/ Parnell, W. (2024). The welcoming value in (re)constructing one another:
(Re)documenting a post materialist borderlands approach to inclusive early childhood
identity studies. Global Studies of Childhood Journal. DOI:10.1177/20436106241260080
Domingues, M.A. (2024). The healing value in (re)constructing one another: (Re)documenting
a borderlands approach to inclusive early childhood identity studies. CCTE Fall 2023 Research Monograph. https://www.ccte.org/wp-content/pdfs-conferences/ccte-conf-2023-fall-ResearchMonograph.pdf
Domingues, M.A. (2024). EntreMundos/Criss-Crossing Early Childhood Ecological Pedagogy(ies)
with Nagualism/o as Embodied Inquiry. Rio Bravo: A Journal of the Borderlands Special Issue, Inter/weaving, Inter/lacing
Conscientização & Resistance: Decolonizing Practices, Intersectionality & Aesthetics.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.51734/yk20dk97.
Parnell, W., Cullen, J., & Domingues, M.A. (June, 2022). Plastics, Birds and Humans:
Awakening and Quickening Ecological Minds in Young Children and their Teachers. Journal of Childhood Studies, vol. 47(3), 54-73. DOI:10.1177/20436106241260080
Domingues, M. (Aug, 2021). Discarded Identities/Inspiring Just Sustainability with
Reuse Persona Dolls. MDPI, Open Access Journal, Special Issue, Reimagining Early Childhood Education for Social Sustainability in a Future We Want, vol. 13(15),1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13158623
Domingues, M. (2019). Identifying with Remida: Early Childhood Educators’ Experiences with Reuse Materials in Reggio Emilia Inspired Identity Studies. Dissertations and Theses. Paper 5492. https://doi.org/10.15760/etd.7366