Kremen School of Education and Human Development

Christian Wandeler
Associate Professor
Curriculum and Instruction | 559.278.0355 | Office: ED 439
2009 - 2010 School of Education, Stanford University, USA
Visiting Scholar (Scholarship awarded by Swiss Science Foundation)
2007 – 2011 University of Zurich, Switzerland
PhD Program in Positive Psychology,
PhD Thesis: “Development of hope at the workplace”
2005 - 2008 Swiss Association for the Person Centered Approach, Switzerland
Psychotherapy Training, Phase I of II
1998 - 2004 University of Fribourg, Switzerland
lic. phil. in Psychology, Master Thesis: ”Unemployment and Mental Health”
Courses Taught
Educational Statistics (ERE 153)
Educational Research Methods (ERE 220)
Action Research (CI 246)
ERE 289: Statistical Modeling
Project M.A. in Education (CI 298A; supervision)
Thesis M.A. in Education (CI 298B; supervision)
Doctoral Program of Educational Leadership
Advanced Applied Quantitative Methods (EDL 504)
Advanced Educational Research and Measurement (EDL 509)
Evaluation and Assessment in Educational (EDL 511)
Applied Research and Measurement in Education (EDL 559)
Dissertation Ed.D. in Educational Leadership (EDL 599; supervision 2017-2023; chaired
17 dissertations)