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Credential Programs

Advising Plans, Forms, and Curriculum

Advising Plans

  • All pages of the advising plan will be signed and submitted to the Single Subject Program Coordinator during the Single Subject Registration Orientation (see task 1 on the Admitted Students page).
  • With the exception of Agriculture Teacher Candidates, 3 semester advising plans require Single Subject Program Coordinator approval.

Traditional Evening Pathway

Fresno Teacher Residency Program
  • FTRP Single Subject Advising Plan (available soon)

Program Forms

Course Substitution Request:

Regarding *transfer of coursework from another university, you will need to submit a Course Substitution Request form, complete with transcript, catalog description and course outline. 

Units accepted:
  • If the coursework (NOT initial or final student teaching) meets our *substitution requirements and was taken within the California State University System, and is compatible in units, content, and TPE's, we will accept up to 9 units of coursework.
  • If the coursework (NOT initital or final student teaching/ELL) meets our *substitution requirements and was taken outside of the California State University System and is compatible in units, content, and TPE's,  we will accept up to 6 units of coursework, taken at a regionally accredited instituion..
  • If the coursework (NOT initial or final student teaching) was taken while enrolled in another teacher credential program, a letter of good standing is also required for admission.
*Course Substitution Notes:  
  • Transfer coursework must be equivalent in content/pedagogy, units, and should address California Teaching Performance Expectations (tpe'S)  or contain similar out of state regulatory state teaching performance expectation requirements, and successfully passed with a C or better, and taken at a regionally accredited institution!
  • Due to the changes in CCTC Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE's) resulting in the Single Subject's Teacher Credential Program’s redesign of the teacher performance assessment, the Fresno Assessment of Student Teaching (FAST), and the revamping of the the Single Subject Credential Program core courses: 
  • coursework taken before 2017 can no longer be validated.
  • coursework must be taken within five years from the time the credential program is completed. 
  • Fresno State's Single Subject Teacher Credential Program is NOT an "online" program even though some courses are offered online.

Program Revision Request:

Candidates interested in returning to the Single Subject Credential Program after an absense of two more semesters, and whose previous classes are within the five year limit, need to complete the Prorgam Revision Request Form and obtain prior approval from the Single Subject Credential Coordinator


The Single Subject Credential program contains a total of 34 units of coursework. All coursework in our program can be completed in two or three semesters. If you wish to learn more about the Single Subject Credential program, watch our informative video or attend an information session.

Program Coursework (34 units)

Phase 1: Initial Phase (17 units)

Course Number Course Title Description Units
CI 151 Social Contexts of Teaching and Learning Foundations of education contemporary issues; legal responsibilities; effective involvement with family and community. 3 units
CI 152 Adolescent Learning and Development Psychological theories of teaching and learning, growth and development of adolescents, motivation, classroom management, and student performance and assessment issues.  3 units
LEE 157 Teaching English Learners in Secondary Classrooms Educational issues, methodologies, and materials to improve students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing in content areas at the secondary level (7-12). Special emphasis on skills necessary to deliver comprehensive instruction to English learners. 3 units
CI 161 Methods in Secondary Teaching Planning, delivering, and assessing content-specific instruction; academic and common core standards; identifying specific standards that require literacy strategies. Fall offering: Agriculture, Art, English, Foreign Language, Industrial Technology, Math, Music, Science, Social Science. Spring offering: English & Physical Education 3 units
EHD 155A Initial Student Teaching Student teaching under clinical supervision; assignment requires 15 hours per week, preferably three (3) consecutive hours per day, M-F, or 3.75 hours per day, M-Th.  This course is CR/NC grading only. 4 units
EHD 154A Initial Student Teaching Seminar Seminar to accompany initial student teaching that provides opportunities for candidates to investigate and discuss a variety of topics and strategies and to reflect on issues that surface during their student teaching experience. CR/NC grading only. 1 units

Phase 1 Notes:

  • Phase 1 coursework must be successfully completed prior to beginning Phase 2 coursework. Grades of “I”, “WU”, “D”, or “F” on transcripts will prevent a candidate from moving forward.
  • All Single Subject Credential Candidates are ​expected to remain in EHD 155A student teaching placements until the end of the semester regardless of accumulated clinical practice hours as  all student teaching  classes (EHD 155A and EHD 155B) are earmarked as regular class attendance courses.
  • CI 161 must be taken concurrently with EHD 155A/EHD 154A.

Phase 2: Final Phase (17 units)

Course Number Course Title Description Units
SPED 158 Differentiated Instruction in Secondary For the purpose of establishing an inclusive community of teachers and learners, teacher candidates will appreciate their responsibilities related to IDEA/ADA, and design instruction and learning environments that provide differentiation and choice to meet the needs of all learners, with focus on special populations. 3 units
LEE 156 Content Area Literacy and Communication in Secondary Classrooms Research-based literacy strategies; vocabulary development; academic language; reading comprehension; writing using discipline-specific formats. Teaching content-based reading and writing skills to a full range of students. 3 units
EHD 155B Final Student Teaching Supervised teaching in single subject classroom; assignment is for the full day; five days per week. CR/NC grading only. 10 units
EHD 154B Final Student Teaching Seminar Seminar to accompany final student teaching that provides opportunities for candidates to investigate and discuss a variety of topics and strategies and to reflect on issues that surface during their student teaching experience. CR/NC grading only. 1 unit

Phase 2 Notes:

  • All Single Subject Credential Candidates are ​expected to remain in EHD 155B student teaching placements until the end of the semester regardless of accumulated clinical practice hours as  all student teaching  classes (EHD 155A and EHD 155B) are earmarked as regular class attendance courses.

Program Updates:

  • Due to the changes in CCTC Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE's) resulting in the Single Subject's Teacher Credential Program’s redeisgn of the teacher performance assessment, the Fresno Assessment of Student Teaching (FAST) and the revamping of the Single Subject Teacher Credential Program core courses,  all courses taken before 2017 can no longer be validated.