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Kremen School of Education and Human Development

Design Workshops

Design Thinking

The central aspect of the center will be the design workshops. Community members will work as a cohort to engage in a design process tackling a community project. Four (4) workshops will be facilitated at Fresno State guiding the cohort through the design process. These workshops will be structured around the Stanford Design Thinking framework (see Figure). Each workshop will cumulatively build on project-based and community-based approaches to address a key social justice issue in our community. 



Four workshops will be conducted in the fall and spring semesters between October and February with follow-up team meetings if needed. Design is not a linear process and can take several iterations to come to a final stage. With feedback from community members and stakeholders, we will often return to upgrade and revise our design. Here is a tentative structure of the four workshops. 

Design Workshop 1:

Who are we?

  • Self-Love
  • Exercises in mindfulness
  • Understanding the science of mindfulness
  • Relationship between mindfulness and creativity
  • Becoming creative as a community


  • Who do we work for/with?
  • Who are our people?
  • What are their needs?
  • What are our needs?
  • Where is justice?
  • What does justice look like?

Design Workshop 2:


  • What are some projects that need our attention?
  • How are these situations related to issues of inequity and injustice?
  • What data do we need to address the situation?
  • What counts as data?
  • What are credible sources?
  • How do we come to know?
  • What are some potential solutions/resolutions?


  • What are some potential solutions/resolutions? 
  • What would a working solution look like? 
  • Who needs to be involved in the solutions? 
  • How much space do we need? 
  • How much time do we need? 
  • How do we measure effectiveness? 

Design Workshop 3:


  • What tools do we need to design a prototype for our solution?
  • Who do we need to participate?
  • How long will it take for us to design a working prototype?


  • How do we implement the solution to test its effectiveness?
  • How do we measure success?
  • What feedback can we take for improvement

Design Workshop 4:


  • How doe we implement the solution to test its effectiveness? 
  • How do we measure success? 
  • What feedback can we take for improvement? 

Reiterating and Revising

Marketing and Publicizing

  • Who needs to hear this? 
  • Who will implement this? 

All participants will receive a stipend of $500 at the end of the academic year in spring. The space for participants is limited. 
If you are interested in working with the center on a community-driven project, please apply here