Kremen School of Education and Human Development
Department of Educational Leadership
In the Department of Educational Leadership at Fresno State, our mission is to cultivate equity-minded scholar-leaders who foster transformative change across educational contexts in the Central Valley and beyond.
Together, we strive to be a caring and inclusive department committed to equity. Through collaborative partnerships, we prepare educational leaders who ethically mobilize research and praxis to drive transformational change. We aim to foster learning, reflection, and action in the pursuit of social justice.
As a collective of faculty and staff, we envision a department that honors and practices:
- Academic integrity in designing and supporting instructional programs
- Applied research to inform change
- Collaboration with school districts, colleges, universities, and communities
- Inclusivity of diverse backgrounds, identities, and ways of knowing
- Commitment to the lifelong learning processes
As colleagues, we value and demonstrate our commitment to:
- Student-Centeredness
- Social Justice and Equity
- Leadership Praxis
Contact us
Visit Us: Education Building ED 310
Mailing Address: 5005 N. Maple Ave. M/S ED303 Fresno, CA 93740-8025
Jonathan Pryor
Department Chair
Tiffany Jennings
Administrative Analyst Specialist I
Meet Our Faculty
Ángel González
Assistant Professor
Coordinator, M.A. in Higher Education Administration and Leadership
Juan Carlos Gonzalez
Associate Professor
Ignacio Hernández
Director, Ed.D. in Educational Leadership
Susana Hernández
KSOEHD Graduate Coordinator
Christina Luna
Associate Professor
Jennifer Moradian Watson
Associate Professor

Bob Nelson
Assistant Professor
Jonathan Pryor
Associate Professor
Department Chair, Educational Leadership
Nichole Walsh
Associate Professor
Coordinator, M.A. in Educational Leadership and Administration
Varaxy Yi Borromeo
Associate Professor
Director, KSOEHD Research Center